I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.



Polo-neck – Uniqlo heattech. Peg trousers – ASOS White. Bag – 3.1 Phillip Lim Pashli satchel. Belt – Marni via the Outnet. Coat – Mango. Shoes – Topshop. Snood – DIY; Thank you Kit for helping with the pics!

Nearly seven years and I still feel like I’m not part of this relationship. This ongoing, abusive at times, although occasionally enthralling relationship with London. I guess the one good thing about it is that it’s an open one so I can make out with Paris, NY, Warsaw without the fear entering into a nasty divorce where I lose half my assets (nectar points at Sainsbury’s mostly), although perhaps there lies the problem…? I’ve been punched around by inefficient performance in banking, transport and OH MY GOODNESS the weather, but sometimes it reveals such hidden beauty I fall right back head-over-heels in love. Like when it does this, or the Notting Hill area par example, which I’d completely forgotten about living in the other side of town. It’s like swapping sleeping sides and suddenly realizing he/she’s pretty sexy from this side of the bed. Of course, the weather thing still makes London essentially an asshole because believe it or not, these photos were taken back in November 2012 when Winter was just arriving and guess what, I just stuck my hand out the window and it’s exactly the same temperature. IT’S NEARLY APRIL, AND STOP LEAVING YOUR SOCKS AROUND THE HOUSE WILL YOU.

Although clearly I’m the man in the relationship judging by how I dress.

Write a Comment


  1. so in love with your shots, as always


  2. cool place!

    xoxo from rome

  3. Danielle

    Ahh enchanting London.. If only I can ever break up with you.. :-)

  4. Beautiful photos! I have never been to Notting Hill, but I really should! Love your outfit as well!


  5. Love the coat! I too wish the weather would warm up though, it’s absolutely freezing. Where are you spring?!

  6. Off and on relationship or not, you and London definitely look great together. I can’t wait to visit Notting Hill! My husband and I will be visiting London for the first time this year…

  7. Beautiful photos! I love your bag!
    Fashion Ganache.

  8. Dzisiaj w Warszawie spadło mnóstwo śniegu – biorąc pod uwagę to, że specjalnie przełozyłam swoją pierwszą w życiu podróż do Londynu na poczatek kwietnia “żeby było cieplej” ten śnieg powinien przynajmniej poczekać do prima aprillis. I tak odwiedze Notting Hill za troche ponad tydzien, śniegu.

  9. Love this, and it sums up how I feel about living here, too! But as you said, at least we can freely get away without consequence (and maybe you can find some sunshine and warm temperatures), and there are great escapes in the city, too. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that spring comes soon, and that we don’t need to flee just yet!

  10. I am so with you on the weather front. I feel like I’ve been wearing my coat solidly for 6 months, it’s SO time for lighter layers and no scarf. Alas, my garden still has a little snow and I am still clutching a hot drink like it’s a water bottle. Is that Kit in the lilac scarf?

  11. Hopefully the weather starts cooperating more spring-like soon. We’re pretty poopy in Canada, northern USA right now. No fun. :(

  12. Bri

    Beautiful shots as always.
    And I love your shoes.



  13. Always in love with your writing !

    UK is certainly not my cup of tea for its weather. I went to London last year on January and I thought my last day had come because during my one week trip there I didn’t see a beam of sun and counting that the night there during this season arrives really quickly, I thought I was going to end up depressive.
    This said kudos for the Londoners to be able to live in such an environment..

    Besides this fact I enjoyed the town very much, I like its swarming, it has a definitely a different feel than Paris and Milan. It was funny to see all these photographers from ASOS or TOPSHOP going around the city to shoot people and as a matter of fact I was shot which made me feel like..a peacock.

    Side note of the story : I did loose half of my assets in this city..

    Shug Avery of Incognito


  14. fantastic bundled look!

  15. may i steal your whole closet?


  16. lol~ Love the metaphor! I had a smile on my face the whole time I read the paragraph.
    Thank you for giving us a glimpse of Notting Hill!

  17. ah, the weather! it’s definitely a love/hate relationship! but maybe it makes us appreciate the sun/heat so much more when it does arrive! (ie boys in green park taking their shirts off at the slightest temp above 20 degrees, & girls donning bikinis!). It may or may not have influenced my decision to scoot off to Rwanda for the whole of June…

    Love the rhubarb picture especially.

