Illustrations by my talented pig friend, Elface, a blog anniversary gift!
It’s quite hard to believe, but Park & Cube has been nominated in the category of Best Fashion Blog (UK-based, I presume) at‘s Online Fashion Awards ’09! If it’s not too much to ask, I’d love to ask for a vote, but I personally think the reason I’m nominated alongside Style Bubble and Knighttcat is so I can walk ahead of them to sprinkle flower petals on the velvet carpet and then help clean up the awards room afterwards. In any case, click to vote!
By the way, thank you so much for all the superkind messages everyone left in the anniversary post. The number of comments is quite overwhelming, but that necklace is indeed cool, isn’t it. No no, I’m really grateful to the genuine comments of congratulations, those are the ones that really make me all fuzzy and warrrrm inside <3. Oh yes on another note, I’ve had to go and delete all the email addresses that many wrote in the comment box. It’s enough to leave your email addresses in the form, exposing them in the comment box like that is basically signing up for first class spam, by the truckloads. Who knows, maybe we’ll find out just how many Nigerian princesses there are in this world after all.
yay im voting for u right now i love ur site
Deifnitely voting for you! You are real inspiration…
And hey I’m Nigerian, but unfortunately I’m only a princess in my daddy’s eyes :)
Congratulations! :)
You deleted all the e-mail addresses in the comment box? That must’ve taken you forever!
But that is so kind of you. :) So you get my vote for sure!
Haha! :) You are always so funny and sweet! :) Voting for you! :)
I voted for you! :D
congrats! all the best!
about 600 comments, wow. yes, people tend forget that they’re exposing themselves to scammers when they leave email addies in public. good on you to remove them.
not hard to believe at all! we love your blog =D congrats!!
def voting for you! =)
And I voted for u! (:
done, i have voted for you!! definitely my favorite blog!
I am definetly going to vote for you, right now! congratulations!
Good luck! :)
Wow, congratulations on your nomination!
Love from Paris
Voted for you, I have loved your blog since I came across it.
I voted for you. :D
I’m not usually one to comment but I always read your blog and really like it, so you have my vote. Congrats on being nominated :)
Congratulations! you defenitely deserve to be up there with stylebubble and knightcat!
woo. voted for you :]
Good luck!
nigerian princesses and african doctors as well! i’ve voted for you by the way, hope you can vote for my blogshop here: http://sputnik–
Good luck and congrats again Shini! <3
I voted for you. Of course I voted for you. You use intelligence and wit, as well as so many of your own pictures. You’re my favorite. By far. :)
(Alhough I’ve only lurked thus far. With this comment, I feel so exposed)
Just voted sweetie!
Hope you win!!
and congrats to a one yr of ur awesome blog <3
Love, Aimee
Shini, you won!! Congratulations :D