I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.




Sweattop Uniqlo | Dress Black Luna Vintage Ebay | Shoes H&M | Bag River Island


Why the name Park & Cube? [Maria]This is going to sound corny and cliché, but since you asked… Park is my last name, so that one’s easy – the corny starts at Cube.

I realised how fashion blogs can easily turn into something overly materialistic and shallow in content, so I was quite determined to give this blog some depth. I took the idea of a typical square image, and basically gave it more depth in a physical sense. So a 2D, flat or ‘shallow’ element gains depth and becomes a 3D cube. That’s where the Cube is from. Don’t get it? Don’t worry, I don’t really get it either.

Do you have any DIY-projects you’d love to try, but haven’t yet? [Maria]

I’d love to try something like this, jacket embellishment using thick-width ribbons, subtle but bold at the same time. (Found in Anywho)


What’s your favourite area in London? [Zara]


Can’t say I really have a favourite, but I do love the Docklands. Not many people know about it since it’s not really a part of the tourbus route – this is where Canary Wharf is, the business sector of London. No, I don’t hang out with depressed stockbrokers, I just like how the river and concrete meet – sort of like a hypermodern Venice. There are residental areas where flats look out straight onto a canal – One day I’d like to live in one of those flats and toss leftover pizza crusts right out the window for the swans. Convenient waste disposal, I must say.


Google Images: Docklands

What three things would you bring to a desert island? [Phuong]

  • TV
  • DVD Player
  • Band of Brothers Boxset


Google Images: Band of Brothers

Given that I won’t need to build myself a mini wind generator for electricity cuz I so suck at manuals.

What you’ll need
Victim jeans, Narrow cutting board or cardboard piece, knife, Vacuum Cleaner

Slide the cutting board into the leg – this is to avoid the back side being slashed.

It’s best if you wore the jeans to see where to start slashing. I started just above the knee. Start slashing the jeans horizontally – Do them in sections instead of the whole width of the jean for more destroyed effect.

Slash first, then scrape off the denim to reveal the threads.

Pull out the denim fluff and discard. This will cause considerate amount of dust, so have a vacuum cleaner ready.

Since the dawn of the skinnyjeans era, Boot cut jeans have been neglected and pushed into the back of the wardrobe doubling as nests for Narnia refugees. What, I found a family of badgers in my stash, and a small talking-ant colony in the back pocket, go check yours. Anyway, I thought this could be a good DIY to bring them back into wear. I think it’d look good for the whole length of the jeans if you’re daring enough.

A few tips:

  • For choice of denim, a semi-thick, spring jeans would work the best. Avoid thin summer jeans or thick winter jeans.
  • I’m serious about the dust – apart from the denim fluff, there will be actual dust – so if you’re allergic, better see if you could use a dustmask or a handkerchief.
  • For maximum effect, destroy the whole width of the jeans.
  • Washing tips: Turn jeans inside out, put into a pillow case and wash in a delicate cycle. Washing will make the jeans fray more, so it could be an idea to slash less and then shove it into the washing machine for the fraying effect. Can’t guarantee similar result though.



Jacket ASOS | Sequin Vest MNG | Shorts Topshop | Shoes Nine West | Bag River Island | Top FCUK




Yuh, motorcyclist café/diner all the way in Zone 3, North London. Not my idea, it was all Ellen’s doing. Elface, you may have a beard and a beer belly but why drag me into it!?

Actually it was research for her design-a-restaurant brief. That place was definitely intimidating with all the buff bikers stomping around, emitting leather scented testosterone like exhaust fume, but somehow I felt content to be in the company of a community that is formed purely out of passion for one common thing: motorcycles. Personally, passion seems like the healthiest form of expression in a human being, a true gift from God.

The place is called The Ace Cafe, their jacket potato is the shizzle.





Jacket Gift from mum’s friend | Pants Gmarket | Wedgest H&M | Tshirt AA | Bag Topshop

Are you blind yet? Sorry about the pictures, the yellow is overburnt – which really can’t be helped when you have Lightsabres as legs, you could cut steak with my shins.

qaWho takes your pictures? [Mira]

In London 85% of the time my friend Ellen takes my outfit pictures, 10% done by my bf, and then an occasional 5% by my brother. In Poland my mother and brother share the privilege of snapping (at) me.
All the DIY tutorial photos and photos taken inside my flat are done with my minion tripod and an army of  kittens. (They braid my hair on my pee break)

What is your favourite kind of breakfast? [Shin]

Pot roast? I’m not much of a breakfast person but when I do have one I think my favourite will always be very fruity pancakes + maple syrup combo – good healthy dose of sugar to jumpstart the day.

What’s your favourite colour? [Chloe]

Yellow. I guess it sort of defines my personality, you know, CAUTION, HAZARDOUS..etc.

How do you put your outfits together? [M]

I always start off with one statement item, be it in shape or colour – then I run around the flat half naked trying to build on top of that. I think once you have your big piece, everything else will fall in with all the necessary basics. Although, problem arises when I start out with a basic piece, then I end up changing 4 times and running out late without shoes. I suck at accessorizing so depending on outfit I either skip it alltogether or take way too long trying to untangle a necklace that sucks to begin with.





Jacket Gmarket | Dress as top Indian store in Poland | Jeans DIY Slashed Uniqlo | Shoes Topshop | Bag Men’s River Island






Currently hovering mid-air thrashing my legs around trying not to touch the floor as that would mean I need to resume my student status and actually go to uni. Hey, I happen to like the prestigious hobo occupation, check my CV, I totally quality.

(I’ll get back to Q&A asap, thanks for whipping me, some of you.)

In the meantime, can you smell that dear old Ellen is back? Thank you always for the pictures, stinkypoo.

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