I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Coat – Mum’s Deni Cler, Dress – Mum’s Fürnkranz, Shoes – Nine West, Cashmere Scarf – Uniqlo, Bag & Belt – JHYoo

The minute I stepped outside Warsaw airport it was WHAM, a scratchy slap across my face with the rotten realization that I’ve been painstakingly lugging around 23kg of junk that’s altogether suitable for a different climate. As always, I’d completely underestimated the bitterness of -18Cº (-0.4Fº) and packed inadequately; forgive me, but UGGs are starting to make more sense now. There’s only so much shuffling I can do in my mother’s wardrobe to seem like nothing was missing during the raid, but I was never able to fool her by scattering food all over the dinnerplate to seem like I’m done – so I don’t really suppose I’ll get away with this.

On a separate note, these photos were taken by Yoo and Ji today, two cheerful 11 year olds in my church. Granted, I had to juggle a few snowballs to lure them away from their friends and plant some enthusiasm by turning the photoshoot into a game of sorts… those who’ve ever babysat will agree: the Who Cleans Up First Wins! game is so so soo deceiving and fun. I did all the camera settings and quickly explained how the focus works, and said the one with most focused photos will win. I forget the score but I think I won.

Evil, who, me?

Jacket – Mum’s Deni Cler, Black jeans – Zara, Bag – River Island, Scarf – Solar

Hello from Warsaw! Please excuse my sparse posting, I’ve had to go to the extent of committing blogger sin by taking outfit photos at the mall because I’ve been waking up to dusk everyday. I wake up to the sun setting – is that wrong or what. Well, the fact that I’m waking up at 2pm and the fact that the sun is setting around then… is probably a similar type of crime. The weather is quite exhausting, I completely forgot that Warsaw gets this bitter cold despite the fact that I spend my winter here what, every year? Happily there are lots of stuff to steal from my mum’s closet, whether she likes it or not – I WILL WEAR THAT GUCCI BAG BECAUSE I’M SO COLD.
What can I say, -17°C makes some screws come loose.