I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Lookbook images taken from Flik Hall

This is the best bit really, of blogging I mean. Invitations to lush events and goodies in Fed-ex envelops… yes, it’s all very nice and feeds the gluttony plump but if I can’t even find time to do DIY tutorials in hope that you, readers, don’t leave empty handed, then I want to shove amazing talent like this in your pocket before you go. I haven’t necessarily unearthed Flik Hall – evidently she’s been at large since AW10 – but then again I live under a rock (shaped like a duvet). Her studio in Hackney Wick was foamclad, both on the singlepane windows and her AW11 collection – first seemed to me as an alternative punk reference, it turns out the philosophy of her designs ran deeper than simple textural bling.

“The Ghost in the Machine” ideas initially transpired from looking into the realms of free will and the bonds of fate. It came down to the conflicts as to whether we have true control over ourselves, are we every completely free? “The past controls the present and

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future. You can’t control the past. Also you can’t control the way the past controls the present and future” So, you can’t control the present and future.

The prints in the collection illustrate what it might be for another being or a mass is looking birds eye into our world – so the foam represented rooftops of houses, both man made and mass produced. My favourite bit probably was the pattern on the black skirt – she called it the ‘Skyscraper’ skirt, meaning that the glossy square print was the tops of buildings. It’s so clever I’m gonna die.

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  1. Fierce yet with elegance. Can’t take my eyes off!

  2. I immediately thought ‘dinosaurs!’ when I saw the spikes. What a wonderful collection and the idea behind it is so fascinating as well. It’s one of those collections that I just want to touch…

    The doll arms necklace thing freaks me out a bit though.

  3. Wow, this is some gorgeous stuff. Thank you for sharing!

  4. those pieces are gorgeous! they’re work of art

  5. Such amazing shapes and patterns!! Makes you almost want to sink your teeth into them. I love it!

  6. Dope.

  7. Carrie

    I love the shapes and fabrics!


  8. you should watch this bit: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D4i7vS_UO4Q&NR=1


  9. You always take such lovely pictures!


  10. Oh dear. these photos are just incredible! love how these pieces have been made. the detailing- exquisite detailing. thanks a million for sharing
    hope you’re having a nice weekend dear


  11. Love (and need) those spikes!

  12. love love looove all the prints, studs and colors! amazing textures <3

  13. Hugo

    I love the spiky skirt.

  14. Andrea

    Ahh, one of the comments above tells me that the big necklace-thing on one of the pictures is made of dolls arms… I have to say that I first thought they were sausages, but then I looked closer and it looked like…. weird penises :S But dolls arms, absolutely, I see it now ;)
    Beautiful pieces though!

  15. Holy moly. These pieces are gorgeous! The blue dress in the very bottom left is a total dream, as is the pinkish with the cutouts in the middle in the SS11 row above. I checked out the website and am even more in love now. I can just picture Daphne Guinness in the spiked collars!
    ps your comment made ME laugh out loud, oh my. Totally felt like a little lion going “whuu” hahah you’re the best.

  16. Love it!!!Really nice!I didn’t know and I love it!


  17. from the look of the first picture i started hoping the clothes are gonna be fab. a bit disapponited. very gagaish in a few bits, geometry and blues

  18. Love your blog. Hope you’re having a great weekend xx

  19. wow! that’s so great! all those spiky stuffs!I love it!!!

  20. Wida

    Oh. My. Gah.


    Missing Amsie Blog

  21. Although I essentially don’t agree that our past controls our future (just because I’m one of those people that believes our PRESENT, the way we think/talk/act/etc RIGHT NOW, controls our future lol), this collection ROCKS nevertheless!

    :: Farrah @ DISTRIKMODE ::

  22. lovely!


  23. I absolutely *need* that black skirt in my life. Do you know where she sells her collection? Her site doesn’t seem to be transactional. Thanks Vicky x

  24. Thrilled your loving the pieces. My new collection will be on sale on http://www.notjustalabel.com/flikhall from the beginning of March and my website a little later. Feel free to drop me an email: flik@flikhall.com x

  25. Thrilled to here you like my new pieces. AW11 will on sale on http://www.notjustalabel.com/flikhall from the beginning of March and my website soon after. Feel free to drop me an email: flik@flikhall.com

  26. Hi Dear, very nice your blog, when you have a time could you check our shop in :

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  27. This is amazing! How come I never heard of it either? Duuuuh! Better pay more attention! :) I’ll go check out more of it now, thanks Shini!

  28. These look so amazing!

    Juliet xxx

  29. I love this, especially the SS 11 collection! Thanks for sharing!

  30. Oh my! I love those sketches! Very cool designs. The black studded knee-length skirt stood out to me. I absolutely love it.

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