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I've moved on... a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.


Top to bottom, left to right: ZARA over-the-knee suede boots, Vintage Military boots, Vintage Studded, Emma Cook for Topshop Zebra, Velvet Angels Wedges, ASOS suede shoe-boots, ZARA Suede wedges, Ashish for Topshop ankle wedges, Loeffler Randall knit mix boots, Office Military boots, Scorah Patullo ankleboots, Office oxfords, Chloé wedges, Doc Martens Pascal boots

Stocking up on niggles of colour for winter. I figured that it’s enough to be born with an extra organ for cynicism (under the thyroid glands to be precise), it shouldn’t be further applauded by wearing dark colours during the cold seasons – the sun’s short as it is, like the other day it was gone-o by the time I came down for lunch, very confusing… my body clock is now completely scrambled with a side of bacon and toast.

Well I must say that colour is incredibly vitalizing and mood-uplifting, not to sound like a nutrition capsule bottle, but right now the two yellow shoes are entrancing me in a way that keeps me up (and happy) at 5am. Now I understand why, come winter, we find increased fat deposits on our bodies – it was all to make space for some much needed energizers. Check your thighs, it should have a small hatch somewhere to fit two AA’s. Well either that or yellow shoes, I think.


Illustrations by my talented pig friend, Elface, a blog anniversary gift!

It’s quite hard to believe, but Park & Cube has been nominated in the category of Best Fashion Blog (UK-based, I presume) at‘s Online Fashion Awards ’09! If it’s not too much to ask, I’d love to ask for a vote, but I personally think the reason I’m nominated alongside Style Bubble and Knighttcat is so I can walk ahead of them to sprinkle flower petals on the velvet carpet and then help clean up the awards room afterwards. In any case, click to vote!

By the way, thank you so much for all the superkind messages everyone left in the anniversary post. The number of comments is quite overwhelming, but that necklace is indeed cool, isn’t it. No no, I’m really grateful to the genuine comments of congratulations, those are the ones that really make me all fuzzy and warrrrm inside <3. Oh yes on another note, I’ve had to go and delete all the email addresses that many wrote in the comment box. It’s enough to leave your email addresses in the form, exposing them in the comment box like that is basically signing up for first class spam, by the truckloads. Who knows, maybe we’ll find out just how many Nigerian princesses there are in this world after all.



The Hello World! post on November 22, 2008

Exactly one year ago today at 1:39am, Park&Cube was born by X-section. It had weighed 3.24kg and had a cry like no other newborn in the ward. If I recall clearly, on birth it had bellowed at the nurse I LIKE SHOES, AND SHIT THAT HANGS ON MY BODY, clearly we’ve come a long way. (Have we really?)

Well, many thankyou’s are in order today! First off, thank you to la brilliant Ellen for suffering all kinds of weather for a photoshoot, sacrificing your jeans while crouching to make my head seem smaller, you deserve a million bazillion jambon kisses <3. Thank you to my family occasionally agreeing for a photoshoot albeit outrageous compensations on my part. Thank you lately, to many Nigerian princesses for offering friendship and large sums of money, tempting, but no thanks I don’t take petty change. Also thank you to those who have contacted me with interest in advertising on my blog, unfortunately there have never been or will ever be advertising on my blog.

Finally, thank you readers for sticking around this good-for-nothing blog – some of you I’ve known since the beginning – I really really appreciate the kind words and interest you leave in my blog.

To mark the occasion, I’ll be doing a giveaway of an All Saints fringe chain necklace to one lucky reader. Simply leave a comment under this post* before the 30th of November 23:59 GMT, with your name, email and location. A winner will be drawn randomly and announced on the 1st of December. Please don’t attempt to be übersmart and leave a more than one comment under different names, the web wasn’t born yesterday, there’s quite a simple way of knowing.

(*Only under this post)







Jacket – Black Luna Vintage, Sheer Top & Asymmetric dress as top – Topshop, Skirt – Vintage, Shoes – Emma Cook for Topshop, Bag – Vintage DIY Studded, Ring – Spitafields Market | Thank you Ellen for taking photos <3

I just wrote a paragraph about being in an intimate relationship with my phone and then realized that it was starting to resemble my dissertation about panoptics, global connection and disappearance of space (see you’re already drifting) and decided to delete the whole thing and instead write zebra stories (clear relevance to the outfit, as you can see). Actually it’s 5am so I’ll skip on the zebra story but I’ll tell you that sadly it does not have a happy ending. I know that no one likes un-happy endings, so there, I’ve done the world a favour by heading off to bed, goodnight.


Alexander McQueen shimmy jacket


Steve Madden mummy wedges


Paul Smith Silk tunic


Minidress by Helmut Lang



New Melissa boots




Vivienne Westwood bag



Footwear by Nicole Richie for House of Harlow



My Wardrobe Items

The other day I had a chance to oogle and stroke my bunny paws on‘s SS10 collection, many many thanks to Anette for the invitation : D Ellen and I ploughed through the thick rain and dodged ominous black puddles to arrive at the showroom looking like dogs that tried to drink from a lawn sprinkler. Typical Park&Cube grande entrance. Since we both don’t drink, we got high on mini cupcakes instead, and then attacked the racks. Looks like SS10 will be more colour and texture, which is always welcome – Nicole Richie for House of Harlow line was especially good, the footwear mirroring Nicole’s Boho style, and great one-off pieces which I imagine would look great mixed with McQ-like badass elements. Oh and the Melissa has a new rubber boot family that I couldn’t stop sniffing. (I’m seeerious, they smell so good)