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I've moved on... a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Last minute packing for Turkey as we’re leaving in less than 3 hours. I know will severely regret not getting some sleep because I am close to 100% sure that there will be a devil child on the plane wailing right until the moment we land. When I have a child and if it cries in an airplane I will be so considerate as to check it in with the rest of the luggage before boarding – plane’s happy, mummy’s happy, everyone’s happy!

I found my mother’s ring stash, very satisfied with stock.





Aand finally, last minute DIY to wear on the beach (similar DIY Tutorial here), I realised my bikini bottom will not do half a decent job of covering the junk in the trunk so I had to think of an alternative.

Hope you’re having a good weekend!

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  1. Its sooo true!!! There is always a little kid crying in my flights too! And I can’t understand from where they get so much power to scream so loud during hours!

    bon voyage!!!

  2. I hardly get any sleep before travelling and it’s impossible for me to sleep on airplanes.

    Have a great trip!


  3. ah. i only wish my mom had a cool ring stash:) and i love teh shorts, perfect indeed!

  4. hahaha… love this. The shorts are amazing, you are certainly the master of shredding!! Check out my blog if so obliged :)


  5. great shorts!

  6. Gorgeous ring! Your shredding is unbelievable!

  7. baśka

    jesteś królową DIY! a poza tym znalazłaś przepiękny pierścionek i życzę ci udanego pobuty w Turcji! :*

  8. Love your shorts!

  9. wow, great DIY and the ring is so nice! have a nice vacation!

  10. Damn you are good at shredding I can never do it as well as that!

  11. haha I know what you mean and this is why I travel by train most off the time, there you can choose a silent section.

  12. wow, I’m excited for you. I haven’t been on an airplane for several years now. I used to go to and fro from california, florida, and hawaii my former years but now that I’m permanently located here in la…I don’t frequent airports as much anymore. :( Hmm, I suppose you can always listen to music on the way? However in my case, I sleep easily during a flight which is why I regularly don’t sleep the night before. Well, aided by the fact I’m anxious with excitement. Okay…TMI. I apologize. -__- haha

    p.s. So, you found a bikini that met your requirements? and I love the shorts.

  13. Mel

    Oh I had such an experience with a ‘devil child’. I was on a 13 hours flight from London and that poor baby was wailing all through out the flight! Needless to say, I didn’t have a real sleep. Didn’t help that flight departed at 10 plus, time to sleep for everyone.

  14. Tessa

    Happy holiday chipmunk!!

  15. your diy shorts look fantastic!!

  16. Love the shorts!

    Have a great trip :)

  17. im one of those people who just fall asleep the moment i sit down on a plane….dont know why. The shorts are a great idea, i dont like showing too much skin on the beach.

  18. I know exactly what you’re talking about – once on a flight over to Tokyo (a friggin many hours ride) I had one bawling brat on each side, two in front of me and one behind me, and no individual video screen :S but, however bad your flight might be, I hope you thoroughly enjoy Turkey :)!

  19. gorgeous ring, and cool shorts! i still haven’t had the chance to try the DIY out yet!

    have a great time in Turkey! my uncle wants to take me there, but he’s mostly talk..

  20. Nikki

    Have fun Shini! And awesome shorts!!! I’ve tried out the DIY on my jeans and it worked out great (:

  21. OMG! am so glad to have found how to make shredded jeans like this!
    Thank you so much .. am going to try it NOW! :D
    have a great time in Turkey x

  22. love your blog
    exchange links?
    love lara

    and could you say how the writing is called that you used in your header?

  23. Love the narration as usual! And such an awesome ring.

  24. have fun while touring and take good care of yourself. and don’t forget your battery charger (be it camera or mobile phone, both equally important).

  25. Love the pictures =)

  26. loooooooooove the shorts. lovelovelove

  27. Sweeeeeeet DIY! Enjoy Turkey

  28. I never get too much sleep in planes either, devil child or no devil child…
    Looove the shorts

    Hope you have a great time in Turkey!

  29. Love your last minute DIY-ing :)
    Have fun in Turkey!

  30. Skoro Baśka pisze po polsku,więc ja też…Bardzo mi się podobają te spodenki,więc muszę spróbować.A…pierścionek-BOSKI!

  31. Smashing shorts and loving the photos…

  32. Great shorts!Have a great trip!

  33. i totally LOVE IT when you DIY!!!!!!! soooooooooo cool!

  34. There’s ALWAYS a devil child crying all the flight… Have a nice trip :)
    And as usual, amazing DIY…

  35. me thinks your shorts version of this DIY >>>> the pants version. SOOOOOOOO awesome shini :D

  36. Ahh, I do love those shredded shorts. You are the master of all things shredding. Seriously.
    Enjoy your time in Turkey!

    And thanks for the inspiration, may shred mine own pair sooon.

  37. Ugh, screaming kids in public is pretty much my pet peeve.

  38. hahaha :) love this :) have fun in turkey!!!! soooooooooo jealous :)

  39. I know what you mean when it comes to devil children. I was on a nine hour flight, I had found out the day of the flight by my doctor that I had Strep throat, I took all the drugs I could get my hands on. I’m shoved between a chunky block of a guy and then on the other side is the aisle. And I thought I was lucky until it turned ten oclock, and then this kid starts screaming, just screaming non stop.and these other two kids start RUNNING up and down the aisles.I had no sleep, and I couldn’t sleep the next morning and felt veryvery nauseous.the end.lovely ring you have there.

  40. Great shorts.

    Love Grace.

  41. LOVE the DIY project! I must try this!

    Just added some new stuff to my site. Hope you can check it out!

    We sell Vintage and Designer clothes, shoes, and accessories all in one place. We have some really great things up right now! Studded boots, Alexander Wang halter top, and vintage blazers. Check it out!

  42. laurynwithay

    O Its always nice to know people feel the same about loud children

  43. Result! A ring stash! Adore those shorts
    It would be mine

  44. I hope your flight is not terribly annoying! I sat next to a screaming 5 year old on a flight just a few days ago and I wanted to rip his hair out… (isn’t that terrible?). Have a good time in Turkey! I love the shorts!!

  45. i missed reading your posts while i was away from the online blogging biz
    gorgeoussss ring
    and amazing diy! (as usual)

  46. Have a relaxing and fun holiday and hope you get lots of inspiration on your travels!
    Say hello to the sea creatures for me. Don’t forget to mention my good old friend Lobster Breath’s name around those parts, he is a crazy crustacean. They will show you a good time! hehehehehe

  47. i respect your style~~~~^^
    the fashion is an infinity.
    have fun.

  48. Awesome DIY, love the jeans and ur shoes in the previous post! Have a great trip!

  49. I really like the DIY shorts.
    Have fun in Turkey!

  50. Love how the pockets are lemon-y yellow..great diy.

  51. Rina

    I’m so glad to be back in the loop thank you for resending me this website I’ll Never lose it again. I was waiting for a tutorial on slicing & Dicing your jeans. Thanks.

  52. just came across your blog and I’m in love…. such gorgeous pictures! I will be keeping up with you!

  53. I made some RIT DYED and destroyed shorts on my blog as well! take a look! :)

    xx Jess