I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Coat – Anywho x Kobra, Sweater – Gmarket, Dress – COS, Shoes – Nine West

I know my way around the neighbourhood, and Guess is not an alley I usually go down. Of course, having the tendency of an alleycat when it comes to blogging, I gave it a good snooping session at the Vogue & Guess Jewellery event in February – a sniff here and a nibble there. Turns out it’s not all just bling + all-American girls + bedazzled enviable chest lumps. This is not me saying hey sparkle-overload, you’re awesome, but they do have the odd great item that shine among the bling. Ironically the ‘treasures’ – the simpler items – were hidden amidst the classic Guess forest. For me the only thing that can sparkle on the chest is when I’m a loser vampire in a badly written book.

Thank you Charlotte for inviting me down; and thank you Abi for the outfit shots!

Coat – Mum’s Deni Cler, Dress – Mum’s Fürnkranz, Shoes – Nine West, Cashmere Scarf – Uniqlo, Bag & Belt – JHYoo

The minute I stepped outside Warsaw airport it was WHAM, a scratchy slap across my face with the rotten realization that I’ve been painstakingly lugging around 23kg of junk that’s altogether suitable for a different climate. As always, I’d completely underestimated the bitterness of -18Cº (-0.4Fº) and packed inadequately; forgive me, but UGGs are starting to make more sense now. There’s only so much shuffling I can do in my mother’s wardrobe to seem like nothing was missing during the raid, but I was never able to fool her by scattering food all over the dinnerplate to seem like I’m done – so I don’t really suppose I’ll get away with this.

On a separate note, these photos were taken by Yoo and Ji today, two cheerful 11 year olds in my church. Granted, I had to juggle a few snowballs to lure them away from their friends and plant some enthusiasm by turning the photoshoot into a game of sorts… those who’ve ever babysat will agree: the Who Cleans Up First Wins! game is so so soo deceiving and fun. I did all the camera settings and quickly explained how the focus works, and said the one with most focused photos will win. I forget the score but I think I won.

Evil, who, me?







Nonsense, Mr Lamp is NOT for sale, he is merely supervising the stall while I get a burrito.

The rest of the 6 pairs of shoes are, though. While I was moving into my new apartment I realised how many shoes I adopted just to make them orphans in my own closet. So here they all are, looking at you with droopy eyes, how could you resist!?






Silk Dress Zara | White dress, bag Gmarket | Shoes Nine West | DIY cut stockings





Finally had some time to drive into the center today, forgot how beautiful Warsaw was – really doesn’t help when the three most visited places in Warsaw are home, church and the closest MALL. Hey, believe it or not I’m a regular mall rat. They even have a statue of me in the foodcourt, tall long-haired thing licking a bronze icecream with shopping bags in tow, mounted on white marble with gold-embossed inscription that reads:

Please help us remove this statue
No reserve price, GET IT NOW

Clearly, I take it for granted the many awesome places by growing up here – and the fact that I’ve gone through the explore Warsaw phase a few years ago. Now I’m suddenly feeling like I haven’t even seen a fraction of it, must set out on a quest this August.

Hope you’re all well.






Vest Gmarket | Dress as top Topshop | Skirt H&M | Shoes Nine West | Bag Etsy

Sorry about that second photo. I’m obviously slightly hungover from that flight back home – DEVIL CHILDREN… Turns out I’ve brought back 3kg more phat as a souvenir from the Turkey trip, how very memorable.

Well, I’ll check back later, I bled sleep on that damned flight and I’m a bit anemic.

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