I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.


Azuma Makoto Atelier, Tokyo












No cello-tape, I promise






Distortion x Flowers




Fish and flowers


Wearing: Floral blouse, Zara. Balloon skirt, ASOS. Heels, Alexander Wang via Vestiaire Collective. DIY Cropped black jeans, Zara.

Ice cream and fresh flowers – two things that I would not mind living and breathing for the rest of my life. Did I read somewhere OREO’s do ice cream cookie sandwiches? I’m smearing peanut butter on my body right now, somebody run to the cornerstore. (Are they actually available in the UK?) Speaking of flowers, today a gust of wind passed through our window and knocked down a vase that had a slightly unhappy bunch of – quote, unquote – dahlias (these are what actual dahlias look like, if you’re curious), and it just happened to land square on a pile of fresh-laundered clothes. FRESHLY WASHED CLOTHES MAN. For your information, dahlia vase-water (slight past expiry date) smells of bum piss. I can swear like a truck driver, another thing I learned today. I may have not entirely sworn off flowers for now but I’m never buying pissin’ dahlias again, even ones with petals.

Anyhow, this is one of my favourite bits from the recent trip to Tokyo with Perrier-Jouët – visiting the artist & designer Azuma Makoto‘s atelier in Aoyama and having a go at flower arrangement into the wire-frame used in his collaboration with Perrier-Jouët on the new Belle Époque Florale bottle. MAN that was difficult, kind of like hanging fairy-lights on wire railing, really gimmicky fairy-lights with random green stick bits that don’t coil. Also, I had no idea there were this many types of foliage in floristry? I can probably name one… lettuce… but I don’t think that was available there, no. At least the session really allowed me to appreciate his work more – you must check out his blog, his work is otherworldly. I love the fact that he doesn’t just work with ready-grown flowers but likes to get right into the middle of life cycle challenging growth patterns (such beautiful hybrids) and reinventing synergy of plant and environment. One word, genius.

Perrier Jouet Press Conference in Happo-en Garden

Intrecciato bag, Bottega Veneta. Dress, ASOS Black. Slingback heels, Zara. Necklace, Dannijo

Dress, ASOS Black. Necklace, Dannijo. Tropical Cardigan, COS

Intrecciato bag, Bottega Veneta. Dress, ASOS Black. Espadrille, Dune

Haleigh Perrier-Jouet community manager and blogger of Making Magique

Intrecciato bag, Bottega Veneta. Dress, ASOS Black. Slingback heels, Zara. Necklace, DannijoTropical Cardigan, COS. Turquoise Watch, Guess; Thank you Haleigh for the snaps!

I’m thinking of writing into weather-forecasting stations in petition for increased visibility on humidity predictions – an icon, perhaps? Or a full-screen alert? Turns out I’d totally missed out on that little percentage squiggle in the corner while packing for this Japan trip. (Merino-wool cardigan, REALLY) So maybe a cute little animated icon illustrating a steamed-up bus window and a game of tic-tac-toe? The closer to steamroom levels the closer chance to X-ing out? Condensation streaming down sad little O’s who’d lost the game? My dear Far East, believe it or not we Europeans fly in with two cardigans in our carry-on and a bank of layering pieces that make up a considerate portion in our luggage, and let’s not forget that terrifying idea that an ill-caught evening chill will knock out any remaining health coins and hence shorten our already-short life spans. Have a little sympathy for us weaklings! Make a Humidity Reminder song! Maybe Pikachu can sing it!

I digress. Aside from the humidity thing, which actually wasn’t that much of an issue despite the rant (turns out that I’m technically very Asian afterall), the one thing I absolutely dig about Tokyo is how neat and clean the city is. Not just in the manner of garbage or littering, but the fact that the buildings, street detailing (fences, railings, blocks in the pavement) and general life’s accessories (bicycles, cars, little pots on the road) are all in perfect alignment, as if considerate of the overall arrangement. Then you start noticing that kind of consideration in people as well in the etiquette and lifestyle, which I realised is something one specifically needs to be in Japan to experience… it’s such a beautiful city.

Thank you Perrier-Jouët for such a wonderful experience, more to come!

Haro Tokyo!

Alain Ducasse ‘Beige’ at the top of Chanel building in Ginza district

Wearing a DIY Scarf dress made by Kit, second to last photo thanks to Haleigh, community manager of Perrier Jouet & blogger (Making Magique)

So yeaahh, Tokyo’s alright.

The mad lady who usually writes here is now sitting in a corner with a cone hat for putting ‘alright’ in a sentence with Tokyo. Hear me out though, practically everything in this blog is categorized into either ‘box of kittens with rainbow tails’ or ‘bag of steaming camel poop’, but you and I both know Tokyo doesn’t fall into either or even that curt space in between, so I believe we’re in desperate need of a new adjective. ‘Alright’ will have to do for now – plus, I’ve booked in six hours of Redbull-fused intranet trawling in hopes of finding something that might trump a litter of kittens (let’s give pugs and pandas a chance) but I’m also open to suggestions. Let me help by saying how fantastic it is to be here. To me, this is the source of my childhood – Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, One Piece, Detective Conan, Azumanga Daioh… and oh my goodness, POKÉMON. Actually, if we include Pokémon then it’s the source of most of my adult life as well. I also believe I had a successful primary-school education thanks to some genius at the TV station who thought it was a good idea to play Dragonball Z at 7:30 in the morning which meant my brother and I got up like clockwork and didn’t stage morning coups with the alarm (aka mother). Nowadays I don’t even get up for the damn fire alarm. It’s not just that, but growing up a foreigner in Poland meant I permanently carried this silent heart longing for a ‘home town’ and so many things in Tokyo reminded me of the frequent dreams I’d have of Seoul as a kid. The journey was 17 hours with a layover in Dubai, but by the time we were out of the airport parking my half wilting body didn’t seem to remember, or mind, as I craned forward determined not to miss a single thing.

A massive thank you to Perrier-Jouët for the most generous invitation; much more to come, keep your eyes peeled!

Edit on Photo from The Atlantic

I hope you don’t mind if I pause the fashion tape for a moment and ask for your attention to the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. I know you’re hearing it from everywhere, but I’m rather glad for that because this ain’t no Celine handbag plastered on every other blog/website/whathaveyou. This is a rug, yanked from under people’s feet and then confiscated and shredded. Please help in any way possible, be it in form of a prayer, donation or even physical help.

And if you’re asking how’s a prayer going to help – God heals and restores, what more can anyone ask for when everything’s broken?

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