I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.




Sweater Polo, Pants Gmarket, Skirt DIY, Shirt I Don’t Like Mondays

The yarns were bought in December 2008 and hauled back and forth 5-6 times – to Warsaw, to  London – before I’d even done an arm’s length. To tell the truth, I stopped because I had no clue how to make the neckline and didn’t feel like finding out. Then that genius hit me as always…yeah…I found out that I’d knitted one side 1.5x larger in width. What an idiot. So I ended up knitting it longer in length to joining the two sides to make a shawl. Introducing, the new “circle scarf”, its versatility surprises me greatly.

I’ll upload the tutorial (not much of one btw) in mid September once the magazine I sent the DIY to is out.



Lion knucklebiter & Deer Rings from La Dama online Boutique | Minuature animals

Apologies for the server downtime last night, I only stopped peddling for a few minutes and the generator stopped working… really gotta hire someone else to do that, who’s gonna feed the cows if I’m peddling all day?

The rings were found in my new favourite online boutique La Dama. I’m determined to have a zoo on my fingers soon, or a farm, whichever really. So far I’ve got an octopus ring and an obnoxious kitty (or was it a panther) ring and it’s not likely they’ll reproduce anytime soon… We need to adopt. (We the fingers)



Shirt Men’s Uniqlo, Jeans H&M, Bag Public Beware, Shoes Zara

Quiet day involving getting locked in the house, eating greasy McDonalds for breakfast and following le boyfriend blindly into a dark forest. Baby boyfriend, I took advantage of you ages ago, where are you taking me? Actually it was a nice park with the Wisła river running close alongside – too close that le boyfriend makes me stand near the water and tells me I don’t fit in the camera so would I please move back.



Ebay Platform Boots, Gmarket loose shirt, Topshop Feather Skirt

If Autumn had a Welcome goodie bag, I would like it to contain all the above. Paycheck, could you maybe take a cab when you come home because I need to see you urgently about something.


Dress as top H&M, Pants Topshop, Shoes Office, Bag Public Beware, Necklace DIY

As some of you pointed out I did indeed get a perm, although it’s been 3 days and it’s starting to straighten out already. I’ve been straight my whole life and this was meant to be a bit of an adventure, but the happy phase is rather short-lived and from the looks of it I’ll be back completely by the end of the week…SIGH. Whatever, I love my men straight hair.

What a waste of money though, must retry when I get back to London.

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