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I've moved on... a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Shirt-dress – Courtesy of Flik Hall, Pants – Zara DIY cut-off jeans, Shoes – Courtesy of Heavy Machine, Bag – ASOS, Jacket – Barbour

I think I may have discovered a new fruit, ladies and gentleman. Events from the past few days have helped uncover the existence of a magical species, in the same family as the banana, the ba-radioactive-neon-green-peel-lining-nana. I have discovered that, despite my entire life in a Western setting with aspirations not unlike an American teenager’s (running a Babysitter’s club, going to prom, getting punched by a mean girl), there is powerful Asian tiger-mum blood coursing through my veins, melting vital organs. If I had it my way, the London Riots would be dealt with kimchi-smeared fingers and a putter club from daddy’s golf-shrine. Yes, some say the riots were the cries of the neglected underclass, the abandoned youth deprived of role models, but before questioning the government on bad parenting, punishment should be ruthless. I personally don’t believe in beating as part of child raising, but a stick has always been a part of my childhood, and I can’t deny that there was always a lesson to be learnt behind every strike. So I don’t steal, well, except from looters, I’ll strip the hoodies off your back and DIY the crap out of it. Hide yo kids, hide yo wives.

There’s no doubt those involved in such shameful, disgusting acts have deserved the ‘Scum’ title, and it’s clear that the rule-abiding citizens have proved our worth by not retaliating but instead cleaning after the idiots, but please let’s do our best to train them not to soil the carpet in the first place. Use a water gun, or a rolled-up newspaper, give them good role models, invest in their future…

Thank you Alice (of Alicepoint) for helping with the shots

Shirt dress – On loan from Flik Hall SS10, Jeans – Courtesy of Levi’s, Shoes – H&M, Socks – Happy Socks, Bag – Courtesy of Chanel, Coat – Zara

Oh so this was the day it rained cows and peanuts and the puddles were out to get the socks. Let’s say the socks weren’t very ‘Happy’ by the time I got home at the end of the day, ‘wet carpet’ might’ve been a better term. Looking at these photos of LFW while eating my umpteenth Lindt chocolate ball and wiping my hands on my blue pyjamas feels like fashionweek is now some Disney terminology. So any moment the photos can break out into a song… of mining diamonds, of course, the princess song is saved for the likes of Abbey Lee Kershaw or Alexa Chung.

Thank you Kit for the shots!!

Leather coat – Massimo Dutti (gift from mummy), Dress – borrowed from LiLee (Intelligent PR), Leggings – Flik Hall, Shoes – Office, Bag – Courtesy of Chanel, Polkadot shirt – MotelRocks; Flowers picked up at Meadham Kirchhoff

Thank you Kit for the photos! LFW Day 5; 22/02/2011;

Dear reader,

I understand, a few months ago I said sorry about not having enough DIYs and for letting this blog run wild. So I understand that when there’s so much of this LFW/events thing and none of the DIY, you might feel disappointed. Let me clear a few things and update you on why you might find this blog now ‘boring’ and untrue to what I am. I have just recently graduated, unemployed and doing my best to sustain for myself. This blog is not run on cookies and pencil shavings, there are hosting & maintenance fees that are not low. Have you ever wondered what it costs not to have an ad?  This was a decision I made mostly for the reader’s sake, for your viewing pleasure. As an unemployed, I frankly do not have resources to go out and buy DIY materials. Those chains that get sewn onto victim trousers? – I don’t find them in skips. And contrary to what you might think, I don’t get paid for writing this blog, I might get free clothes but since when do we survive on polyester fibre? Instead, I’ve tried my best at sharing quality content, which means splitting time to personally experience the things I share with  you so that it’s not the same magazine clipping you saw a few seconds ago somewhere else.

It just hurts me to think all this effort spent simply boils down to boring. You’re entitled to your opinion and I appreciate that, but this is mine. DIY, sure – it’ll come back once I find stable ground, albeit slowly, but for now I’m just trying to deliver as best as I can with the resources that I have. Hope you understand.

Lookbook images taken from Flik Hall

This is the best bit really, of blogging I mean. Invitations to lush events and goodies in Fed-ex envelops… yes, it’s all very nice and feeds the gluttony plump but if I can’t even find time to do DIY tutorials in hope that you, readers, don’t leave empty handed, then I want to shove amazing talent like this in your pocket before you go. I haven’t necessarily unearthed Flik Hall – evidently she’s been at large since AW10 – but then again I live under a rock (shaped like a duvet). Her studio in Hackney Wick was foamclad, both on the singlepane windows and her AW11 collection – first seemed to me as an alternative punk reference, it turns out the philosophy of her designs ran deeper than simple textural bling.

“The Ghost in the Machine” ideas initially transpired from looking into the realms of free will and the bonds of fate. It came down to the conflicts as to whether we have true control over ourselves, are we every completely free? “The past controls the present and

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future. You can’t control the past. Also you can’t control the way the past controls the present and future” So, you can’t control the present and future.

The prints in the collection illustrate what it might be for another being or a mass is looking birds eye into our world – so the foam represented rooftops of houses, both man made and mass produced. My favourite bit probably was the pattern on the black skirt – she called it the ‘Skyscraper’ skirt, meaning that the glossy square print was the tops of buildings. It’s so clever I’m gonna die.