I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.
Jacey Withers

Lilifi laptop cases

Rocio Clutches

Merle O’Grady Jewellery

LFW Accessories Exhibition; Jacey Withers, Lilifi, Rocio, Merle O’Grady

There was an entire chest of, well, floor of treasures under the reception lounge that I would’ve completely forgone if a really friendly girl didn’t stop me and asked if I wrote a blog. I said yes, and she said bloggers are prohibited at fashion week (unless you’re in that list of elite bloggers) and that I will now be escorted to the underground prisons. True story.

I’m kidding, unless you really couldn’t tell. Thank you mystery girl for introducing me to the work of Jacey Withers, so sorry I didn’t catch your name!

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  1. Amazing jewelry!

  2. The clutches are what caught my eye!

  3. i adore every single one of these pictures

  4. i love the clutches! the colors are nude-ish but still eye catching!
    and the mushroom necklaces, very Alice indeed.

    oh, and PS: i love your awkward shot at Nadia’s blog btw :P

  5. I love love love the jewelry!

  6. i have been looking for the perfect snakeskin clutch forever, and i think you just helped me find it :)

  7. Love the jewellery!xxx

  8. These are great, I’ve always been attracted to animal jewelry and trinkets. I really like the rabbit ring and the little dagger!

  9. I loved the dog’s head earring, I used to have a pair of kitty-kat earrings but I lost them somewhere between Hong Kong and Seoul or Jeju-do :S

  10. so many pretty things <3

  11. So pretty. You know, I completely missed this too…so I’ve been devouring all the pics from bloggers who were more savvy around Somerset house and found the treasures!

  12. adorable!! i’m totally animal crazy so i’m on love with those designs!

  13. wow im so in love with every single piece!!
    thank you soo much for sharing.
    very inspiring

  14. beautiful things!

  15. amazing photos.
    some of those pieces of jewellery are so interesting, im so bored with my jewellery. I absolutely love the mushroom necklace! what brand are these pieces?

  16. I NEED that Raccoon!

  17. Is the necklace in the 5th pic a treasure chest with stuff coming out of it? Because if that’s the case, it’s brilliant. All the clutches are shaped in such an interesting fashion. And the last rings are oddly cute in a spiky way. Hehe

  18. haha. too funny… but seriously, these are totally gorgeous. a little mind bogglingly so. love all the textures on the bags and especially the first ring. am glad you met this mystery girl… xx

  19. omg I actually believed your story for a little while. ADORABLE jewelry!

  20. That jewellery at the beggining is just divine! The mushroom necklace and that rabbit ring are my favourites. :) Amazing detail on the 4th picture as well!

    Ruth xxx

  21. Such precious jewelry. Love those spiky rings!

  22. These are too awesome!!! I wish I could buy them ugh

  23. I really need that last necklace…

  24. those pieces are all so beautiful!

  25. awesome accessories!!


  26. Hello from Los Angeles. I really love your eye for photography and enjoyed following your tales of LFW.

  27. […] les nombreuses magnifiques maniques du swap 2010 et par Alice au pays des Merveilles (qu’on voit partout où l’on regarde en ce moment) que je vous laisse pour terminer viiiite mes […]

  28. There are a lot of great accessories on those photos!
