I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Smoking is harmful for you, kids. KFC on the other hand, is not. Message in a kiosk!

Warsaw Central Train station > Krakow Old Town > Zakopane  Youth Hostel > Szymoszkowa Ski slopes > Morskie Oko paths

Well, looks like I can actually ski.

Tumble wumble tumble wumble tailbone slam headbang tumble sticks and skis gone, but hey I still did get up after that, it was just that once. Everyone chose to snowboard the first day, and then curiously changed to skis the next – I must’ve looked glamorous – after all, I did try to appear fashion blogger by wearing orange with yellow.
Again, it wasn’t my first time in Zakopane, the mountains of Southern Poland, but this time it was definitely a refreshing experience, going with friends. Sure, it’s not the Alps, but I doubt they have Polish horses in the Alps. Beat that.

The trip was great, taking that much needed break and actually wearing utilitarian clothing was, dare I say, liberating. Skiing and hiking are probably the two most blogger-unfriendly verbs in the entire dictionary (this fashion blogger dictionary can be purchased at £5.95 at local blogshops) but you’ll excuse me for this once, yes?

Hope you all had a wonderful start to 2010, I personally don’t consider Jan 1 to be any different than Dec 31, but that’s just me I guess. Can you believe that a decade ago we thought our computer dates were going to scramble back to ‘1900’, in which case the dumb 12 year-old that I was thought I’d just flip it up to ‘2000’ after the disaster happened? What, what computing crisis?

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  1. I really adore your fuzzy hat! I just got one sort of like it for Christmas, and it’s been dubbed the ‘Polar Explorations’ hat~
    I really love your photography style too, everything looks so amazingly clear and sharp!


  2. I still don’t get the whole Y2K scare, but I was a dizzy 10-year-old at the time. really cool pictures :) May I ask what font you used for those dates listed in the first picture? I see it everywhere but I’m not sure of which font that is

  3. That’s Minion Pro!

  4. What a fantastic trip. Happy New years to you too Shini! This is going to be an amazing year, I can feel it :)

  5. I’m glad you managed to make it back in one piece. I couldn’t even manage the fake snow, kiddy slope, when I attempted skiing.
    Your knittings look lovely by the way. What’re you making?

  6. Your knitting looks so good. I’m an amateur knitter, who isn’t very persistent haha. The photo of the toast is so cute. And your hair is gorgeous!


  7. Skiing and hiking are probably the two most blogger-unfriendly verbs in the entire dictionary

    Haha, is that a challenge? ;) I always enjoy the extra thought it takes to look somewhat stylish in the rough and utilitarian world of outdoor activities.

  8. hi !
    nice to see you had fun during your trip =)
    I love your chapka (I bought a similar one a few weeks ago, actualy ^^) : it allows you to look like a fashionista even while skiing.
    see ya soon !

  9. Emily

    whatever you’re knitting looks beautiful! can’t wait to see how it comes out!

  10. Owwh it’s a chunky scarf (how original) but it’s taking so long I’m expecting it to be done in 2090.

  11. really lovely.


  12. Great photos! Hope you had a really good time :)


  13. Yes, really great photos! I was in Zakopane too, such a nice relaxed place, and I love mountains. The name ‘Zakopane’ actually means something like ‘dig-it’, what’s a funny fact. Hehe.

  14. Agata

    It’s so good to see Polish mountains here on your blog :) I’m happy, that you enjou your staying here and you’ve took nice photos ;) Zakopane is really nice place. I’ve been there and in “Kopalino” next to Zakopane where was my hotel – Viva Maria. Thank you for photos, cause in this winter holidays i won’t get there and I miss Zakopane a lot :( Bye :)

  15. how come poland always looks so nice in your pics? whenever im here i find it all grey and depressing. good you had a great time :) happy new year!

  16. Wow looks amazing. And I totally LOVE skiing. Must fun thing to do … ever!

  17. Tom Tuttle from Tacoma

    agree with Robyn about your photos. wishing you a fruitful 2010.

  18. What a wonderfull trip! I see you enjoyed it! I have never been in Poland, but I know there are quite good ski areals. – HAPPY NEW YEAR! Just looking forward your next amazing photo-posts!

  19. looks absolutely beautiful! Horsebackriding in the winter sounds amazingly refreshingly! love the btw!

  20. How lovely! :) First picture shows typical polish countryside. It makes me laugh a little bit;)
    I spent my last two weeks in my hometown in the mountain and I had a great time too:) Btw. I ski and snowboard since I was 6 years old, so I think it’s not blogger-unfriendly word;) (and I must say that you look like a professional skier :D )

  21. beautiful pics! i’ve wanted to start knitting for ages now i think this should be the year that i start, where in London can i buy the ‘gear’ to get me started?

  22. Ah you can easily go to John Lewis and get the gear, or if you have a haberdashery close to where you live, they should have knitting tools too ;) I recommend just trying out the techniques with cheap Acrylic yarn before going into buying ‘wearable’, more expensive yarn!

