I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.


Uniqlooks March: One item, three looks – White denim jacket








Look 1: White denim jacket – Uniqlo. Polo-neck sweater – American Apparel. Boyfriend Jeans – ASOS. White pumps – Kurt Geiger ‘ELLA’. White bag – MCM ‘Nuovo L‘.
Look 2: White denim jacket – Uniqlo. Raincoat – Muji. Dress – Issa London via MyWardrobe.com. Shoes – Reiss. Bag – JHYoo.
Look 3: White denim jacket – Uniqlo. Leather skirt – Vintage. Khaki stilettos – Primark. Furry bumbag – ASOS.

I have this thing every few weeks when I brew myself some redbull-coffee-crushed skittles concoction, sit myself at the computer, crack some knuckles, buckle my seatbelt (yes I have a seatbelt, it’s called duvet) and delve into the internet, determined I’d finally catch up on all the unread blogposts and saved bookmarks. Umpteen hours later I’d emerge with two PS11 worthy bags under my eyes and mystery gas emitting out of my ears, decidedly ‘cleverer’, after catching up on every single streetstyle blog in the universe, five or ten Michelle Phan wisdom tutorials, a whole gaggle of recipes where the only ingredient familiar is ‘salt’, and well, basically the entire internet. Sometimes I’d hit something like this and know I’ve come too deep. But lately, thanks to the previously advertised calamity known as eczema (aka f*kingbastard), I’ve been on house-arrest and therefore have been forced to take ORDINARY doses of said internet. And I don’t know what to do with myself, because you bloggers don’t post enough (!!!), my ‘friends & family’ don’t share enough on Facebook, and that Natalie Tran seems to have gotten a life? I refresh Bloglovin’, Youtube, Facebook every five minutes and confess to have screamed WELL IT’S ABOUT TIME at new updates. Sometimes when I feel extra desperate I read comments under some mega-instagrammer’s account and feel bad for all the stupid people in this world. Problem with this is, being under certain physical discomfort, doing anything productive (i.e emails & posts) is difficult, but balancing a bowl of popcorn on my chest while parkouring all over the internet is a piece of banana cake… apologies once again if you’ve sent an email and I’ve been quite an asshole about not replying it. Anyhoo, here’s my three ways to wear a Uniqlo white denim jacket, still sadly inappropriate for this weather.

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  1. Haha I love Natalie Tran :P she’s a fun girl!
    You create looks so versatile c:


  2. Poor thing, I hope you get well soon Shini. I feel the exact same way whenever I’m actually at home from work. Ever had the feeling that even people on Tumblr sometimes have a life and don’t post enough? Ugh. And the Kurt Geiger heels are beyond perfection..


  3. great looks – so fresh!

    xoxo from rome

  4. Three looks are so great! I really love the raincoat and shoes of the second one, and the leather skirt in the third one!


  5. I really love the transparent raincoat from Muji. I wish I have one here… it’s raining since a few days in Italy… can’t see it any more!! The others looks also look amazing. b.

  6. Danielle

    LOL at the sharkgull!

  7. love these three looks!! My favorite is the 1st one!



  8. amazing chunky knit!


  9. Two posts in two days!? Man I am feeling smug. Love your photos. I was just eyeing up a Tibi denim biker jacket and now you have me oggling this too!

  10. I am loooooving the second look. It appears easier to procrastinate and good off as opposed to doing what we ought to.. eeeeh I say. C’est la vie, what is one to do.

  11. The Uniqlooks look adorable! I have the same problem with my internet addiction. No time for homework, but a lot of time for strolling down the internet. That refreshing part… I really recognize haha

  12. Love all three outfits, but the one with the black skirt is my favorite.


  13. S.C.

    Hello, may I know what camera and which lens you are using? (i’m planning to buy a new len) nice photos! love them very much.

  14. Hi, I’m currently using a 50mm lens with my 5D Mark III.

  15. Love the red orange nails as well as the white denim jacket. I’ve been thinking a lot about moto jackets lately which transitioned into thinking about cropped spring jackets which then moved on to jean jackets. I don’t find them so great for keeping you warm (at.all.) but they sure do look awesome – and particularly in white!

