I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Special thanks to Alix for helping with the photos, Hôtel de la Trémoille, Paris for the location, and Guerlain and Ykone for the opportunity.

It’s only really been a recent development on my part, from considering water + shampoo to be the ultimate l’eau de toilette (no pun intended!) to weaving through the perfume counters at the ground floor, not just to get to the elevator that will take me to 1) the toilet or 2) the food court. I do remember specifically though, that it was triggered by my brother, who dragged me around Selfridges looking for a ‘character smell’ that wouldn’t repel girls, and we ended up riding the bus home, drunk on the adjective ‘musky’ and feeling like mosquito melting in repellent. Since then on I’ve been on an informal quest to find my own smell, first preference being Candy Floss, but I hear the Jelly Belly factory stopped producing perfume… about time to grow up, I guess. Guerlain had contacted with a proposal for a mini collaboration, wherein I was to interpret the Shalimar into a photoshoot, and what with my olfactory age being about…six, I went for innocent, delicate, sensual as the key vocab for the shoot and here are the results. Actually there’s a lot more where this came from – lots of bedsheets, legs that just won’t stay covered… and a lot of ‘I’m wearing a white dress looking sad but also want to pounce on you’ faces. Scent-wise, there is a note of sweetness, but then it’s weighed down by a stronger velvety tang, and I must be honest and say that the Shalimar will sit on a higher shelf until I grow up a little to be able to reach without a kiddy step stool.

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  1. very beautiful work~ love how the pink and purple bottle looks against the white translucent silk and the browns in the curtains and rug. The vibe and feel matches well with the perfume, and I’m very curious to see what it smells like. You look beautiful in that photo btw! the last photo looks great~ congrats!
    xoxo Diana

  2. Such a demure representation of the fragrance, with a lovely personal touch. x


  3. Bridg

    what a great opportunity for you! love the delicate feminity of these photos :)

    B xx


  4. Lizelle

    I love this post! Your pictures always have a soft elegancy to them.

  5. natural and beautiful!


  6. this photo make me feel like a fairy tale

  7. Looking gorgeous! That dress is especially pretty :)

  8. Canary

    You look so elegant! The perfume looks beautiful, I was going to buy it for my gf! Thanks for sharing!

  9. your photography is absolutely incredible. your pictures are breathtaking. thank you for sharing! :)
    xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/

  10. Mary

    Oh my Guerlain.. <3

  11. Dan

    Your photos are AMAZING!

  12. beautiful tale, I might check Shalimar at my local shop.

  13. Ah, I just saw Carrie’s (wishwishwish) images for this perfume as well – both of you, as well as Alix, did such an incredibly lovely job. I love your simple and classic jewelry here, and that white dress is stunning on you! After all of you ladies’ campaigns, I’m incredibly interested in giving it a try.

  14. very beautiful work~ love how the pink and purple bottle looks against the white translucent silk and the browns in the curtains and rug. The vibe and feel matches well with the perfume, and I’m very curious to see what it smells like.such a great and nice work on your blog……….

  15. Very pretty and angelic, u have def created the right mode:))

  16. Such gorgeous photos!


  17. so amazing photos!

    with love,
    your opinion is VERY important for me!http://chocarome.blogspot.com/

  18. Wonderful.

  19. Karla wrote a note about Shalimar too. On Karla’s Closet blog.

  20. Haha yah, and Alix, Carrie, AfterDRK, Louise (Miss Pandora)… just a few Guerlain chose to work with!

  21. I was looking for a new scent just recently and tried this one out as well, but I must agree with you, although lovely, it’s still a bit too mature for me.. :) Lovely shoot by the way!

  22. Magnifique, sublime et délicate photos… Bravo ! ♥♥♥

  23. Lovely post, and GORGEOUS photos!

  24. This is so beautiful Shini. To me, the second photo looks as though the perfume is a bottle of poison that you’ve just drank – collapsing onto the bed… thinking that your lover (or maybe you’re lady in waiting) will walk in any moment and find you. Very dramatic. xx

  25. gorge pics!


  26. Very beautiful work!

  27. perfume is damn difficult. I’ve tried quite a few but always ending up without using them.
    only yesterday my new love pressed his nose to my neck and said he loved the smell of it. I had to ask what it smelled lika, since I didn’t wear any perfume. he said “it smells like..you, and its wonderful”
    Quite satisfying I must say, I don’t think I will be looking for as new scent in a while;)

  28. That is so romantic, and a perfect reason to stop searching, most definitely!
    Could I ask what was the scent? Really curious! I’m still very convinced that freshly-washed hair is the best smell but then again that means I probably haven’t rinsed out the shampoo thoroughly…

  29. So delicate, beautiful.

  30. You look really ethereal in the third photograph! I’d love to be able to smell the scent of the perfume, but I do love the photographs that were taken for the mini collab.

  31. I love these photos. The fabric is so beautiful!

    Have a great weekend.

    Lou x

  32. Beautiful!!
    Nice blog… greetings

  33. I saw some pictures concerning this collaboration with Guerlain on an another blogs, but these are my favorite. I love the atmosphere ! There is something sensible by the colors and the blurrs. I really love these photographs.

  34. This is such a fab idea. Loved the one that Wish Wish Wish did too. All of you guys look fantastic!

  35. pretty dress! and you look very pretty too! :)

  36. Amazing photos!

  37. So delicate dress! amazing!


  38. HAHAHA! You are awesome.
    The pics totally convey Romance-freshness-youth :)

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