I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.





Faux fur gilet, Trench coat – Uniqlo, Dress+Jacket combo – Vintage, Tights – DIY on H&M tights, Shoes – Irregular Choice, Bag – Vintage through Etsy
Thank you Elface for photos!

The other day I had to wait 2 hours in the bitter cold for my darling boyfriend, ok fine it was of my own choosing but don’t we blame the boyfriend for everything. So I wandered from school onto Oxford street and then into Carnaby street – seeing that I was on a shopping ban I don’t know why I chose to take the shopping route when I could’ve let it all swish by above my head by getting into the tube… but I had 2 hours to burn, you see. I was actually looking for the Borders on Oxford Street to get a book to read, but found disappointingly in its place, Next Men’s Women’s & Children’s Fashion, which if I remember correctly has another branch just 150m down the road. So I proceeded into Carnaby street in search for a bookstore or anything really that doesn’t involve useless shopping, and had to come to a conclusion that Oxford Street & Carnaby Street is by far the most brainless areas ever.

Then it was starting to get colder (why am I rambling?) so I decided to ditch the books and picked a warm looking shop (I can’t explain what a warm-looking-shop is but they generally have sofas… and shoes…) and arbitrarily walked into a particularly colourful store. Now, no offence, but I personally do not like the brand image of Irregular Choice, and most of the times their shoes seem like they’re on crack but at that moment it ticked the sofa + shoes = warmth boxes, so heck yeahhh. There I met these pair, these ACNE Atacoma-esque, even Balenciaga-esque (just to offend someone) wedges but a FUN version. What can I say, my irregular choice of store in my pursuit of warmth got me to my new favourite shoes.

(What, what shopping ban?)

p.s sorry for the über-ramblage.

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  1. Dude, those shoes are more: Emma Cook meets Alexander Mcqueen/Gaga, with a little Balenciaga thrown in for good measure. I usually hate irregular choice, but they are insanely perfect. Yes Shini, again I need your shoes- now who’s making who want to shop?!

    PP x

    P.S was the store one of the lovelies that has heating at the door? Lovely Jubly.

  2. Wonderful shoes! And they look extra great when paired with your DIY tights. I love it when you find the most perfect item in a shop you normally avoid – it makes it feel almost like destiny ;)

    And thank you so much for your very helpful reply to my e-mail, I have a feeling I’ll be getting serious with WordPress over the holidays. It’s so wonderful when you contact a blogger with a great blog, and they turn out to be as friendly and charming as they seem in their blog (because that’s not always a given). Again, thank you, darling!

  3. I love the entire outfit! Your shoes are amazing!

  4. Waaaaw Irregular Choice, I love so much these shoes!!! Your tights and you coat are great too… Really nice outfit!!
    Kisses from Paris,

  5. awesome DIY.. they look so great!!
    .. and those shoes, don’t even get me started, they’re so fabulous!!

  6. cute outfit
    what have u done to your tights??it looks amazing!!
    love the shoes!!

  7. amazing tights and wedges!

  8. AMAAAAZING!!!! love love loooove the wedges!

  9. beautiful pictures ! I love your outfit, the shoes are amazing ! :) Your blog never lets me down -you always have a great outfit !

  10. I wish we had interesting shoes here… instead we just have Aldo. Eeerg, not all of us enjoy wearing stilettos every day, if only i could find some nice wedges, my life would be complete.


  11. I love those shoes! and your dress is very nice too.
    (I the tights sort of frighten me though, but they look very interesting none the less)

  12. those are INCREDIBLE! they are BETTER than the atacomas. yes, i said it.

  13. The shoes are amazing!!!!!

  14. you are so right about Oxford St. and Carnaby St. Oxford Street alone has three H&M’s!!!!!! And I went to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM because my friend made me. o_O your tights are so cool, btw!

  15. claudia

    i’ve been following you for a while but never commented before…
    but this outfit is simply totally incredibly and all sorts of good ending in -ly AMAZING
    also, never thought i’d like an irregular choice pair of shoe, but those are candy for the feet.
    also, i’m gonna copy your tights, searching for your diy right now.

  16. Macku

    One of the few rare “negative” comments! Cherish the moment!

    The shoes are ugly. Really don’t like them :(
    Uggly-buggly shoes!
    (need I mention the wabbling caused by the curvature of the soles?)

  17. Uggly buggly muggly snuggly, come and huggle me.

  18. The shoes are great, are they easy to walk in though??

  19. It’s hard at the beginning but once you get used to it its soo comfortable because the heel isn’t too steep inside the wedges :D Only difficulty is that the whole thing is quite narrow so any uneven footing and wobble wobble you go on the street. I fell the other day and scratched my knee but don’t tell anyone.

  20. You are so pretty. And I love that first shot. Beautiful.

  21. i saw these on the site a while ago and didn’t really like them..
    you changed my mind though
    i think you can pull off everything

  22. Wow that shoe and tights combination is amazing! Love your style!


  23. love ur first pic! =)
    of cossssssssss the wedge shoe is standing out!

