I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

(Sorry about the smokes)

Beautiful girls, Ingrid & Elise of Anywho.dk!

Susie of Stylebubble

The sun came out on day 2 and all the birds spilled out onto the courtyard to dry their feathers…

I may have set the wrong tone for my entire Fashion Week experience in the last outfit post, I’m sorry about that. It was in fact marvelous to meet those in the fashion industry who, contrary to popular belief, were absolutely sweet and polite. Although of course, I may have not spoken with those with necks (literally) on the catwalks or crabby editors robbed of their precious Danish pastries by us bloggers. I am oh so sorry, were you going to eat that? and this too? That said, I have not had a single free cup of tap water, let alone a Danish pastry with my press accreditation. I did get a free a floor map, why thank you you’re so generous?

Best part was bumping into so many bloggers I adore – namely the lovely lovely Danish girls, Elise & Ingrid of Anywho, Audrey from Be Frassy, Frances from Happy Because, the Facehunter (who’s dubbed me simply as ‘the Korean’, can’t blame him since I called him ‘Igor’ by mistake), the Garance & Scott Schuman lovebirds, and of course Susie. Of course, I had to hug Susie although I’m not even a hugger, and during our conversation (nervous st..st…stutters on my side) Elle Japan had to take her away for a shoot. Well hot steamin’ dang.

Saturday, 20th February 1:45pm Bloomsbury Ballroom

Bernard Chandran

I did a double take when the models first walked out looking like offsprings of a clown and a geisha. This is probably not new and in fact I feel that a lot of you will agree, but clowns and geishas freak the living daylight out of me. Oh what an irony, yes yes I do remember dubbing the LFW scene a ‘circus’ a few posts below. Although I confess, the makeup did eventually grow on me as the collection streamed out, made up by the extensive use of feathers, because only then the general vibe developed into a fantastic midnight exotic bird parade. The colour palette mainly consisted of charcoal grey with pops of electric blue, purple or yellows; fabric weights ranged from sheer to heavy textured knits. Especially loved the oversized bags and sailor knots with dark coloured ropes, I think it’s time to get in touch with my inner pirate and learn how to knot my victim sweaters…

Coat – Vintage thru Etsy (Black Luna Vintage), Striped top, shoes – Gmarket, Leather top – Topshop, Leggings – DIY cut, Dress – Zara, Yellow bag – Uniqlo; Second photo from Style Slicker

Hi, I happen to enjoy being dressed like Thomas the Tank Engine [THANKS KIT] (complete with rail tracks and diamond fences) and possess a generic Asian face, thank you.

Disgruntled blogger says wussup punk. I guess having this 20 20 hindsight on the humiliating behaviour during LFW by certain fashion bloggers and learning about shockingly judgmental thinking behind streetstyle photographers is not helping the mood here. I remember when these photographs were taken I was in absolute bliss and gleefully basking in the LFW creative energy… I’ll explain the fuming later, but you can start by reading this article by Robin Scott of The Global Herald.

(Thank you Kit for taking these pictures1; the shoe shot I stole from her blog, as you can probably tell)

Kinder Aggugini

Lacrimosa of Mozart’s Requiem Mass opened Kinder Aggugini’s AW10 with a gothic vibe; with the catwalk decorated like an 18th Century court palace, the military coats and soot-black, hand drawn hairlines set the mood of resistance and rebellion. In fact, the collection is said to have been inspired by the heroine Juliette Recamier (Dame who stood in political opposition to Napoleon in the early 19th Century) – the pieces were powerful yet lyrical, borderline androgynous yet the hints of light fabric under a tough coat (and heels with spats!) acutely underlined femininity.

This show was probably my personal favourite, admiring especially how Aggugini was faithful to his inspiration and how he elaborated on it with a contemporary flair that made every item, well, ready-to-wear. And of course, the military thing always does it for a history nerd like myself.

Watch this catwalk at his official website.

*All LFW photos are produced by moi unless otherwise noted, I’d appreciate it if you could notify me or link back to this blog if you intend to take it anywhere else. Or else I’ll copyright lecture you and you really don’t want that.

Trenchcoat, Cropped Sweatshirt – Uniqlo, Sheer blouse – Etsy (Gossamer Wings Studio), Skirt – Vintage, Sheer leggings – Wolford, Shoes – Office, Socks – Korean, Bag – Etsy (Benefit Jewels), Necklace – H&M; Left photo stolen from Platform Princess, right photo stolen from Style Crusader

LFW Day Five and barely posting stuff from the first day, I’ve clearly been blogging for just a very short while, I think today’s my third day (cough not over a year cough), and do not know how this all works…! OK fine I have no excuse, give me the cone hat I’ll go sit on a stool.

I’ve had to steal some photos off of fellow bloggers because I forgot what kind of blog I run and came home emptyhanded… thank you Jackie and Jennifer!

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