...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.
OMG shini, you have no idea how much i look to her for insspiration and especially the picture of the whole teen voguettes. i love teen vogue’s styling and my entire look right now has been cemented by these awesome tastic editors!!!:)
i thought it would be ok if i took a leave from blogging for a couple of days (weeks?) because i’m too busy (riiiight) or something similar, but what do i see here??? the number of posts and awesome outfits missed within the last week is like… to bajeesus and back. turns out you’re traveling all over the place! warsaw? what brings you into eastern europe? why why? those people roll their Rs, that should tell you something. aahhhh motherland. i miss your beets and soup.
i think im starting to have a thing for pants that don’t necessarily make your legs look long or skinny like the first picture. it may be the influx of skinny jean clad korean girls in every single color ever a la 소녀시대.
I wish i was redish (or even blode would be nicer than my sad brown hair)
And i absolutely love her boots on the last pix. Do you tjink these are Chloe boots ?
I wish i could find some like these with heels like the chloe…
The Teenvogue Team Shot is one of my favorite photos ever! The lady in the last picture, omg, awesome layering genius! So cool!
I work alone in the office everyday so I basically come in my pajamas. Haha, just kidding. I have no coworkers so I have a rare freedom of dressing however I like.
she IS magic.
i just booked my ticket to london (first time in europe !! ah) for a school program. any suggestions for shops on the affordable side of things? i only have a few weeks so no time to waste!
OMG shini, you have no idea how much i look to her for insspiration and especially the picture of the whole teen voguettes. i love teen vogue’s styling and my entire look right now has been cemented by these awesome tastic editors!!!:)
LOVE HER. those yellow boots were amazing, and i love love love her hair.
I’m totally envious of everyones outfit.
all those photos/poses look like yours… great minds?
i thought it would be ok if i took a leave from blogging for a couple of days (weeks?) because i’m too busy (riiiight) or something similar, but what do i see here??? the number of posts and awesome outfits missed within the last week is like… to bajeesus and back. turns out you’re traveling all over the place! warsaw? what brings you into eastern europe? why why? those people roll their Rs, that should tell you something. aahhhh motherland. i miss your beets and soup.
killer mustard shoes.
love her style, she is always put together
great post shini!
omg i remember a few months ago, she came to chloé press day and she stood next to me taking photos and I felt a little star struck. hahaha.
this ginger is def one of a kind. she does prints and colors so well.
i think red heads make up some of the most gorgeous people out there
yeah! Taylor is one of the best dressed woman in the world of fashion sistem! I love her!
i am in love with that last outfit. i need to get jeans like that.
love her!! amazing style, and so chic!
she’s so lovely to look at.
i think im starting to have a thing for pants that don’t necessarily make your legs look long or skinny like the first picture. it may be the influx of skinny jean clad korean girls in every single color ever a la 소녀시대.
the third photo = total style domination bombardment . love it!
she makes me want red hair <3
Love these pictures!
I want red hair now, she’s really rocking it!
Good inspiration!
She is awesome. Thumbs up!
I wish i was redish (or even blode would be nicer than my sad brown hair)
And i absolutely love her boots on the last pix. Do you tjink these are Chloe boots ?
I wish i could find some like these with heels like the chloe…
Oh, by the way, whose the girl ? :)
i loove your blog!!
I love ALL of these! :)
She has such an amazing style!
her yellow boots and ripped jeans are amazing!
great post
Love her skirt on the second pic. And the vest and the yellow boots are such unexpected adds to the outfit!
The Teenvogue Team Shot is one of my favorite photos ever! The lady in the last picture, omg, awesome layering genius! So cool!
I work alone in the office everyday so I basically come in my pajamas. Haha, just kidding. I have no coworkers so I have a rare freedom of dressing however I like.
ahhhhhhh…. one of my fave redheads
the ripped jeans are so beautiful!
omg amazingamazingamazingggg! I love the second and fourth looks especially :)
love was started by csm kids? whoa. where are they on the masthead? did katie grand buy the idea off their hands?
her style is impeccable. her fiery hair and HER legs go on for miles!
oh yes, screw fashion blogging, i’m going into stock photography! make me some of this big buckz lady…haha, i kid i kid.
Jak & Jil is such an amazing source for fashion photos! And I love every outfit. So casually chic & unbothered with. Unfussy is sophisticated!
La C.
does she ever get it wrong?
god i love this picture of her wearing the baggy beige chinos + heels!
Oh wow the second one is so great! Thanks for sharing x Sushi
she IS magic.
i just booked my ticket to london (first time in europe !! ah) for a school program. any suggestions for shops on the affordable side of things? i only have a few weeks so no time to waste!
taylor has such fantastic style. and her hair color is perfection.