I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

ASOS SS11 Pressday November 4th 2011 @ Victoria House

Seeing that I’ll be cameraless for a few days I thought I’d give the backlog a good shovelling session… turns out I’m also backlogless with my hard drive over at a slumber party somewhere else… oy vey. Thankfully found this ASOS SS11 pressday post has been lingering in the drafts cabinet since November of last year. I’d like to say it was warming up the bench but as always the truth is that Susie of ASOS had put out a shush note until an appropriate time closer to release and judging by what they’re bringing to the table it looks more like a secret card than a benchwarmer. Particularly fond of the perspex heels, pop-colour bags and the ASOS Africa collection (second to last row) – I know this will be my catchphrase come fashionweek, but Summer where art thou? Take a cab, will thou?

Looks like ASOS just launched a Facebook app store, novelty! Not sure I’d like to advertise to everyone that I like to shell out at ASOS at 4am in the morning but there’s an option to turn that off, right?

Leo DiCaprio lookalike model is Erik from Sweden – email me for his details, I will sell it to you.

If I was any good at dressing my Ken dolls I believe I would’ve played many more scenarios other than deranged beach guard meets Barbie or bachelorette party surprise-appearance Ken… basically the ones that require more than the sculpted boxers and a ribbon around the head. I don’t really mind what my man dresses like, as long as he’s God fearing and has unquestionable integrity, but when it comes to garment musing I find myself having more appreciation for menswear than womenswear. The Braille pop-up shop was open in Shoreditch in December 2010 (how long have I not fed Ken whom I’ve been holding hostage in my backlog…) – the SS11 collection, ‘Colt’, was inspired by modernist designs of Palm Springs and the natural landscape of Agua Caliente Canyon. The designs display an unmistakable Graphic Design attitude with calculated clean lines and symmetry – and sure enough, the founders (Samuel Kientsch and Benjamin Vorono) are from GD backgrounds. Oh the sweet sound of hope instilled again concerning my own future… sounds like kaching but that’s probably my new ringtone.

Thank you Michael from SpotComms for inviting me down!

White sheer blouse – Courtesy of AA, Leather skirt – Vintage, Knit coat – Topshop Unique, Shoes – Topshop, Bag & Belt – Courtesy of JHYoo

Just around the corner from Sloane Street where MCM Rain event took place, wee

Just a quick note, not mainly because it’s that time of month and general coherency for a grammatically sound paragraph is held hostage by dominatrix hormones, I’m off to Warsaw again on the 1st of February. I don’t mean to shift clouds around and cause polarbears to play Twister on broken icecaps, (ok that’s just a really sad image, sorry) but this time is the visa trip. If nature could so kindly provide me with a UK visa tree, I would cut down on my carbon footprint considerably… hello, any unloved frogs want to evolve into a tree? Although, it won’t be long till the UK government decides to chop them down to fuel the blowdryers they used to melt the snow at Heathrow airport a month ago.

Thank you Kit for the shots!

Outfit: Top – DIY FCUK, Skirt – Storets.com, Shoes – H&M, Furry pouch – ASOS, Long vest – Gmarket; Prints by La Boca as part of promotional graphics;

Don’t we often say ‘I know it’s really bad, but what do you think about…’ just to put a cushion down first before a potential bad review? Black Swan did exactly that in the first 10 minutes into the film. “Done to death” was one of Vincent Cassel’s lines describing Swan Lake in the movie, and there he beat me to the chase – the cushion was laid and I had to hold my tongue about the genericness of the subject. And from that point on I had to accept that the film was not going to be another box standard dance school flicks where the climax is when the protagonist is grounded by her mother. Gladly I’m tough trained in blood & gore after years of being steeped into war movies, but I really couldn’t stop the chills running up and down my body during the screening. Well I guess that can be called ‘refreshing’.  The Ballerina trend is indeed done to death but I think this time it’s going to be different because Black Swan was very little of the dainty feather muffs and white tutus, but more of the saturated evil of the dark swan twin that we always seem to neglect.

The pre-screening event was another one of Robinson Pfeffer‘s bountiful functions, including a Barre class held at Frame studio in Shoreditch. (If the screening came before the class we’d have expected our reflections to move on its accord) A generous dance kit was provided by Bloch, and a smoky-eye makeover by MAC Cosmetics, and off we went hobbling over the bars clutching our butts that were spilling out of the leotards… At least whatever I lost in that class got returned to the rightful owner while shoving down fistfuls of popcorn at the Aubin cinema during the screening.

Thank you Pascal for the outfit shots

Trench & Umbrella – Uniqlo, Dress -Mum’s old, Tights – Courtesy of Gal Stern, Shoes – H&M, Bodypiece – Surround by Brook & Lyn (courtesy of Mimi), Bag – JHYoo

Product photos from Surround by Brook & Lyn

Never in my life I’ve had to say ‘Hello? My eyes are up here‘ – maybe once in a while I’ll do some promotion and say ‘Hello, my boobs are down here’. I kid. Thanks to Mimi’s Surround body rope I’ve had curious stares at my chest the whole day, but more so because the trio of agate rocks also look like windows into my chest and everyone saw, that in the cave, there was no heart present. I am indeed a cold cold woman. There’s this beautiful ephemeral quality that I love in Agate where the crystals look like they are still stirring and reacting endlessly. I just can’t help but thank God for such delicious surprises in nature as these.
The stone is first enclosed in a hand-crocheted frame, and then the rope is sewn on – and most of this personally done by Mimi the designer herself. It’s rather amusing to know that not under a year ago Brook & Lyn was a blog not dissimilar to this one, and in a  few months she upended it into a whole brand. I should really stop moping about jobs and visas and look for rocks.

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Thank you Ellen for the outfit photos!

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