I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Jacket – Courtesy of Luphia, Sweater – Mum’s, Pants – Zara, Shoes – Vintage Bally, Bag – Style Sofia, (Both courtesy of Style Sofia) Furry Bag – ASOS

I really don’t know how to thank you for the support in the last post, although with the few borderline-whine posts of late I feel like I’m starting to sound like a skinny girl who keeps moaning about being fat. Or like a fat girl moaning about small boobies? But thank you, so so much, you all deserve cooties in the form of wet kisses. Ah, let’s just make out, the bf isn’t looking. Or is looking, he doesn’t mind girl-on-girl I think.

I’m back home, bag half full and again mostly inadequate stuff like straw hats and a beachball- I’m going East, surely it’s meant to be more exotic, no? (SO WHATS THIS WHITE STUFF EVERYWHERE?) I’ve been hanging around in my mum’s shop and touching everything, I find it’s the best way to be kicked out so I can go home and watch more HBO and eat Lindt chocolates while crying. Crying because I’ve been watching too much TV that is.

Tina from Luphia is offering a mahoussive discount for my dearest readers, 40% off at Luphia with promo code ‘park’. Best thing about this blog is, even if you hate my face, once you use that discount that means I WIN and that’s just pure awesome!

Leather coat – Massimo Dutti (gift from mummy), Dress – borrowed from LiLee (Intelligent PR), Leggings – Flik Hall, Shoes – Office, Bag – Courtesy of Chanel, Polkadot shirt – MotelRocks; Flowers picked up at Meadham Kirchhoff

Thank you Kit for the photos! LFW Day 5; 22/02/2011;

Dear reader,

I understand, a few months ago I said sorry about not having enough DIYs and for letting this blog run wild. So I understand that when there’s so much of this LFW/events thing and none of the DIY, you might feel disappointed. Let me clear a few things and update you on why you might find this blog now ‘boring’ and untrue to what I am. I have just recently graduated, unemployed and doing my best to sustain for myself. This blog is not run on cookies and pencil shavings, there are hosting & maintenance fees that are not low. Have you ever wondered what it costs not to have an ad?  This was a decision I made mostly for the reader’s sake, for your viewing pleasure. As an unemployed, I frankly do not have resources to go out and buy DIY materials. Those chains that get sewn onto victim trousers? – I don’t find them in skips. And contrary to what you might think, I don’t get paid for writing this blog, I might get free clothes but since when do we survive on polyester fibre? Instead, I’ve tried my best at sharing quality content, which means splitting time to personally experience the things I share with  you so that it’s not the same magazine clipping you saw a few seconds ago somewhere else.

It just hurts me to think all this effort spent simply boils down to boring. You’re entitled to your opinion and I appreciate that, but this is mine. DIY, sure – it’ll come back once I find stable ground, albeit slowly, but for now I’m just trying to deliver as best as I can with the resources that I have. Hope you understand.

LFW Day 6; 23/02/2011

Am I allowed to say this? I had more fun on one menswear day than the five womenswear, and I was literally there for only an hour. Oh apparently I’m not, the boyfriend is giving me the stinkiest stink-eye that it stinks like a stinker. Now think of all the things I’d have said about male models if he wasn’t here, hotdang. No. I think I mentioned before how I find menswear much more intriguing, and it was just so much fun people watching I actually bought a coffee from that silver Lavazza truck to sit down for once, one which cost me my Canon. Well, I bought it back in the end, my truck filled with stolen Vitamin Water was selling out and they had to pay me to move out. Vitamin Water win. (Yes this might be something called product placement)

Check out the Next Blog and Full Frontal Fashion for more photos of LFW

Catwalk images from Style.com; LFW Day 5; 22/02/2011;

Oh man I don’t usually do this

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but this is le amazing. (Bold, italics and underline amazing) I didn’t get to see the show because they don’t invite losers like me (I promise that line is my catchphrase during LFW), but I visited the Topshop Newgen rooms in Somerset House and invited myself to touching each of the pieces. Then I gushed to the lady there that Mary Katrantzou was probably my all-time favourite and she gave me that ‘OK?’ look. Clearly not getting invited again next season.

Ah this collection just makes me want to graffiti ‘I <3 Mary’ inside Chinatown restaurant toilets.

Jacket – Vintage from BlackLunaVintage, Shirt – Mum’s old, Pants – Uniqlo Cargo Skinny Fit, Shoes – Loeffler Randal (gifted by TwentyThirtyForty), Bag – Lithuania, Necklace round – Brook & Lyn, Necklace – Silicone by Ek Thongsprasert (gifted by Olive Shoppe)

Thank you Kit for the shots!

Wow, don’t these outfit shots basically zap the whole day’s worth of malady. How deceiving – behind that blue jacket there’s a wheelbarrow of camera equipment hidden and just outside the shot is where I parked my truck, full of Vitamin Water bottles I’m stealing. I did not saunter in with the satchel that only about fits my fat monopoly cash-clad wallet and said LFW bring it on, and my normal facial expression reads This is heavy and I need to pee and I’m hungry. Hey if you were just listening on, you’d think I’m a model. Or a sledge dog.

This is also my first submission to Uniqlooks (seems to work best in Firefox/IE) with a pair of Cargo Skinny Fit trousers, please feel free to thumb me or slap me or whatever facebook has nowadays.

Check out the Next Blog and Full Frontal Fashion for more photos of LFW

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