I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Jacket – Vintage Burberry, Dress & Shoes – Zara, Socks – Topshop, Braided ‘scarf’ – CADO Accessories, Lace scarf – Next, Bag – MarzArt; Thank you Kit for snapping the photos for me!

This is the bag that made my butch(?), German, motorcycle-riding, head tutor for my course go ever so slightly gay by pointing out that he spotted me in Chinatown the other day with it and that he thought the bag was awesome and would I like to go paint my nails with him. Is that a window of opportunity for a bribe swinging open kicking pigeons off that ledge, or is it just me? But in case he happens to stop by, I KID! (Hello Max! 85% or above please)

I’m in love with the bag. My Polish boyfriend loves that I love something Polish and I find that slightly unnerving. Do I really come across as someone who does not appreciate the country I grew up in? Although, looking back on how fast I got into that airplane that departed for London after highschool graduation, I’d guess so. Well let this post be a sort of redemption from all that, because you see, the grey necklace thing is also from Poland! (Thank you CADO Accessories for the generous gift!) If that doesn’t do it, I dunno what will.

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  1. miranda

    WOW… EVERYTHING about this post is hit-you-in-the-face amazing! LOVE your posts.

  2. The bag is even better than I imagined! Not that I have seen it in real life, but this is about as close as I’m going to get — and I’ll take it!

    I think having a Polish boyfriend is evidence enough. I mean, I love India and everything, but I ain’t dating one of those “you-are-my-women” men, no matter how much my mother pouts at me.

  3. hey purrdy grrl, love the clutch!

  4. i love the colours of your outfit they complement each other so well. plus the way you layered the scarves :) & that vintage burberry jacket! i’ve adored it since the last time you posted about it

  5. You clutch is SO awesome! It looks nice with the lace. :)

  6. Shini, the clutch is beautiful! I was eye-ing it the moment you posted about it. Now, why do all the cute things come in a foreign tongue? Argh.


  7. Love the fact that the colour of your jacket returns on your nails, unconsciously done or not!
    That braided scarf-thing ^^ is amazing!

  8. So lucky to have discovered this beautiful location it’s soooo Paris!

    I want to eat your giant Cornish Pasty/Dumpling bag…….yum yum.

    Peace Out!

  9. Your clutch bag is really special. It looks like a Chinese dumpling ….

  10. Shini your bag is amazing! You have such an amazing eye for standout pieces! What camera do you use your pics are always fab !!!


  11. shini these photos are insanely gorgeous. kit did an amazing job. i love the 4th shot of you – the architecture, the colours, all the lines in the stones… really incredible. your outfit is obviously incredible. i love that jacket on you and the shoes are amazing. also the clutch and necklace are really great too. lovely. p.s. your hair is looking ruddy well gorgeous in these shots.

  12. wow! I didn’t know you have a Polish boyfriend ;) Polish things and men are the best! ;) The clutch is gorgeous. Very original.

  13. Lovely jubbly, and that bag is something special! x

  14. Your gorgeous i love your red jacket and your scarf so much <3

  15. Urrgh, how gorgeous are you? Whatever Shini, it annoys me that you mix colours so well. The bag, the scarf (I die) the jacket (which I drool over everytime) all amazual.


  16. You look beautiful. Love your amazing and special bag!



  17. Kyudane

    YOU ARE MY NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Your tutor is right, that bag IS quite, very wonderful. I love the shoes as well. this is probably irrelevant but I lie your nail colour as well. heee.. ;)

    love, Sher.

  19. Fantastic style!

    I also love this stone garden just behind Oxford Street. I go there very often! Some pictures may pop up on my blog sooner or later.

    Thanks a lot for all the inspiration.


  20. i adore that clutch and jacket so so much!

  21. YES i love that clutch and your braided necklace too!

  22. It’s Polish bag, ha ha! Nice Shini as always!

  23. Gorgeous outfit! That clutch is very special. ^_^

  24. i love the bag, it is totally aweeesome.


  25. gorgeous outfit!! love your shoes

  26. I love the colour palette, the red pops against the black, grey and white, without being garish.

  27. Oh my goodness that clutch is amazing!
    I don’t even like clutches, and it’s still amazing! (probably something to do with the…having to actually hold it bit).
    It looks so soft and plyable. Does it have a liner inside?


  28. Wow, great look, so unlikely for nearly JUNE but so right for this crazy weather that, as you said to Saskia, just ‘can’t make up it’s mind.’ Actually I love the weather for that reason: we can wear anything from any season, with bare legs! That clutch really is amazing, and the necklace. Very Joseph Beuys.

    It’s funny, I don’t know why I feel I know you so well, because I actually don’t know anything biographically about you. Jen said something about you living in Poland. I had no idea your boyfriend is Polish, or that you lived there til high school. One of these days we’ll sit down just us two.. but we’ll end up taking photos and talking about everything apart from our history, relationships, or anything else relevant.

    I also love the composition of these shots, especially the top and bottom ones. Love the way the turquoise tower – a perfect compliment to your fabulous cranberry jacket – is directly above your head.

    Aah.. I see Kit took the shots! That explains everything ; ) Hope your weekend is lovely: see you soon. xo

  29. Okay, Shini, this is seriously weird: just read your comment on Jen’s post: You KNOW Christina!?? How random. She’s the one person I stopped that day. I’ve been meaning to post about her. I think I”m just going to post one shot and say ‘Go to Jen’s blog’ and link it: save time ; )

    What a freaking tiny tiny world. Ha!!

  30. i LOVE THIS BAG. as well as many other bags on the site. can you please help us foreigners by giving a step by step on how to navigate the site and order? I can’t understand the site at all!

  31. Have you tried using Google Translate? I could help, but it’s so many steps! After I went through with it thinking of making a guideline like Gmarket, I decided not to! Definitely shoot me an email if you’d like specific help though!

  32. WHOOPS not this bag site there was another one you’ve posted awhile ago that I can’t remember the name of. Haha how stupid of me.

  33. Oh Shin I love your jacket!
    I must say a very big big thankyou for attending my blog birthday again, It was really was lovely of you to come along!
    Also thankyou for the link to your flickr, its wonderful! i spent a ges looking through the last 3 little events! lovely pictures!
    Im so glad you like the ‘shows and must sees’ section! im hoping people see it but will make it more of a feature when i get myself a new layout! im always rele glad if someone says its useful!
    see you very soon I hope, lots of love and thanks, Lu x

  34. You are: like, so awesome.
    That applies to your bag too. Your blog is the epitome of loveliness.

  35. The Polish bag is gorgeous. As are you!


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