  24. hands down the best blogger outfit i’ve seen today. and to hell with shopping bans. i went out today and bought 8 christmas presents; 5 of those presents were for me…

  25. Oooh interesting. The shoe-tights combo is really funky. I think if you described it to me I wouldn’t like it, but actually seeing it somehow works.

  26. Those tights are amazing! You did a great job on them!

  27. KIM

    i loves your blog :P because you actually write something worth reading, wether you think it or not ;)

  28. That’s the CSM building right? lol. I recognize those stairs still…

    I love your ramblings… ramble on please! And those shoes are so gaga. haha

  29. amazing outfit and shoes are faaaaaar! :)

  30. I love those shoes- they’re so fun and unique! And what a nice gf you are for waiting for him! :)

  31. love the thights

  32. I love love LOVE your shoes. they are possibly one of the most amazing things I have ever seen.
    I’m adding you to my blog list. your blog rocks !


  33. I’m so glad you’ve finally succumbed to some Irregular Choice shoes!!!!!!!! They look amazing.





  36. I love your shoes and tights!

    juliet xxx

  37. I’m in love with your outfit, and ahh those shoes are indeed irregular choice haha :)

    p/s: i’m suppose to be on a shopping ban too -_-

  38. hello, i’ve just discovered your blog and i adore it! Lovely photographs, and I enjoy your writing. i was in london a mon th ago and toddled along to find my favourite magazine shop (ie borders on oxford st, where i;d bought a vast supply of fashion magazines a year previously, the best shop where i live only has about 15 quite common titles to chose from) and it had VANISHED!! I dragged my boyfriend the entire length of the long long road to see if i had missed it, but nope, it had gone. So sad xx

  39. hahah wow! they’re kinda lke..bulbasour meets alison mosshart :D

  40. Woww..love ur shoes and the whole get up!! Really enjoy reading ur posts:)

  41. Maiko

    you discovered the greatfulness that is irregular choice
    good for you :)

  42. amazing look! just stunning! the tights are to die for, the shoes are killing me (softly) and the trench is just pure classiness. Congrats, you’re outfit is an inspiration! xoxo

  43. Loveeeeeeeeeeee the tights!!!! <3 <3 <3

  44. DiXX

    LOVINg the shoes!

    *swoooonn* aaaaaahh

  45. Loving the pics! Those tights are fabulous!

  46. I like this shoes ;-) and vest…..sooo original pictrs ;-) like always:D u have sooo long hair;-)

  47. madeline

    Cool blog. Love the DIYs and clothes. But maybe you should take more pictures from the shoulders down only.

  48. Thank you, that’s very kind of you.

  49. I love warm-looking-shop s!:) Those shoes are fabulous.

    Visit & Follow
    “fashionably tasteful.have a bite”

  50. TheDee

    i need to go shopping with you…DRESS ME UP SHINIIIIIIIIIIIIIII…please? loooolll

  51. Those are the most sophisticated Irregular Choice’s I’ve seen. Great find my dear.

    Love Grace.

  52. these shoes are AMAZING and i am about to go on the website and get myself a pair!

  53. I usually find irregular choice a bit too out there for my taste (why do they always make the heels of their shoes a weird ugly shape??) but these are cool. Good find! xoxo

  54. omg so funny!

    i just stumbbled across your blog! and so glad i did!
    that outfit is amazing and I do agree those wedges are killer! good find!


  55. is absolutely true that shoes can make a difference and transform any look, These boots you chose are really original and make your look a cutting-edge outfit

  56. Gorgeous tights and the wedge shoeeeeesssssss they look fab!

    @ The Guilty Hyena †
    @ The Guilty Hyena †

  57. Those shoes are fantastic!! Definitely worth dropping the ban. :)

  58. next Monday? :)))
    What city did you choose?
    Thx Shini for visit.

    P.S. Love your wedges!

  59. oh dear god!!! the whole look is amazing but the shoes… are perfect! personally I prefere the darker monochrome version, but the shape is pretty fantastic!

  60. Wow I love those DIY leggings! How wicked! Your outfit is fantastic as usual and I almost freaked out when i saw the shoes! How charming! So I went to check out the site (have never heard of it before) and just wanted to say thanks!
    Big fan :)

  61. I absolutely love these shoes! (big fan of IC)

  62. What a wonderful outfit! The shoes and tights are amazing xxx


  64. apology for uber ramblage accepted. in fact why was there an apology in the first place? you’re words are nothing but pure wit + entertainment and give me smiles whilst i sit here at work wishing the day would end. always leave me wanting more more more!


    p.s. the shoes are AMAZINGG

  65. SNAP! I have them too and also felt they deserved bloggage!… http://bit.ly/7CPIdH


  66. oh my goodness those SHOES!!!!!

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