I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Jacket – Uniqlo, Bag (‘Bae Choo’)- Couretesy of JinYoo 103684, Black maxiskirt – Courtesy of AA, Shoes – Office, Pink Lipgloss – Illamasqua

Kit of Style Slicker, Hedvig from Northern Light, Jen from the Style Crusader, Jill of Streetstyle London; @ Le Pain Quotidien Covent Garden

A few friends over brunch, a bit like a scene in Sex and the City; except tartines refer to the eating type and Mr Big is a name for the soupbowl latté. All we really have in common is the fact that we have blogs, yet there’s always much else to talk about, like how Kit wants to marry a jar of marmite or how Jill used to be a police officer in NYC in the naughties. Last bit not really true, but I think it was something similar, she always has a story to tell which makes us wonder just how many lives she’s had until now.

Thank you Kit for the outfit photos!

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  1. The combination of purse ruffles + fur is really striking, as is are the colours! I’m so envious of your ability to think up these pairings and outfits. Nothing seems forced – it’s just innate!

  2. It’s really amazing how easy it is to connect with people that are so different from ourselves just by the commonality of one passion/hobby. I talked to a girl in my painting class for ages today about Harry Potter; and I don’t even like Harry Potter that much! And that’s just a silly thing to bond over.

    I don’t know. Sometimes, I feel that human beings are so different from one another; but really, we are all so similar.

    (I love your friend’s red bag, btw)

  3. The brunch looks delicious, my mouth is watering!
    I am always interested to see other outfit photos of friends too!


  4. your outfit is making me overheat..it’s so warm in this part of the world. Oh i love my non sex in the city -esque meet ups. i know exactly what you mean

  5. Peggy

    These pictures make me so nostalgic – was just there last month… and now is half way across the ocean :-(
    Gorgeous pics!

  6. sounds like a great brunch with a great bunch of people! :) love the little turquoise pleat details on your clutch <3

  7. the food loooks really good..I like your outfits^^

  8. aww, so sweet to see familiar faces…

  9. chan

    My mouth is totally watering seeing that Sashimi thing. Gosh naw I wanting it so bad :((
    And hey, don’t we always love to find some random but silly facts from our dearie friends. Sometimes might amaze me..

  10. Mm, that brunch looks amazing :9 You must’ve been a stylish bunch!

  11. Liking the nail polish color.

  12. Shini! is that uniqlo jacket warm? i am freezing all my toes and fingers off in Seoul.
    I NEED WARMTH>>””!>!>>>@EWKEJQWL!!!!

  13. what a great brunch! Been following Jill’s blog for a while, love both your blogs!

  14. that fluffy jacket is brilliant


  15. I love your outfit


  16. absolutely love your coat! looks so comfortable.. ahhh dreams

  17. ooooh i’m commenting twice today. spending way too much time on the net. but
    congrats! just saw you on



  19. you seem to take out the best in everyone…..and yourself ofcourse…..
    the food looks delicious…..!!!!

  20. ohh that was such a lovely day. so glad to see my ipad made it into the photos! eeeee! i love that thing. absolutely adored your outfit. i seriously just wanted to hug you all day… that hoodie is so snuggly. xx

  21. Woah Shin, your salmon tartine looks like a Sting-Ray with wings with a missing tail, delish!

    Marmite rocks!!!!

  22. Roz

    Hi Shini. I’ve often seen you and your blog mentioned on Jill’s, but this is the first time I’ve managed to take an in-depth look at your blog – and I’m glad I did! You have a very elegant yet quirky sense of style, and I particularly love your bag with the blue frill here.
    Having met up with Jill a few times, I can definitely tell that your blogger meeting-ups must be a lot of fun!


  23. Shini…I need that furry Uniqlo jacket in my life. It’s brilliant!! You always seem to have the best time with Kit & co! Love the friendships that have grown from blogging!

  24. Julie

    yummy!! I love this place xx

  25. all the pictures on your blog are so amazinggg. I love your content.


  26. An absolutely gorgeous ruffles look! Love it <3

  27. You look so cosy & adorable in that outfit! Love it!
    I want to join brunch next time.. you need a real Frenchie to go to Le Pain ;))
    Am I seeing you tomorrow at the LV Press Day beautiful? xx

  28. Next time you’re absolutely invited! I never know if you’re in town, you globetrotter!
    Fraid not about tomorrow, I’m in Paris the entire day! (not invited anyway hahaaA)

  29. Of course, you’re invited!! I’ll make sure to add you to our press list in that case.. Enjoy Paris anyway! xx

  30. Aw, Shinishini.. I was thinking, did I say I was a police officer?? I wouldn’t put it past me. You know, it’s funny the S&tC reference – I’ve been into watching reruns again lately and in all the years I lived in NY, I rarely had the same kind of relaxed fun I have now with friends here. You guys are such delights. In NY – and I don’t blame it on NY or NYers, because let’s face it, these days everyone’s from somewhere else – but maybe it was the stage I was in: most of my friends were basically hanging around with me because I was always meeting cute guys. I have no idea why, probably because I was interested in more than just worrying how I looked.

    A lot of the women I was friends with back then were just looking for their Big, and were really competitive. I felt like that S&tC myth was simply that. I’ve got so many good friends, still, from my NY days, but let a lot go along the way – usually after they’d stabbed me in the back.

    The thing about everyone at this brunch is, despite (or maybe, because) we have such solid relationships with our men, we can just focus on our hanging out. Do you ever notice how little we talk about men?

    Anyway sorry for going on so long – it’s always a delight being around you. I have such great shots of you, soon as I send this, I’ll start sending you some. You’ll have to do another post. Or I will! And yes that Uniqlo hoodie is so huggable. xx

  31. Oh I absolutely love these photographs. The food looks incredible. & I admire all the outfits. ♥

  32. Gorgeous shots Shini. Love your wedges and polar bear jacket. And mmm… those Le Pain Quotidien drinking bowls!

    Miss B xx

  33. mmhhh eggsalad:) Points and stripes are always a good choice:)

  34. Thekla

    love ur blog:) follow me if you want also http://inablondeworld.blogspot.com/

  35. this looks so fun! i love your bag :)



  36. A lot of the women I was friends with back then were just looking for their Big, and were really competitive. I felt like that S&tC myth was simply that. I’ve got so many good friends, still, from my NY days, but let a lot go along the way – usually after they’d stabbed me in the back