I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.



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Sweater – COS. Leather trousers – Topshop. Bag – Couronne. Watch – GUESS. Glasses – YesStyle. Star necklace – MyFlashTrash. Heels – Christian Louboutin. Thank you Niek for helping with the photos!

So, apparently a work-out bench is a very different thing than of a normal bench. For example, it is not possible to pass out on a work-out bench clutching a beer can and half-eaten kebab. I have tried this. A few weeks ago, just as our holiday in Sardinia was coming to a close, hubby and I happened to weigh ourselves on the hotel spa scale and both did a double take. We threw away the pizza crusts we smuggled into the pool, raced back to the room; he ordered a work-out bench off Amazon, I Googled female sumo-wrestler blogs, then ordered a yoga mat and some macaron-coloured dumbbells, finding none. We had a steak for dinner, telling each other it would be our last, and then the next day we had our ‘last ever’ steak again. That was weeks ago, and only this past weekend we managed to sit down and plan a exercise pattern, and put together the work-out bench that was already gathering dust. I spent three hours exercising my Polish swearwords volcabulary on 2kg (4.4lbs) weights, and hubby picked up from his pre-wedding fitness and pumped 25kgs (55lbs)… all the while grunting and advertising to our neighbours that we’re having a merry time as married couple. I don’t need no bikini body, but I’d really like my boyfriend jeans NOT to fit like skinny jeans. Losing 2kg I got as a Christmas gift + 3kg I brought home as souvenir from Italy would be a definite plus.

Bah, THE PAIN though! It feels like I’m turning into Pinocchio, and apparently I walk like Forrest Gump. Louboutins ain’t the shoes to wear for post-workout, that I know now.

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  1. I was told that it was a common thing that happens when people get married. Of course, I was also told that Mulan was fictional. WE WILL NEVER KNOW THE TRUTH! NEH-VAH!

    Okay, but nonsenses aside, isn’t couple workout suppose to literally, well, work out better? Each of you are each others’ cheerleader, coach, and whats not? LOL Whatever it is, all the best losing those kilos! Swimming is a good choice too, and I find it burns off the kilos much faster.

  2. Oh yeah, my hubby rreally does push me on and trains me, but not too sure if I’m doing for him except being extra weights. Well, I guess there will come a time when I’ll actually be useful and he needs to pump a fifty-something kilo thing! BTW MULAN IS A LIEEEEE.

  3. Yes, the workout stress. Can’t imagine a vacation without it haha. I really dislike the fact that most of the hotel rooms provide a weighting scale, but honestly it’s good for me haha. Love the look by the way! Unfortunately we have to wear sweaters again in Europe.. hmm Fall is coming or is here.. I don’t know.

  4. I’m going to be really mean and say that I prefer sweater weather! I feel like I have nothing to wear that’s something between a bra and a sweater :S A LITTLE bit of chill in the air is always nice! (This is coming from the Londoner that sang WHERE IS SUMMER all year round…)

  5. @Shini,
    I feel your pain as your neighbor. – Holland represent ;) – Snow in januari and 36 degrees Celsius in the summer for about a week with a week of pouring rain coming up after that week of sweaty madness!
    And a cos sweater with some breeze does sound very good! I have to admit that I already wore my first sweater of the season yesterday :p

  6. same here. I am not big on summer clothes. cant wait to wear knits and jackets .

    I love cos jumpers. i already got few and its suppose to be summer;o))

  7. amazing styling!


  8. So funny! But it is so good to do some sport! Love your outfit, the leather pants is gorgeous!


  9. I have been following your blog for a while now, and I just wanted to say that the quality of your pictures is outstanding. I actually keep in mind your pictures while taking mine (they aren’t even close to being that good though).
    Love the look btw, and even if they weren’t that great as post-workout shoes, the Louboutins look great on you! :)

  10. Thank you, that’s too flattering! What I found helpful was taking my camera everywhere and really looking into editing the photos right. All the best in your photographic endeavours! x

  11. Elegant and classy look!

  12. really love your pants!!


  13. I love your sweater, it’s fantastic


  14. Oh you look fab! I’m in love with that sweater and the photos are beautiful.


  15. You look gorgeous! The only advice I can give you if you’re trying to lose weight is to not try to lose weight – i.e. don’t think about it. It’s the only thing that works for me. Whenever I come back from holiday with a couple of kilos, I just go back to my normal routine. A few weeks later the kilos are gone. Also, I never weigh myself. But to each her own, you have to find whatever works for you…


  16. That actually is good advice, although it would help if my actual routine didn’t involve any cakes and pasta feasts at 11pm! Our scale broke so we’ve never been able to weigh ourselves until we were at the hotel, and I’m blaming that as well, we had no idea it was being piled on since christmas! Oy vey – I’m jealous your kilos come and go that easily!!

  17. I love your jumper & style! you seem really skinny already but good luck with the work out! Very brave aha, I always find swimming the easiest exercise, plus you get the lovelyyyy pool smell :PXx

  18. I love swimming too but I find that my skin reacts really badly to the Chlorine! Looks like I’ll have to try getting fit the mountain-goat way!

  19. Love this outfit, the slouchy jumper and trousers are so relaxed and cool.


  20. love your pants.


  21. Shini I feel you girl! I used to consider running up the escalators at Oxford Circus as my daily workout! I’m a far cry away from that now as I train for a half marathon in October. Keep it up, it will get easier!

  22. love it. perfect outfit!!


  23. i just love your style!


  24. Emily K G

    Love the shade of that knit.


  25. If you lose any weight you’ll disappear. You certainly look small to me. Love the streamlined dark look. The bag is super neat.

