Costa del Sol, Spain

First pic/outfit: Pink dress as top – mummy’s old. Skirt – YesStyle. Satchel – ASOS White. Belt – LV via Vestiaire Collective.
A day before our flight to Spain, my husband tore off a chunk of the post-it note that had our what-to-pack list and slapped it on my arm, saying ‘don’t pack your laptop, this will be your 7-day quitting patch’. I too tore off a slice for him and stuck it on his forehead, because hey, I wasn’t going to let the evil man eat chocolate if I was to be on a diet, so to speak. So we left for the airport, pounds lighter without our usual gear and a few other things (that chunk I tore off…), but heart heavy with the fact that I couldn’t even set some kind of a scheduled post here. It started with asking for three drinks in the plane instead of one, and then three toasts with nutella + banana slices for breakfast instead of the usual one cup of coffee, and an entire day of emptying out our friend‘s fridge (flan, leftover paella, grilled chicken, something that might’ve been dog food…etc) then going for the routine sunset stroll to the supermercado to replenish stocks for the next day. At one point I swear I could see my fingers tremble in the pattern of my email password, so instead I pet Murphy the ridgeback until we saw bald patches. At night, we played board games in Dutch and whenever either of us started losing blamed the only Dutch-speaker (aka host) for making up rules we couldn’t check online.
I won’t lie, and I’m sure you’ve all tried going off the computer/internet for a few days and will know exactly, it was pretty liberating. Personally I did come back 2kg heavier so with my brand of logic I will conclude that quitting computer is fattening, and therefore EVIL, but I won’t deny that I did feel very deeply rested after our little holiday in Fuengirola.