  16. I adore your outfit posts! Killed it in the shoe department.

  17. i am also obsessed with Uniqlo clothing!


  18. Looking flawless even with the horrible eczema. At least you don’t have it chronically as I do! I love the way you style things. Uniqlo is fortunate to have you on their side.

  19. oHhhh not to be confused, this was a little before the flareup – gosh couldn’t even take photoshop to my face then! :S

  20. D: Sucks you have to be stuck at home for so long! This is probably the worst possible thing I could do but I have some suggestions for sites to obsess over!

    http://thoughtcatalog.com/ – Lately lots of their stuff has been directed at whiney 20 year olds but otherwise they have some neat stuff.
    http://www.youtube.com/user/zefrank1 – Maybe it’s the unflinching eyes or the blonde hair but I find this guy hugely entertaining. He also does a great series on strange animals that I love :P
    http://ebay.com – Obviously
    http://www.dontstarvegame.com/ – Not sure if you’re into games but I find this one really entertaining. No downloads, you just play online. Basic premise is FIND FOOD. Something I am an expert at. Haha
    http://www.effectgames.com/demos/canvascycle/ – Not a game but it’s very relaxing to have on in the background :)

    Hope these help Shini!

    PS: The third look is my favorite; always manage to rock midi skirts like it’s nobody’s business <3

  21. D: My comment didn’t show up…I hope it went through. It was super long and I don’t feel like typing it all agaaaainnnn.

  22. Dudeeee your prose is the shizznitt. I swear I can hear you in my head saying all this, and quite frankly, I think you’re pretty cool.

  23. Very beatiful photos as usual! You have a great style! All looks are stunning!

    From http://www.xeanafashion.com

  24. Always in love with your photos (and outfits of course!), they are so inspiring for me!

  25. so addicted to that rain coat of yours


  26. oh bugger is the asthma still being a pain?! Hope it gets better soon.

    I feel so silly, i was trying to figure out what item was the same and you oh so cleverly disguised the jacket as a shirt (outfit 3) I couldn’t tell at all!! Outfit one is my fave, i love your snuggly sweater xxx

  27. i love that first look! x

  28. nice outfits!! but my favorit is in the color skirt ;)

  29. Love the sweater!


  30. Eczema is proof I’m supposed to build websites not be a famous pop star. Also heck yeah eczema retreats!!! :) you are fantastic.

  31. you are so funny!
    & great outfits :)

  32. haha ohhh I totally get the house arrest and vicarious living via internet people during the dark phases of eczema :(((
    The last photo of your shoes through the spokes of the bicycle wheel is my favourite~ and your makeup makes you look like a doll :)

  33. I really like that bright skirt, looks great with the white jacket.

  34. It’s amazing ! I followed on bloglovin :)

  35. Helen

    O haha I know how that feels…sigh…I really need to stop wasting so much time on the internet
    Although reading your blog doesn’t count because I properly enjoy reading it!C:

  36. oh wow i must have that AA jumper! would never have thought to wear it under that denim jacket.. you look amazing despite the (reason for) house arrest

  37. Love the denim jacket! Looks great with the grey sweater. Overall, cute outfit for winter.


  38. I love the gray sweater; so cozy. I also think that fanny pack* is wonderful

    *(I’m sorry, I know some overseas “fanny” is not a very nice phrase! In the US it’s those bags you wear across your waist or on your backside–fanny. Usually they’re ugly and wicked tourist-y, but not in this case!)

  39. Very chic
    Francesca from http://everydaycoffee23.blogspot.it

  40. Seraphina

    Shini looking flawless as always!

  41. The Style Crusader

    Big time loving your rings in the first picture. xx

  42. I love your blog !!

  43. xx

    I love the ways all your pictures are taken. great angle and balance!
    keep it up xx

  44. […] Source For colder days, pick the denim jacket and grey knit turtleneck combination. You can wear this outfit to your work, for a business lunch or late dinner after working hours. There are no worries that you will feel too cold or warm. If it is too much, you can always tie up the jacket around the waist and still look very chic. Pair it with the jeans in blue color, and you will get a great mix of denim. You can choose sandals and statement bag in the beige or white color. […]

  45. […] Photo Credit: parkandcube […]