Jacket Gift from mum’s friend | Pants Gmarket | Wedgest H&M | Tshirt AA | Bag Topshop
Are you blind yet? Sorry about the pictures, the yellow is overburnt – which really can’t be helped when you have Lightsabres as legs, you could cut steak with my shins.

In London 85% of the time my friend Ellen takes my outfit pictures, 10% done by my bf, and then an occasional 5% by my brother. In Poland my mother and brother share the privilege of snapping (at) me.
All the DIY tutorial photos and photos taken inside my flat are done with my minion tripod and an army of kittens. (They braid my hair on my pee break)
What is your favourite kind of breakfast? [Shin]
Pot roast? I’m not much of a breakfast person but when I do have one I think my favourite will always be very fruity pancakes + maple syrup combo – good healthy dose of sugar to jumpstart the day.
What’s your favourite colour? [Chloe]
Yellow. I guess it sort of defines my personality, you know, CAUTION, HAZARDOUS..etc.
How do you put your outfits together? [M]
I always start off with one statement item, be it in shape or colour – then I run around the flat half naked trying to build on top of that. I think once you have your big piece, everything else will fall in with all the necessary basics. Although, problem arises when I start out with a basic piece, then I end up changing 4 times and running out late without shoes. I suck at accessorizing so depending on outfit I either skip it alltogether or take way too long trying to untangle a necklace that sucks to begin with.