I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.
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What you’ll need: Lace body (or lace leggings, lace anything really), Safety pins (I used 19mm, brass, Quantity: 140ish), minimum 8m of ribbon, Dressmaking pins

Position and pin a desired shape of ribbon bulk on the lace piece.

Replace with safety pins

Draw out ribbon and measure by touching on all safety pin points, leaving 5 inches at both ends

Lace it up like you would do with shoes

Lace body – Topshop, Floral Ribbon – Liberty’s, Safety Pins – Ebay

You won’t need a dressmaking dummy to do this – lay it out flat on your bed and do the pinning. Of course you could pin while wearing it if you like that kind of thing (no judgement) but it might hurt. I’m just saying.

I wouldn’t wash the safety pins – remove them, hand wash the body accordingly, then re-apply!

Jacket – Vintage Burberry, Dress & Shoes – Zara, Socks – Topshop, Braided ‘scarf’ – CADO Accessories, Lace scarf – Next, Bag – MarzArt; Thank you Kit for snapping the photos for me!

This is the bag that made my butch(?), German, motorcycle-riding, head tutor for my course go ever so slightly gay by pointing out that he spotted me in Chinatown the other day with it and that he thought the bag was awesome and would I like to go paint my nails with him. Is that a window of opportunity for a bribe swinging open kicking pigeons off that ledge, or is it just me? But in case he happens to stop by, I KID! (Hello Max! 85% or above please)

I’m in love with the bag. My Polish boyfriend loves that I love something Polish and I find that slightly unnerving. Do I really come across as someone who does not appreciate the country I grew up in? Although, looking back on how fast I got into that airplane that departed for London after highschool graduation, I’d guess so. Well let this post be a sort of redemption from all that, because you see, the grey necklace thing is also from Poland! (Thank you CADO Accessories for the generous gift!) If that doesn’t do it, I dunno what will.

Shmexy bithdaygirl Jackie of Platform Princess

Left: Nicole from Power of Beauty, Lucy of Snippets of Shiny Thoughts; Right: Fiona of Save Our Shoes

Jennifer of Style East; Kit of Style Slicker

Daniella of The F Blog

Jill of Streetstyle London

Jen of The Style Crusader

Leave it to fashion bloggers to congregate at the gates of a palace to go through a program of illegal activities including collective stomping on royally-trimmed grass, watching R-rated pigeon lovemaking and deceiving squirrels with outstretched (empty) hands for vantage point for capture. We didn’t catch any squirrels. Or saw pigeon giving birth. SADNESS. A handful of London fashion bloggers met at Kensington Palace gardens to celebrate Jackie the Platform Princess’ birthday, where we first threw a ball in a corner at the Orangery cafe, then spilled out onto the marble porch drunk on tea & scones (some drunk on 2-for-1 beer ehem), eventually rolling onto illegal grass.

I had so much fun I basically want it to be Jackie’s birthday everyday. SORRY Jackie, someone needs to be sacrificed.

Comrades: Jen of The Style Crusader (our organizer), Jackie of Platform Princess (the sacrifice), Jill of Streetstyle London, Saskia of Not Just Medical, Tobi and Kiki of Style by Queens, Nicole from Power of Beauty, Lucy of Snippets of Shiny Thoughts, Daniella of The F Blog, Jennifer of StyleEast, Fiona of Save Our Shoes and Hind of Expose Communications.

Saskia the nerdy medicine student blogger of Not Just Medical

NEXT AW10 Pressday

Let’s be honest, I don’t shop at Next, I don’t know what they sell at Next. I had no clue they sold homeware and womenswear and menswear and babieswear – wowza NICE FRUIT DRINKS – until I visited their pressday today. In fact, all I remember from seeing through their window displays while passing by on Oxford Street were mannequins that were dressed to represent women from 20 to 50 and sadly failing, ending up being more nondescript than anything. They were in dire need of a niche, a target audience that didn’t involve something like thirty something mother with a toddler, married to boy-man husband, living in an IKEA store showroom. It seems that for AW they made some very important decisions and decided to please the twenty somethings with twenty something boyfriends, living in an experimental home void of specific taste or style, and maybe with an accidental baby on the way? Kidding with the last bit. The collection was definitely trend-geared, taking ‘hints’ from some hot designer pieces, (see Alexander Wang-esque bucket bag, Mulberry rip-off satchel…) which I personally won’t applaud to, and stuck to themes like the military or the Lace & Leather trends. There is definite progress though, I’d definitely skate through the shop come Autumn, if only to look for more of those awesome crushed-ice fruit drinks they were serving today…

Thank you Tom and Katie (of Jam Social media) for the invite and the lime-fishing-from-Pimm’s-Jug treat!

Dress – Zara, Boots – Venezia, Leggings – MNG, Sweater – Gmarket, Poncho – Urban Outfitters, Fingerless Gloves – ALDO

I was browsing through the stack of bloggable files just now and found these photos I’d done with Susan IN FEBRUARY. Why am I posting these in May, and not waiting a few months until the season becomes more relevant? I thought it was rather ironic – these photos were done after a deadly all-nighter for yet another deadline (Feb 8), and can you see, the exhaustion and fatigue is so tattooed in the entire mood and I thought SO accurately represented what I felt yesterday after that final hand-in. To think that was my last ever hand-in as a BA student. I won’t miss it much, to be frank.

Please consider this winter post a parting gift to the wretched cold season I would not like to see again until November at the earliest.