    The Fashann Monster

  26. Lena

    I recently started going to the gym with my boyfriend, he’s the only person who can encourage me to go, and I have to say, I’m appreciating doing something productive as a couple instead of just spending our evenings in front of the tv. It also lessons the guilt when we do spend the other 6 nights a week on the couch with a tub of ice cream. Anyway it’s more fun than being only the lonely, enjoy having a buddy!

  27. Hottie! I swear there isn’t an extra kilo on you Shini! What’s this I hear about a six week ballet course though? I want to know more! xx

    p.s. looking gorgeous as per usual. I’m loving the hair.

  28. Lovely outfit and I always love your outftiposts!
    They’re really great!

    best wishes,

  29. I remember when I first started seriously working out. It was in my bedroom with Cassey Ho from Blogilates.com doing Pilates. I’ve kept the rhythm going for 2 years now and I feel great. The exercise endorphin really helps in times of desperation. That burn… you learn to love it because it indicates that you worked-out well. (Well that or that you went overboard) The silly thing about high heels after a workout is that while you walk in them, you get used to the pain so your legs kinda turn stiff and THEN you take them off… that feeling is death in disguise. Good luck to you and your hubby.

  30. Ha ha! Gaining weigh is the downside of married life! It means you’re happy, as long as you’re not indulging in pizza and ice-cream, and I’m sorry to say that, but wait until you have children (and discover what is a post delivery shar pei stomach).
    From what I see, you don’t really need to lose weight, you’re gorgeous, but I would very much appreciate a post workout walk with Louboutin heels video.
    Mafalda ❤

  31. Hah! I believe that would indeed be quite hilarious. Will contemplate shooting one once all else fails with this blog and I need 15 minutes of fame at the FAIL blog.
    btw I’m terrified of after-birth stomach, I believe I have no yummy mummy genes!

  32. I had what we call “a plank tummy” in French when I was younger, and I now have a bit of fat around my waist, but it’s far from being horrible. It’s quite annoying, but looking on the bright side, I have beautiful 4-year twin girls and gained 2 bra cups, so at the end of the day, I’m couting my blessings (and I only wear one piece “bustier” swimming costumes to hide my little shar pei tummy!). Being a mum means a lot more than having perfect abs, I’m happier in my body now that it is unperfect, than 10 years ago. We also gain wisdom!

  33. Sarah

    Love your look! <3 Way to work out with the hubby Shini! x

  34. I love the slouchy sweater and trousers though! Good-luck working out, I always give up after a few days

    O.R.R’s BLOG

  35. hahaha this is exactly how I have been feeling. I love love love this post

  36. Ever since I moved in with my bf, I’ve gained like a gazillion pounds! And I blame it on the wining and dining and all the evenings we’ve sat on the couch watching a movie. And truth is, I love it so I probably won’t change this any time soon! But I have started working out more. It’s just something we all have to do to keep ourselves healthy and fit.

  37. Lina

    Hi, I love your blog! Would you consider to sell your blue trenchcoat från H&M Trend? I just love it, I would pay you godd ;)
    Best regards Lina

  38. Hands down the best post ever – I actually giggled reading it! Sometimes I am so glad that I am born stick-thin but really, it just means I am super unfit because I don’t have to keep exercising like some people do to stay in shape. Eating healthy works wonders though. :)

    I love the colours of your outfit and I’m so jealous that you can take such beautiful photos!

  39. I’m in exactly the same boat – I went for a “run” on Sunday evening (my first attempt at some form of exercise since bruised shins playing hockey at school…and I’m about to attend my 10-year reunion) and I’m still walking around like C-3PO. Exercise is overrated, right?

    Shini, I hope my rant over on Take Courage didn’t cause any offence – in actual fact, I think your blog is one of the best out there, your photography is inspirational and it’s clear that you’ve worked hard to build this into something wonderful.

  40. love that bag and pair of shoes! great accessories to complete the entire look x

    fashion/travel blog: http://www.chariscity.blogspot.com

  41. Cool outfit! I love your bag!!!


  42. amazing trousers !!!

  43. Great post – I totally agree with the holiday food thing. While holidaying in Boston my man and I decided – over burgers – we would join the gym on our return to the UK. So we did. Although we haven’t given up the burgers….

  44. I went through this exactly with my husband as well! We got married last year in December, and since the honeymoon we have been living like we are still in a honeymoon! Too much good food. We have started holding back on the snacks, but it is so hard! :) Your pants are lovely!

  45. Anna

    Hi! You blog is fantastic, and your photos…amazing! Can you tell us what camera (and lenses) do you use! I really love your blog!

  46. Hi Anna, thank you for your kind words! I use the Canon 5D mark III and a 50mm lens :)

  47. The bag is amazing.

  48. absolutely gorgeous post!!

    xx, Sabinna and David
    Broken Cookies

  49. Hahaha! You made me laugh Shini. xx

  50. love this whole look! So happy I came across your blog, looking forward to more posts- it seems we have a lot in common!

  51. Very good looking outfit ! Love your bag !
    Ahaha the pain is the worst ..When you thought the worst part is over, you wake up and you start to feel the pain ! But as they say, no pain no gain !

  52. I really love your style and your blog!!! Follow u right now!!! <3


  53. wow! the sweater looks so comfy!! I love sweater weather, when you can be “lazy” without looking like a mess! haha :)


  54. Where is your watch from? LOVE!

  55. […] “The leather track pant not only allows for more comfort while pounding London’s pavements, but I personally love the fact that it gives a bit of a masculine touch to an outfit” – Shini Park, founder of Park & Cube. […]

  56. […] “The leather track pant not only allows for more comfort while pounding London’s pavements, but I personally love the fact that it gives a bit of a masculine touch to an outfit” – Shini Park, founder of Park & Cube. […]

  57. Great jumper, heels and bag… Maybe one day I’ll be able to afford a pair of Louboutins…

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