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Front/rear lights for my bicycle that I never realized I had – I swear this bag belonged to Mary Poppins
LC-A+ camera because I’m too cool for school, or too poor for the Canon EOS M.
Urbanears in ‘do-not-disturb’ tomato-red, and best noise cancelling headphones.
Spare battery and memory card for the beast that bears the name of Canon + business cards for this enterprise.
Samsung Galaxy SIII – another one of my horcruxes.
House keys and oyster card, if I’m clumsy enough to lose
this I should be put into jail.
Fashionary planner 2013 (also featured in first image) and assortment of pens + portable watercolour kit
Wallet from Chloé, red for ‘warning’ or ‘danger’, or would yellow wallet be a better reminder that I don’t have unlimited funds?
Tapestry pouch, stolen from mummy who had it since we lived in Austria in the late 80’s.

Not pictured, but the main culprit for carpal tunnel and all known diseases,
Canon 5D Mark II + lens

I carry my
laptop if I feel particularly insane that day.

… and a compressed version of that for the evening: DVF Carolina lip bag via Monnier Freres
YSL travel compact, bought at the airport under pressure of ‘duty free’
Samsung Galaxy SIII – another one of my horcrux.
Chanel ‘Laser’ lipgloss for the impromptu jedi battle, naturally.