I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.




Sweater, DIY Slashed Jeans Uniqlo | Dress worn as top Topshop | Bag Gmarket | Sunnies ASOS

I have nothing intelligent to declare today, except that my boyfriend, now back home in Poland, keeps sighting cute baby deers & rabbits in his garden while all I meet are dog & fox poo all too close to my shoes. So I suggest the man maybe you would like to catch a deer and give it to your girlfriend as a pet-gift at the airport like all good boyfriends do, and he’s all but noo they aall run fasttttt, and that he got outrun trying to catch a tiny baby rabbit the other day, it runs threee times as fast as I dooooo. I think it may be clear to say that I will already have a cute whiny pet waiting for me at the airport next Wednesday and I will have to adopt him.

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  1. I’m in love with ur shoes!

  2. i love how the jeans and shoes look together!! they totally blend into one another. awesomeeee

  3. this was the inspiration I needed, now I know what to wear today :)

  4. Awesome pants/shoes!

    And heh heh, those DO sound cute.. Whiny boyfriends are a little cute though too.

  5. great look! this pants a re gorgeous! today I’ll shred a pair of black pants too!

  6. ta prostota jest piękna :) a Twoje włosy są nieziemskie! lśniące, proste i dłuugie. przepiękne :)

  7. jhahaha thats so cute. my bunny at home does absolutely nothing but look cute and eat a shitload….im planning on building it a maze on my rooftop..if this whole jobless thing keeps up -.-

  8. The combination of the jeans with those hoes is genious.


  9. Those jeans are freakin’ intense!

  10. Baha, this made me laugh out loud! Oh Shini, you sometims just have the right things to say to brighten my day.


  11. the shoes are fucking righteous lady x

  12. the slashiness of your jeans and the slashiness of your shoes = super slashy, and i like it!!
    you can have my pet for the while, perhaps? we’ve not been on good terms lately.

  13. Lovely outfit.

    Love Grace.

  14. Damn girl, I love this look. Perfect.

  15. L

    cute jeans

  16. i love those jeans! :)


  17. nikki

    Awesome jeans, and I love your writing! This made me smile (:

  18. I need to make some jeans like that ASAP! Beautiful!

  19. Awwww, what a cute story!!

  20. Amazing jeans! You slashed them perfectly!!


  21. Beck

    any tips on jean slashing? i’ve taken a cheese grater to mine, but it’s not looking right. Did you just make horizontal cuts…and then rough ’em up a bit?

    thanks a million

  22. Here’s my Jean slashing DIY if that would help in any way!

  23. Looove this look!


  24. you have ahmazing style. Your blog is really cool
    see my blog at http://www.oreiabatan.blogspot.com

  25. great shoes!

  26. love this blog! and your look! it’s all just lovely! =)

  27. Man, that sweater is awesome. I think I may need to swing by the UNIQLO store wwhen I’m in hong kong…

  28. I love how the jeans mimic your shoes. A pet deer would be totally adorable and totally impractical, just the way i like it!