I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Sweater – Next, Skirt – H&M, Belts – Jin Yoo 103684, Shoes – Zara, Bracelet – Scrap rom CSM Jewellery studio

Jazmine, Moi, Nic, Sabine, MJ, Adele, Jen , Sarah, Sherin, Vicki

(Went a bit Pascal Fashion Bits & Bobs-style in the outfit collage due to staff shortage…)

Unfortunately this will be my last challenge for Take10 – I’ve decided to leave the project due to time management issues… and looks like I’m actually going out with a bang. By bang I mean a hyper-destructive explosion that caused the birth of this toxic sweater. I’m going to be honest, because in this superficial business of fashion the appeal of us bloggers is that we can’t be bought (with a free sweater) for a good review… If this teaches someone something, i.e Next to stop making itchy sweaters, then it really is a win-win tactic. It’s rather uncanny because, Next is doing so well nowadays with affordable trend and I’ve constantly been impressed, but if Andrea’s ‘lumpy blue sweater’ from the Devil Wears Prada trickled down from a designer collection, can someone enlighten me which designer inspired this creation?

I just wanted to thank the Take10 girls for the wonderful companionship in the past few months of teamwork! I guess I didn’t expect there would be so much logistics and effort required for this to run… I salute you comradesses! Do keep following the Take10 project via Twitter & Facebook!

Adiós Take 10!

Write a Comment


  1. your look is my favorite! i love it!

  2. I second the above comment! <3


  3. this looks amazing. loving the combination of texture. By far my favorite among the rest. Loved the Andrea’s “lumpy blue sweater” comment.


  4. that maxi skirt is so chic, loving the top too, great detail

  5. AH! I just wore this skirt last night! I am obsessed with it and feel ultra sophisticated in it!!

  6. you, as the others look amazing. and this skirt is really wow, i must go to h&m to find it! sorry to see you leave the project, i would have liked to ‘work’ with you ;-)

  7. Fantastic brown boots!

  8. this looked like a really fun thing to get involved with and you definitely gave some of the more interesting outfits. that maxi skirt looks much more high end than H&M is lovely

  9. Aw,I shall miss your take ten commentary, Shini
    Beautiful skirt, I thought it would be vintage, but no good old Hennes! Must dig out my maxis from my old goth days, i’m sure there’s a similar version around here somewhere, i’ll just have ensure the smell of peach concorde has been entirely laundered out ;)
    About the itchy jumper/nasty sweater/bane of our blogs, ugh, i know it was a relief to get the posts up and give it to it’s biggest fan, skimpy the cat. At least it’s made someone happy

  10. We love this look with Magda! <3

  11. Your look is great!!!!!!!!!

  12. Jasmin

    You always have the most creative yet classic looks!


  13. amazing look !!!!


  14. I just love the way you styled that sweater.
    Good luck with upcoming projects!


  15. Aw, I adore all of the outfits! ♥♥

    Little Miss Curious

  16. I’m going to GET that skirt to replace my ripped floor length crepe-chiffon dress.
    Love the styling.

  17. hahahaha, shini. i just adore the way you write. i said is excatly the same thing, next has some lovely pieces in store but this was NOT one of them. i’d never write a good review in exchange for free clothes, i think it is actually rather refreshing to see us give it not-so-good reviews, as i haven’t really seen many bloggers write negatively about free clothes before. i love the maxi skirt, your styling was lovely. i must get myself to h&m.

    jazmine. xx

  18. Ditto what everyone has said. We cannot, will not, be bought! Right on, Sister.

    What I find fascinating is that it’s not just the aesthetics that pissed everyone off, it’s the (alleged) itchiness (I haven’t tried it on). Isn’t it funny, when it comes down to it, fashion is fashion but we’re talking about CLOTHING for goodness sake: if it doesn’t even feel good on our skin, there’s our answer.

    Well, they did promise a Challenge.. xx

  19. i’m soo into pleats nowdays…especially maxi dresses….but this is a beautiful skirt…and its perfectly styled with the sweater…oh..and how i hate ‘itchy’ sweaters……

  20. g.

    I’ll probably never understand the fascination connected with these long skirts.. But I do admit that you look fabulous, as always.

  21. You look effortlessly amazing.

  22. Your look it defo one of the better ones :) Loving the black maxi!


  23. I like to see that the Zara boots look worn!

  24. aaaaaaaaaaaaa I love this skirt !!! so beautiful !!

  25. the knit goes so well with the maxi skirt!!!!


  26. I love the pleated skirt and boots, the jumper looks lovely tucked in. I love how honest everyone’s been during this challenge, I think £38 is a lot for something that doesn’t even contain any wool or cotton, but that’s just the knitter in me speaking. Great effort though!

  27. I’m sad to hear you won’t be continuing as a Take 10 girl, you’ve brought such uniqueness to it. And you’ve worked wonders with this sweater, which is surely your biggest challenge to date! x

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  29. Definitely going out with a bang! You managed to style that difficult sweater sooo well. I certainly wouldn’t have picked it up or even have gone near it if I had seen it in Next (it’s those two perfect ‘rips’ on the front I think and er…the sparkliness) but you make it work!

  30. You look absolutely amazing! Yours is definitely my favorite; though I love Jazzabelle’s too! Also, are you a dancer? You always carry yourself with great poise! *Envy* And I love the way you write; you’re amazing!!! <3

  31. Nice take on the sweater.I especially love the first row of outfits

    Vi from Cali

  32. I really wish our H&M had this skirt. Its perfect and I love the pairing with the sweater and boots!!! looks amazing.


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