I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Erm dudes I’m stuck in 1997. My internet speed won’t go above 54kb/s (modem speed) here in North Wales and this waiting for a single page to load for 10 minutes is KILLING ME. I definitely won’t be able to do any replies and blog visits for the next few days hope you understand :( I do miss my blog rounds…
Oh and of course, I left the charger for my blackberry at home so it should creep away to its death soon…This is so hopeless.

For now, some DIY inspirations, or just shoe porn. I do realise these have been around for some time now, the chains-on-shoes idea, but I thought their chain-tassle heels idea was quite refreshing.





Abaete for Payless Fall 09 Collection

Brb later with pictures of cute lambs and stuff, oh I’m becoming soft out here… The number of times I awwwed here for 2 days is equivalent to an year-worth of awws in cold London. Even the seaweed on the rocky beach is awww, damnit.




Jacket H&M | Tunic, Bag Topshop | Pants Gmarket | Shoes Aldo

M(le boyfriend): Why are the pigeons flocking around that girl?

S: Well because Ugg boots look like bread.

I’m going away for New Word Alive starting Monday and will be coming back Saturday, it’ll be like a small holiday for the blog. Except I’m taking my tiny laptop and mobile broadband so technically I’m not really going anywhere. You can’t get rid of me that easily. I’ll be definitely slow on replies and answers though. so bye :)





Jacket ASOS | Scarf, Pants Gmarket | Plaid shirt Uniqlo Men
Bag River Island | Shoes Cutesyshoes


Aldo Wilhemy

Hey guyyyyyz, my brother is wailing in the corner, screaming for his blankie, now look what you’ve done! Well what I’ve done, actually, I was the one asking the dumb question. Sorry. He’s indeed my baby brother by 2.5years – he’s 19 now. I know, baby doesn’t fit too well with that senile face. At least it was a good-ish fight between older 15: younger 12… (Thanks so much for the comments though, I love you all mucho.)

Oh, but to someone someone who said he looks like he’s in his mid-twenties (!!) but younger than me – are you saying I look late twenties? Sobstory of the week, definitely. (I still love you, Kit)

We went shopping, and I went in those heels. Very funny. At least I could pull off a genuine splat sitdown on the shopfloor + I CAN’T WAAAAAALK so I could get those Aldos without guilt.  Temporary guilt, that is. (Buyer’s remorse ETA: 3:23:46)

Oh and here’s one good advice in life. NEVER GO SHOPPING ON A SATURDAY. So I can enjoy the quiet streets all by myself kthxbye.



Jacket Gmarket.co.kr | Scarf Fabricstore | Tshirt I Don’t Like Mondays

Jeans All Saints | Bag DIY Studded Vintage | Shoes H&M

Err so I finally watched Watchmen today. Brilliant picture, except found myself constantly thinking that the blue man needs to wear some panties, really.



Oh yes my brother arrived today, we went to have Korean for dinner. Our evening concluded with an unexpectedly high bill, some digits similar to the price of a pair of shoes. Oh sob, the prices we pay for grub that passes out of our system anyway…

Here’s a question: does he look older or younger than me?

Inspired by the Doo.Ri A/W’09 tights

What you’ll need:
Patterend lace tights (or leggings), very thin needle, thread, scissors, and a set of beads varying from sizes to colours to shapes. I chose two neutral colours (white and cream/gold), one complimentary (blue), one pot of sequin for the sparkle and a satin pearl pot for texture.

Wearing the tights will be the easiest way to apply the beads. Find a patch on the lace where the texture is heavier (on the pattern – the weave is stronger there and should hold the beads better), and slide needle through where you want to start. (Please excuse my chipped nails)

Pull the thread out to the necessary length needed for that section (usually 25-30cm) and make a firm double knot. Thread beads in and sew into the tights. Usually 4-5 beads per time is good for more control with the shape.

Keep varying between beads and sequins and other decorations – once an area is done, finish with a double knot. Snap off thread to start on new section.
Repeat. When doing the other leg, see how they balance out overall on both legs.

Tights H&M | Shoes Chloé

I went for a more royalty-inspired embellishment than the exact copy of Doo.Ri. It turned out to be quite sparkly in real life, so I didn’t have to do as much!
Advice on choice of tights & caring

  • For this kind of beading (vines and chunks) better pick densely-woven tights like mine.
    If you want to do it Doo.Ri style, pick bigger sequins, beads and crystals on sparsely woven tights like bigger laces.
  • If you do choose to do it on lace tights, then wear socks over the feet to prevent them from getting dirty.
  • Handwash for cleaning. Avoid beaded areas.
  • You could even try lace leggings if you don’t feel like such delicate care.
  • Be gentle while putting it on!

Good luck!

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