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Well you knew it was coming, the birthday post. I’m sorry. At least it only comes around once a year, and I’m 5.5 hours late myself. Being born on the 4th of July has all its advantages – the fireworks, aww… all this for mee?
I actually hate the hype around birthdays – only blaming the fact that I never ever had any hype for mine. Since July is the summer vacation month and no one was around to remember, all I’m used to getting are those e-cards with cliché messages from an online database that needs an excuse to remind a long-lost visitor of its existence. Ah look at me wallowing in self pity, nevermind this big baby. Oh and I’m not looking for happy birthday hope you had a great day comments so please, please, tell me something about the weather or something.
I just want to thank God for all the blessings, love and guidance for the past year.
I don’t know what my future holds but I know it’s safe because You hold it.