  23. Aww I would love to experience snow, as I live in South East Asia and have never seen snow yet.
    Hope you had a great holiday season! Just wanted to comment because you’re one of the bloggers that inspired me to open mine (i’ve had blogs before, but nothing that’s serious about photography). I love your photos, always so natural and pretty. :)

  24. My my! What a scrumptious looking set of pics.. i’m looking rather lustfully at that face on a plate.. It looks like a rather lovely slice of milk loaf … mmm milk loaf.. and I am somewhat saddened that his eyes are not munchable.. but yush… anywho.. great to see that designer eye didn’t go rusty from all the snow and sleep..

    Happy New Year YOU GARH!!

  25. hi:) i’m happy to see my country on your blog! I have been in Zakopane many times (it’s quite near me) but not last year and i miss is very much. I must go there in 2010!

  26. i love all your photos… makes me feel like im there with you hahah.

    hope you had a great xmas and hope the new year brings you more happiness


  27. Kasia

    I’m really happy that you like our country and we can see some photos from the polish mountains! Poland is in fact grey and depressing but there is a lot of really beautiful places to visit,too! Hope you’ll come back soon :)
    I have a question: what did you like the most in each of these cities? Especially Warsaw, I know it quite well as I’ve been living here since I was born :)

  28. Ooooh polish horses! I like the furry yellow backpack. It looks like it could make an awesome pillow if filled with soft things.

  29. That is such an adorable yellow backpack! OOHHH that is a favorite! The pictures look wonderful and I wish to go to Poland someday. The last picture with the horses is so beautiful!

  30. Kaz

    Hiya! Can I just ask (as a fellow graphic designer!) what typefaces you used in the first photograph for the title? I like! :)

  31. The Zakopane fone is Old English Text MT, the dates are Minion Pro, and ‘Ski Trip’ is…actually I don’t remember which one that was, in that size it looks like pretty much any serif font :P

  32. That view is amazing.
    Beautiful photos!!

  33. I love this place

  34. Nina

    Happy New Year Shini!! Have I said earlier that I love absolutely everything about your blog? Yes I did, like a million times. ;)

  35. I very much love your yellow fuzzy backpack!

  36. why are you travel so much to poland?

  37. Oh that’s because I grew up here and it’s home ;)

  38. your photographs are lovely, it looks so christmassy :)

  39. oh my, the pictures are soo beautiful! hope you had a jolly time tumbling, wumbling, slamming and headbanging down the slopes. my first experience was never that exciting. haha

  40. christmassy photos, snow and horses! perfect. i’ve never been skiing before :( hope you had a lovely christmas and new years xxx

  41. Lovely photos! So much snow!

    I really like that furry hat and they are definitely brilliant for keeping warm but alas, they aren’t suited to my head! I do wish I could knit, looks like a nice little scarf you’re knitting there!

  42. haha, love that yellow backpack. seriously. =)

  43. beautiful pics as always!! hahaha oh god “the millenium bug”…i remember thinking thats the stupidest thing i’d ever heard in my life

  44. i love love love your blog, style and specially your DYS’s sooooo pretty!!!
    im working on this new blog {thecytherea.blogspot.com} and would lovee if you take a look at it??
    much love and blessings in this new year!

  45. awesome pics Shini! you’re so stilish also on the snow!

  46. Lovely photos, esp. love the one with the bread and the smiley face on it! Happy 2010! xo, mel

  47. This looks so good! Amazing photos as always! Happy new Year!

    juliet xxx

  48. I..have no idea how to reply back so I’ll make a new comment here :D
    So glad you think my phoos are nice~!! Haha aand yeah I’m Filipino so I guess there’s going to be a lot of that.
    Is it okay if I link you? I’m fixing up my links so… :)

    Also, you like Taeyang! The 2% I was drinking had Taeyang’s face on it (http://www.flickr.com/photos/goldengutgirl/4237566776/) haha :P

  49. omg this looks so fun. I used to go skiing when I was younger but I’m horrible at it…I enjoy the lifts more than the actual skiing haha.

    Love all the pics they are so “wintery”, especially enjoyed the first and the ones of the horsies.

  50. wow! i live in cracow and i didn’t expect that you have been there. i’m so happy about this! hope you will come back soon ;D HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  51. great selection of pics! call me weird but my fav are the interior shots – door handles, tiles and curtains! i am actually considering to go visit Poland next time round!
    btw smart packing – a bagpack that doubles as a pillow!

  52. so cool! Polish horses!!!!!

  53. Molly

    Your knitting! Oh my God! Please come teach me!!

  54. happy new year

    tes photos sont magnifiques et donnent envie de te suivre dans tes voyages

  55. oooh i love your blog! and i love the fact, that u are from poland (my origin country) I know Zakopane from childhood, this is a beautyful and stylish post about this place!! thank u!!

  56. I just went skiing myself! I forgot how great the feeling of skiing down a mountain is- wind against your cheeks, only the sound of snow in your ears. It’s so peaceful up on the mountain. Hope you had a good ski trip. Love the hat btw, looks nice and warm :)


  57. J’aime beaucoup tes photos elles font très Noêl et comme c’est la saison elles font rêver bravo à toi

  58. http:parkandcube.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/IMG_0403.jpg It’s so weird to see a familiar place. I live in Cracov :)