Every morning for the past couple of weeks, a sliver of crisp air has been seeping into the bedroom through the slits of our single-glazed windows and chilling the room down to a temperature in which a leftover casserole dish could safely sit in for about a week or so before being deemed inedible. Inside the duvet and out is the difference of Northern/Southern Hemispheres. This can only mean one thing: Autumn is here. And that we should probably replace the draught-prevention stickers for the windows… and we also e-mail the landlady to complain why the house is still balls-cold with the heating on. So three things.
The streets are laden with men and women of varying stages of confusion: those shuffling by in full Day After Tomorrow get-up in duffle coats and pickaxes, and then the skeptical few with a very cold-looking set of toes peeking out of yesterday’s ‘heatwave’ sandals. Alas, we are Londoners, it’s simply too impolite to the day’s general schedule to go back and change. So we charge on, trench foot galore. A general aroma (or shall I say ‘fume’) of Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) wafts through the tube system, reminding us of the impending holiday that is distinctly not-of-British-tradition (i.e American), and the one vegetable we do not bother eating any other time of the year. A bit like how we consider turkey a dry, inferior chicken, every other time than Christmas.
Coat, Sweater, Bag, silver brogues – Coach AW15. Brogues – Hudson Shoes
Our garden has mysteriously given birth to a wagon-load of fat apples, most of which have been gnawed on by foxes or pecked out by magpies, but one day I looked out our bedroom window and thought it was a rather beautiful scene lying so closely to my highly sarcastic lifestyle, so we decided to shoot some of my favourite bits from the Coach AW15 out there.