I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a changeā€”a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.





Tshirt H&M Skirt Republic.co.uk Boots Zara Bag Solar Harnesses AllSaints

I pulled an all-nighter last night doing something that the tutor looked at for 5 minutes. So I slept through half the workshop, all the while pretending to code a program, which in the end consisted of something like ‘ddddwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww’ and kept giving errors…I have a W imprinted on my cheek, if you look closely you might even see the tip of the Q and a slight peak of A.

The rest of the half I spent it with Akinator, the Web Genie playing charades, (I’m serious, he guesses right ALL THE TIME) and honked a laugh at him when he didn’t know who Erin Wasson was. (Try using the models, you’ll beat him always.) Oh, if you want the whole class and the tutor’s attention, laugh out loud at a web genie, and maybe punch the air a few times hissing YESSS YESS.

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  1. I love fringed boots. This season I bought some pairs in different colour.

    Yours are lovely.



  2. Lovely boots!

  3. it’s now guarenteed. if i need a laugh i come look at your blog. if i need a smile i look at your clothes. inspration comes with the latter as well. lovely as always!


  4. I love your boots, your outfits are always soo inspiring. the skirt is soo pretty:)

  5. you are effortlessly chic

  6. LOVE it!
    and i completely agree with Victoria above

  7. your boots are so perfect. and i love your skirt! i didn’t realize how long your hair is…it’s so pretty.

    btw, i tagged you (sorry). haha

  8. Love the harness! I need to make me one out of suspenders somehow…

  9. Danielle

    Yay harness!

  10. I actually laughed out loud, yet again. You are hilarious, and super stylish. The best combo =D

  11. lovely lovely boots and outfit. you look very relaxed.
    and i laughed a little reading your story, which is cruel – i’m sorry you had to stay up all night!

  12. Very nice outfit!

    & for what it’s worth, I think you’re effortlessly chic, always. :D


  13. hahaha I love your story about the web genie. It made my day (night?) because I just pulled an all-nighter myself, studying for finals…and now we have no school because of snow. happy day (night?)

    And your boots are seriously wicked. I don’t even like fringe and I’m coveting those so hard.

  14. I ADORE your fringed boots hon!! you look smashing :) and cherades is one of the best games..i myself actually played hangman today at work! haha so there you go!

    also I have just issued you with a blog award honey xxx LM

  15. love the boots I ALWAYS end up doing the less necessaary things with great passion

  16. The boots are unexpected and therefore great with the whole outfit! Did I read it wrong aren’t you in London? Isn’t it freezing??

  17. hahaha. You make me laugh so bad!
    AKINATOR… I feel so proud when he doesn’t find who I was thinking of.

    I tried these boots on last time I went to zara. I loved them so much but I finally haven’t bought them. I picked flat black ones instead (my mops hahaha they’re so comfortable!)

  18. Love the boots!

  19. lovely boots and lovely site

  20. That’s a really lovely skirt.

  21. Shini, how in the WORLD can you wear a short-sleeve shirt in the kind of weather you have over there in Europe?????

    You are too brave!

  22. I love the colors you’ve combined + those boots are to die for * * * *

  23. Fabulous outfit and photos – wow!
