I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a changeā€”a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.



Juno; Screencapped from DVD

Grandpa look is soo good.

(Sorry for the movie screencaps of late, this is all I’ve been doing really – movie, knit, drink tea, pee, sleep, movie, knit…the weather sucks and I’ve got nowhere to go. Normal posting procedures from tomorrow, I promise. Got an easy DIY hot in the bun ready to be extracted for icing too.)

Hey how about this, tell me the sweetest thing you ate today and that’ll be your hooker name. Mine’s Maple Syrrup, rawr. You?

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  1. I’ve literally been doing the same, minus the knitting. Must learn how one of these days.

    Rain rain go away…

    My hooker name is Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich. Sounds dirty in the wrong way.

  2. … grapes.

  3. omfg, my hooker name actually works; Peaches


    so seriously, when I saw this tumbnailed on my blogger reader thingy and my eyes were a little out of focus, I honestly thought it was a pic of Sally Field’s character in Soapdish frowning really deeply. Do you see it? I think she actually had those shades in that movie too :P

  4. Uhh how’s this for a hooker name? Deng jang jji gae…….UHHH..’kay.
    (Since you’re Korean, I’m hoping that you know what this is D: )

  5. Galaxy ;)

    I’m not sure if that works or not..

    Love your randomness btw =)

  6. Ha. Mine’s Peanut Butter Fudge, but I’d rather be deng jang jii gae. I have to be honest, Juno is not a fav of mine. But I do enjoy a good movie marathon.

  7. this works well with the easter theme…

    Chocolate Bunny…

  8. I loved this look too

    especially the shades

  9. strawberries and blueberries dipped in vanilla yoghurt?

  10. I like your hooker name. Mine is Jelly Bean.. gotta love Easter candy. Bought the bag a week ago but just opened it today.

  11. mine would be Reese’s Hawt Fudge

  12. Lemon Tarallucci….

    Least sexy stripper name of all time, which I guess is kind of fitting.

    Or it could be creme brulee, strawberry tart or cannolli, since I also ate those today. That’s what happens when you work in a bakery.

  13. Haha! Fun idea! My hooker name is Maya Gold :)

  14. Peanut Brittle–not the sexiest hooker name.


  15. jelly cube ==

    the name says it all guys.

  16. fionaj

    Teabiscuit. Haha!

  17. Oh, I love juno!
    My name is slice of bread and butter. Really cute indeed but I just wake-up and I have no easter cute stuffs… So sad!

  18. Mine is hot double fudge cake.

    I can’t believe I just had half a slice. I regret it, I wanted a full one.

  19. i love this movie, and juno’s style. she’s great ! Hum i guess my hooker name would be …milk bread . weird .

  20. Mine is Gripe Water…. doesn’t really have a good ring to it alas…

  21. Love the show Juno and her character in the movie. The sweetest thing i ate are strawberries.

  22. margie

    I’m Easter Egg. Or Slurpee.

  23. chocolat.

    i’m afraid i still sound too edible.

  24. I sooo need a pipe right now. Just because of this. Just so I can hang it on the corner of my mouth and act foolish with it in front of my mirror.

  25. Fruit salad ha ha so lame!

    Loved Juno!


  26. im milktea !


  27. I’ll be chocolate cupcake hahahah

  28. AHAHHAHAS oh god i love JUNO. its freaking hilarious and shini whens the next DIY i cant simply wait for it (:

    love victoria.


  29. haha my hooker name would be Fristi! (It’s really really good but I doubt it’s available anywhere outside of Belgium…)
    Oh and I love the screenshots from Juno, I watched the movie again a few weeks ago and loved it even better the 2nd time!

  30. lovveee her sunglasses, so fresh.

    And my name is chocolate bunny haha.

  31. PEEPS

    she makes me want a pipe really badly. what are you knitting? i’m excited for the diy!!!!!!

  32. I just re-watched Juno last night!

    Godiva Chocolate Chocoiste. With dried cherries!

    La C.

  33. I’m doing a course on fashion journalism! and I want to do the fashion master but I still have 1 more year to finish my degree… I hope I will get in!!

    Of course I will say hi! It will be fun to meet you hehe.


  34. Doublemilk Chocolate? Sounds so sketchy!


  35. …. I haven’t watched Juno yet! *Shame*. Must get round to doing that when work eases up.


  36. another great movie! you’re really making me want to break out some of my DVD’s right now and take a relax day. hahahahaha love the name thing.

  37. orange juice.
    god yes that is too sexy.


    + thankyou for the comment!

  38. vintage is always amazing!! Mine’s Lindt Bunny! lol :D

  39. no way?! is the translation of his name really “tiger” ( or something to do with some ferocious feral feline) he’s too cute… more like tigger :P

    anyway, neither of us are korean. willow is chinese and daria’s vietnamese :) none of our korean friends at school alerted us to the translation of his name.

    but one thing’s for sure, he’s got hoards of admirers. the kim-bum lookalike hunt is ON (it isn’t going well, none of the chaps at the boy school look anything like him).

  40. Oooh, I can’t wait to see your DIY! haha, I ate some barbecue potato chips today so that’s my hooker name “Ms.berbecue potato chips”!! I love reading your posts, it always maks me smile! xxoxoxo

  41. Sian M

    ummm…HOT X BUNS (leftovers from Friday) believe it or not!!

  42. i LOVE JUNO!!!

    P.S. I also love all your outifts, you have such great style!!! :)

  43. Juno is amazing. I’m actually quite obsessed and in love with the writer of Juno, pen name Diablo Cody. My goal in life is to be half the writing success story she became (she started from a blog as well ;)

  44. ELIE