I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.



.The Draper Equestrian Hat – Modcloth
.Zipper Top – Dorothy Perkins | Pants – Zara | Shoes – Cutesyshoes | Bag – DIY Studded Vintage | Necklace – DIY

I apologise for the increased randomness – considering the nature of my blog you’re probably thinking oh is that mad woman going to staple that horse-riding hat, and the answer is no, I wasn’t thinking of that, but hey shall we try? I’ll take the stapler, you wear the hat. I was simply cleaning out all the irrelevant crap in my room – the highschool biology notes, college applications, Cosmopolitan mags (the horror). I realised, on pulling out 2 boxfulls of stapler eggs (that’s what I call it in Korean) that I have not had the need to staple in FOREVER, and why is it that we always end up with BOXFULS of staples? From the amount I found it looks like I was aspiring to be a secretary at a law firm – my CV proudly stating: Collector; Owns bajillion staples, no stapler.

p.s I would very much like a riding hat to go with my handsome riding shoes.





Knit Jumper Vintage | Tshirt I Don’t Like Mondays | Pants, bag Gmarket | Shoes Cutesyshoes

It’s so wrong when you had a can of energy drink that looks like an angry brown poop (refer to pic in last post) and you still feel doozy woozy sleeepy.

I can’t wait till Sale season. I think I spend more when I forbid myself to shop. It must work the other way, right? Stingy when allowed to spend. Mini rebel needs some discipline because clearly, this thing I just bought from ASOS is DIYable inside and out.






Jacket ASOS | Scarf, Pants Gmarket | Plaid shirt Uniqlo Men
Bag River Island | Shoes Cutesyshoes


Aldo Wilhemy

Hey guyyyyyz, my brother is wailing in the corner, screaming for his blankie, now look what you’ve done! Well what I’ve done, actually, I was the one asking the dumb question. Sorry. He’s indeed my baby brother by 2.5years – he’s 19 now. I know, baby doesn’t fit too well with that senile face. At least it was a good-ish fight between older 15: younger 12… (Thanks so much for the comments though, I love you all mucho.)

Oh, but to someone someone who said he looks like he’s in his mid-twenties (!!) but younger than me – are you saying I look late twenties? Sobstory of the week, definitely. (I still love you, Kit)

We went shopping, and I went in those heels. Very funny. At least I could pull off a genuine splat sitdown on the shopfloor + I CAN’T WAAAAAALK so I could get those Aldos without guilt.  Temporary guilt, that is. (Buyer’s remorse ETA: 3:23:46)

Oh and here’s one good advice in life. NEVER GO SHOPPING ON A SATURDAY. So I can enjoy the quiet streets all by myself kthxbye.

Tshirt H&M Jeans Zara Vest Korea Boots CutesyShoes Beanie Topshop

I think I would’ve named my blog CAKE & COFFEE if it wasn’t for my sanity that persuaded me to do otherwise.

Pulling an all-nighter writing an essay about something I know nothing about, called for desperate (read: Truckload of calories) measures. I think I finished a box of JellyBellies in under an hour.

And yes, now I give approval to hang up Christmas decorations. Come on London, October is not a good time to put up Christmas stuff. I got sick of the decorations by Halloween.

I think I know now why I pull out grey clothes from my wardrobe all the time.

The past 2 months since school started I have had no opportunity to think colourful and enjoy being alive and blessed by God. Today I hit a low… Essay due tomorrow got wiped out, no surprise, happens all the time.

Blazer H&M Tshirt I Don’t Like Mondays Tights Topshop Boots Cutesyshoes

I guess I’m dreaming in black and white again tonight…