I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.





Jacket Gmarket | Dress as top Indian store in Poland | Jeans DIY Slashed Uniqlo | Shoes Topshop | Bag Men’s River Island






Currently hovering mid-air thrashing my legs around trying not to touch the floor as that would mean I need to resume my student status and actually go to uni. Hey, I happen to like the prestigious hobo occupation, check my CV, I totally quality.

(I’ll get back to Q&A asap, thanks for whipping me, some of you.)

In the meantime, can you smell that dear old Ellen is back? Thank you always for the pictures, stinkypoo.

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  1. Mmmmm, that drink looks soo good nomnomnom.

  2. Oh you look so amazing! I love your jeans. I wish I could find a pair of jeans that I felt confident enough to take scissors too… maybe one day i’ll conquer my fear.

    stay wonderful, love your blog always

    xo amy

  3. woweee:) sweet photos, especially lov ethe city scape one! and you look fab, ofcourse, and i really dig that floral dress-cum-top:D

  4. cute look! i love your floral top xo

  5. loving those jeans, and that hot chocolate !! :)

  6. love them jeans! haha.
    scanned thru your blog and it’s great.
    thanks :)

  7. i see banchan!

    great photos as always!!

  8. ooo you slashed those jeans quite amazingly. did you have korean food? WANT! paejun = YES.

  9. hey lady! i like how you wore that dress as a top. see for me that never quite works out. whatever i tuck in ends up making my pants bulge like i’m hiding something severe under there. somehow not quite the same effect with you, eh? are yous a magician!!!

  10. As usual, great photos Shini!!

    also, did you get a hair cut?

  11. that floral top is cuuute.

    and I LOVE YOUR PICTURES. everything looks delicious.. and that great wall of cushions looks extra comfy.

  12. I loveeee your shoes and jacket! Nice outfit=) food looks delicious too!

  13. ooh the drink picture is amazing!

  14. I love your shoes.
    u’re so sweet! (:

  15. what exactly is a seamonkey? I love the pictures of the cushions, and your rad jacket.

  16. Love your slashed jeans. They remind me of the topshop ones, but I like the fit of yours better. These pictures are are all amazing ,I love the cushins and the tiny cups!

  17. I love love love your jeans! I’ve been meaning to cut my old black jeans for awhile now but somehow I never get to it. Thanks for the inspiration!:) Your shoes make me wish we had Topshop over here, or that they’d atleast ship here. :(

  18. oh no! back down to earth. lovely photos and great shoes my dear

  19. margie

    i love this look, the slightly messy hair was really refreshing and fun to see. Maybe jeans are slashed a bit too much. overall really cool though

  20. i am in love with your shoes. all of them.

  21. Nice shoes!! Your jeans look cooler than mine! What is that? Delicious ice cream picture!!! I just ate a bunch of cream puffs today and I can’t look at any more sweet stuff! xxoxoxoxoxo

  22. Awesome awesome photos!! I think it’s hard to get friends who actually have a similar eye for aesthetics to take photos for you. I tried getting my boyfriend to take a nice closeup of an outfit once and he was like huhh why would you wanna do that for?? People always think it’s necessary to have a full-length shot. Well anyway I just love the shot of your legs (and incredible topshop heels) as you walk across the road!

    Poland seems gorgeous….

  23. love love LOVE the shoes!! also a great idea with the dress worn as top, i’m def gonna try that :)


  24. Love the shoes, are they current, are they comfy?

  25. Those are the most comfortable shoes I have I love to see them on you because I realise how nice they are eheh

  26. This look is so effortless, I love it. And I’m shamelessly lusting after your shoes…me stealy?

  27. I love your jeans so bad!
    I’m so jealous that you ate that magnificent and amazing drink. I want one! Looks too yummy for words. (ok i’m in total need of sugar if you haven’t noticed yet).

  28. al

    i love these jeans! i really want to cut a pair of mine like this, can you shows us how you made them like this? xxxxxx

  29. you really have a different style i love !!!!

  30. Oh wow I love your jeans! Great DIY.

  31. LOVE LOVE LOVE your outfit the unexpected floral print top coupled with the army jacket and distressed jeans= fabulous! I also love the pics of the food and the shop–so inspiring


  32. The slashing of your jeans and the lacing on your shoes go so well together! I’m hungry now..

  33. love your floral dress worn as top! your DIY jeans are great as well ^^

  34. do i see korean food?
    ummm, yummy!

  35. Amazing photos as always. I’m loving the frequent shoes shots too :)

  36. tag, you’re it! (aka i tagged you at my blog. :)))))

  37. The top is a nice contrast with the army jacket….

  38. I’m in need of an army green jacket too.
    Hello from Hong Kong!

  39. i like the floral top and distressed jeans.


  40. your food photos are always so delicious. man, i’m hungry.

  41. yayyyy spring florals! i want to shred my jeans hxc. but i don’t they think will turn out as rad, so, unless i can ship them off to you i think i’ll wait til a braver day.

  42. i love every single part of your outfit!

    -Coco Chanel french movie
    Salvador Dali movie

  43. Could you do a diy slashed jeans? I would really like to know how you made them!


  44. I should copy this DIY jeans! they’re amazing! I love everything i this outfit!

  45. never fail to deliver…in all areas. loving the blog/outfit/thoughts/photography.


  46. the first time i ever went to a korean restaurant in london (the one in soho, maybe it was called myung-ga?) and i realized that they charged extra for kim-chi, i flipped out. i can’t believe i paid like $18 for gook-bap. it’s worth $10, tops. gahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  47. who is ellen? that food loooks sooo beautiful and this post is full of awesome.

  48. the food is making me hungryyyyy.

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