I hesitated for exactly a second and three quarters, then paid the £100 (and a pair of white tights just to make up for free shipping, which I didn’t get thanks to student discount making it go under £100, wtfruitcake). Well, who knew I could be such a sugah mommah like that.

Topshop Unique SS09
I got the black ones, I just couldn’t access the page because it was oh so towtally sold out within a day. Topshop you cheeky bastard.
The tactic of acquiring a Topshop Unique item is quite simple: refresh the site every 10 minutes for updates. No pee breaks.
Clearly, I have no life.
Also, don’t ever hesitate for more than five seconds because your size will be gone-o by then.
Also scored this Christian Dior blazer from ebay.

Christian Dior Militant Blazer – Black Luna Vintage
Still pretty dumbstruck that I paid $9.99 for a Christian Dior piece (shipping $26…oops). I just realised I have quite the jacket/blazer collection – enough that if chucked in a bonfire, it would make a very happy beach festival.
Check out Black Luna Vintage ebay store of Lidia Luna, her ebay store is full of avant garde to demure but edgy pieces, her blog is so stylishly moody too.

Elle UK Accessories booklet pg 59
Anyone see this being sold yet? Or do I have to revisit store every 10 minutes? Gotta see it in person, the flower thing in the heel is a bit meh but the straps are so sexay..
Hope everyone had a fun valentines.