I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a changeā€”a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.



Oneshoulder-dress Topshop | Croptop AA | Jeans H&M | Shoes ALDO

Quick post today.

Many of you precious readers asked what camera I’m using. I use a Canon 400D and a family of lenses that I collected over teaching myself how to use the camera. Most importantly, all the photos in the blog taken by my camera are fed through photoshop first to crop and adjust brightness, colour and saturation. I have this image of freshly taken photos as red, blood dripping raw meat which needs to be cooked thoroughly before being served. Obviously like steak, this also depends on how well done you want it and I personally like it medium well done. Also remember, overcooking leads to burning, which leads to fire, which leads to a housefire, which can lead to a forest fire, which leads to national disaster, which may lead to THE END OF THE WORLD. Underlining moral: don’t crank up the saturation.

I’m always open to give help and advice!

(yes I do realise the sidebar is a bit broken, it just happened on its own so I’m gonna see if it’ll go away on its own…)

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  1. real positive, happy, friendly, doomsday-free advice. ==
    thanks. _-_

  2. photoshop scares me ;)

  3. you’re funny.

    i love the slight editing in photos too! and like the person above said, photoshop scares me too! but i have to learn how to use it. i have a feeling i’ll like it once i get the hang of it.

  4. gorgeous backdrop. love the effortless layering and slouch fit going on here.

  5. aahh, the old “hope time fixes broken shit” tactic… one of my favourites.

  6. I think I may overcook my photos sometimes….but I think it’s because I just got photoshop and it’s like a new toy. Hopefully I can restrain myself in the future.

  7. Dang, I wish I had photoshop..or any other photo editing program of any sort! I love the wash of your jeans.

  8. photoshop is like another language to me, but im trying to teach myself how to use it

  9. I’m still new to photoshop, I still prefer film to digital…


  10. LOVE the analogy to cooking BLOOD_DRIPPING RAW meat!!! i gotta say sometimes i like it medium-rare. and sometimes so overcook that it’s burnt on the edge.

    gotta say its pretty interesting with the hobo-make-up – or the lack of it!!

  11. love the versatility of your clothing!

  12. lulz steak. i want some beeeeehhhffff

  13. how awesome to be in rome! u lucky girl. and as much as i love your style, i love your intelligence & wit even more. your writing is just fantastic.

  14. I am actually making my first serious camera purchase very soon. I’ve heard great things about the Canon 400D.

    And speaking fashion, love the boots.

  15. Your photos are always great.
    And photos whithout editing are always looking crappy. with any camera imo.

  16. Your outfit looks amazing!

  17. willow is the photoshop literate one out of the two of us.
    daria = clueless at technology altogether/ rare when she doesnt damage electronic goods.

    yum. beef :).

  18. hey hey!!

    Stylish wanderer posted a blog asking if anyone knew who knew how to knit a Rodarthe cardi and i recommended you to her and susie bubble!


    p.s lovely post

  19. I love the way your wore your cropped top!! Very nice!! I always enjoy looking at your photos and you really have a gift for explaining things in a way people understand. There are a lot of girls who want to start a fashion blog but they don’t really know how to start in the first place. I think if you start writing tutorials on how you take pictures or how you edit your pictures, that would be really helpful and I believe a lot of people would appreciate it. xxoxoxoxoxo

  20. Hi, I just came across your blog as it was recommended in the vogue forums by a user and I am in love with it :D
    You are very funny and I will have to try your diy projects sometime!
    Anyway you look fabulous xo!

  21. Cooool!!!:)

  22. This blog is a delight! love the aesthetics, the writing and of course your sense of style. Have fun in Rome, amazing city!!

  23. Shini! you look amazing, and I am SOOO JEALOUS that you’re in rome!!

    eat lots of gelato for me!

    The Voguette

  24. You look great!!! I love those jeans! Have fun in ROme!

  25. woot woot!

    looking good today miss shini:) loving the patern peeking through that crop top, unexpectedly fresh!

  26. Great outfit, relaxed and fresh :) In love with the AA crop top

  27. all your photos are editorial quality that’s why a lot of people asked about the camera you are using. i am one of those! i like how you captured all the photos.

    i love your jeans. they are unique and perfect for your long legs!


  28. haha, i adore your analogy about the meat and photoshop. i do edit and crank up saturation sometimes but i try not to. i’m no expert but i dodge and burn a rediculous amount.

  29. you made me laugh. really hard.
    your outfit it great, as usual, i love the zig zag print peeking through.

  30. Ah, lucky you, the eternal city. It was my home for 4 years. Hope you’re enjoying it to the max. As the big apple, this city dont ever sleep either;)


  31. ha, loving the photo analogy you’ve shared with us. i don’t believe i’ve ever heard anyone compare editing photos to preparing steak. artful indeed.

    funny thing is that even with the most minimal editing (literally just tweaking levels a bit), my pictures look speckled. strange? i believe i’ll figure it out eventually and improve my sucky photography skillz soon enough!

    your photographs are always amazing shini!

  32. hey my love,
    that cropped top is love. and heart that aldo boots…;
    i wish u wore size 7 or 71/2 so i could wear all of ur shoes

  33. Totally love these photos – whatever you do to them is working. Sounds far too high tech for my understanding haha. So jealous of rome and your BOOTS. you look perfect as per usual.

  34. yay crop tops! and i love those boots

  35. nice!

  36. Haven’t been to Rome but been to Venice and Florence…both also stunning cities.

    I use contrast/brightness adjustments, levels, curve and crop tools for my street style photos. I’d tried using satuation and went abit overboard and stopped using it….cos they looked soo erm RED and ORANGE hehe.

  37. Oh wow your so lucky to be travelling to so many places. btw Shini can you recommend an alright priced digital camera like yours ranging price from $100 to $400 ?
    Hehe* thanks shini btw totally love how you use the crop top.
    love victoria.


  38. I think you are doing a great job with your pics, because they seems to be not retouched! and this is so goooood! awesome look as usual!

  39. oh these pictures are very beautiful!

    i always enjoy your posts, they are hilarious and very interesting!

  40. Erica

    What’s your favorite walk-around lens? I’m not sure if i should invest in an L-lens or a wide angle since I’m relatively new to photography. (I have the 100 prime, 50 prime, and standard kit lens). PS, pleeeeasee make more DIY tutorials. They are so GOOOD.

  41. I love the compositions of ur pics!!
    Your blog is always a delight to visit. Gorgeous gorgeous photos!

    I’m itching to get my hands on the 500D!!!

  42. i love your steak-metaphor for photoshop! thats so how i feel! i just recently found your blog and im loving every post.

  43. loving this outfit.
    I guess if you can tweak pictures to make them better… why not!


  44. STARR

    I love the crop top on you. Very unique :)

  45. What a super cool look!

  46. crop top love! i’m searching for one myself. thanks for the photo editing tip. i like my steak well done, photos as you.

  47. qi

    hi. love your photos. may i know what lens are you using?

  48. This is a fab outfit, the layering is spot on, kudos to you!

    I am a follower! yay!

    Ash (www.alligatorsapple.blogspot.com)


  49. ooo i really like that print under the crop top!