    Katie x

  18. I love the uniqlo polo neck, I may have to roll on down to pick up one of those myself! Notting hill is so pretty, I wonder at which point we’ll pack our bags and move over to that side of town..

  19. Love your knotted belt and bag. I too am hating this weather, every morning I wake up to snow, it’s nearly Easter!

  20. ahh Shini, you crack me up. I feel like you’re yelling inside my head when i read your prose

  21. I want to wallpaper my entire house in your photos. Seriously. Maybe my car too.

  22. I love your texts! and the photos and your outfits…London is beautiful, but I love Warsaw, the young generation is amazing, there is movement and energy in the city.

  23. Very nice pictures:) I love that place!!


  24. The relationship suits you :) Great pictures. I’d love to go back to London.

  25. The proportions here are impeccable.

  26. sassyshann

    Always amazing photos! The perfect lifestyle!


  27. Yeah, it would be very nice to be freezing cold for 5 months solid. On the up side, you have a very very nice coat!

  28. Ana Ilka

    Oh Shini… I’ve always wanted to visit London, as a matter of fact I’m going in August but you’re scaring me with this post….. You really should do a post about cool places in London from your stylish perspective. :D

    Thank God you’re back! :)

  29. Irene

    I simply love you Shini, you’re my fav blogger! <3

  30. Such a lovely neighborhood. Love those ikat prints.



  31. Your photos make me fall in love with London. :)

    Love those heat tech polos ! Especially with the shocking weather we’ve been having, old Yorkshire is mighty cold!

  32. Love your style, I have just discovered your blog and I love it !
    London is so cool !

  33. Love your style, I have just discovered your blog and I love it !

  34. I just discovered your blog, nic pictures and beautiful style ! loveit

  35. Yup, would never have guessed that it was November because it does look pretty much the same outside. It’s funny that complaining about the weather is one of the most common traits associated with brits, well of course it bloody is, last week it looked like it was christmas and this week we switched over to summer time and it’s still boody freeeeeezing!! Boooo

    You look beaut btw, as always!! I love your bag! xxx

  36. I love Notting Hill! Gorgeous photos Shini.

    p.s. your hair is getting so long!

  37. amber

    ahh this is my neighborhood! i moved here a few months ago from nyc and the weather is killing me! wish i would’ve bumped into you! have you ever been to granger?

  38. beautiful place!! I really love your style, you have something different and nice!!


  39. […] expat and super-stylish blogger Shini has some brilliant commentary on living in London. “Of course, the weather thing still makes London essentially an […]

  40. We love absolutely this green bag and elegant pants in casual outfit:*

  41. HI!! Your blog is absolutely gorgeous! I know you must get this a lot but could you have a look at my blog? http://www.framecake.blogspot.co.uk?? And maybe leave a few comments and follow me if you like it!!! Thanks!!

  42. Loved this little text together with the photos :) I haven’t been to London in several years but this makes me want to visit again tomorrow!

    Carin (www.parisinfourmonths.com)

  43. Great post!

  44. I’m with you about the rather volatile relationship with London or in my case, UK as a whole. The inefficiency service particularly with utility companies drives me bonkers. But the beauty of the country draws me back. I love this part of Notting Hill. The Westbourne Grove is the best bit.

  45. Ahhh, Notting hill.. I was working for 2 summers and living there for 1 summer and I think I left a piece of my heart in that place. It really has something.

  46. Hiiii!! If anybody is looking for a blog to follow and will follow you back just get a-clicking!!!!!

  47. London is fantastic!

  48. Beautiful and chic. Your photos are so brilliant, I enjoy it!

    Dress To Cook Blog

  49. […] last bit always true – we’re all literally dying, no? I digress. Following up on the previously expressed thoughts regarding my love/hate relationship with London, the sun really is a catalyst. It’s like […]

  50. Love the handbag!

  51. oh my, how beautiful! i’m going to london this summer, i can’t wait!

  52. Love the look, and I utterly love your outfit

    Please come and check out my latest post if you have a few minutes spare :)




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