I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Samsung Wave II, courtesy of Spreading Jam & Samsung

Shots from London Underground, LFW, home, home 2 (Warsaw), Freemasons’ Hall, Next HQ, airport, Topshop… etc

I think the reason I agreed to take part in the Samsung Now Project was predominantly the fact that the Wave II phone spoke Korean – what a novelty it was to be able to type in Korean to my friends (by friends I mean ramen bowls with eyes drawn on)…  later when I read the small print I noticed keywords like facebook, filters and competition… aych, them speedbumps are never visible at first glance. But alas, the only ‘speedbumps’ I let get in my way were my boobs while squeezing under the BFC camera at the PPQ show. For the past 2 months I’ve been putting the Canon to bed early and going out with the Wave II to snap some ‘Now‘ moments. Then I’d come home, jazz it up with a filter equivalent of rabid racoons (Cute in essence, BUT VISUALLY SO WRONG) and putting it up on their Facebook gallery.

I think I was also meant to let you know the submission was open to everyone and 50 winners would have their photo displayed in the Design Museum, and the top 25 were to win handsets… but I think there was some selective reading on my part.  No, this post is just severely delayed, you can see by the fact the amount of time passed for me to have caught shots from the air, from underground, from London, from Warsaw, from a fashion show, from a spaghettihouse… a week more and I would have managed to capture a shot from inside the British embassy in Warsaw. An arrest might’ve been the highlight of the week.

Unfortunately the competition is now closed, sorry :(
Also, bit of an irony that this Samsung Wave II post landed on top of the tsunami post, uncomfortable occasion to find a pun…

Day 1: Latte and Eggs Royale at the Breakfast Club

Day 2: Cheddar cheese burger, strawberry milkshake and fries at Byron

Day 3: Ribena juice from Mulberry; Olive Capers pasta, latte and Focaccia at Princi; Tea and roadkill Mulberry cupcake

Day 4: Sushi boxset and Blueberry Granola Frozen Yoghurt from Itsu

Day 5: Vegetable dumpling Udon from Itsu (Noodling shot thanks to Kit!)

Day 6: Glamour x Krispy Kreme for Glamour Magazine 10th Anniversary Limited Edition (Photo thanks to Franciepants)

Making out with the doughnut, such a PG rated naughty pic that is.

BAH I give up. For days I’ve been trying to cook up another one of those ‘Special Edits‘ but I’ve got the biggest designer’s block that the Park & Cube bit is starting to make sense. So here’s the food I ate during fashion week, they deserve a bit of attention anyway, the Glamour x Krispy Kreme doughnuts especially. The lovely Abi arranged 4 boxes to be delivered and before it was released for distribution I’d already stuffed my trap with a dozen. I’m going to be so fat  *cue ‘oh no shini you’re not fat‘ comment. **cue ‘oh yes I am, I should’ve had 6 doughnuts, I should go hurt myself now‘ reply.

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