I’ve added 6 more pairs of shoes to Park & Cubicle Bazaar. If anyone has their own blog-shop they’d like to share, let me know and I’ll link you up in the store’s blogroll.
In other news, I think I’m coming down with something, muscle aches and all. Either that or it’s muscles industrial revolution for lack of exercise. Don’t make me exercise my authority over you, body. I was crawling around the house drunk with fatigue and moaning that I’m going to die, then my loving boyfriend handed me this and told me to sign it:
“I hereby give everything to Macku (who is the best). Signed ____”
Impromptu will – he’s eyeing my DVD collection and the laptop (and the scanner). Do you see my half-conscious attempt to sign it, I misspellt my own name, what a failure.
The gold studding on the midnight black canvas = totally stunning. J’adore!
ohhh man i hope you feel better. i can’t believe your bf gave you an impromptu will..thanks kinda hilarios :]]] hope you get better sweetness :]
mad love
I love your blog!! Congratulations!!
Cute shoes! And haha, the will sounds like something my boyfriend would do. Thoughtful of them, eh.
i know how you feel. i was like that for the first few days we started to play floor hockey in gym. it was brutal, but worth it–allgirls floor hockey is hella fun.
gorgey shoes. i definitely love the studding:)
hahahahaha, that’s hilarious! but what’s he going to do with all your clothes? stay away from the computer and stay in bed! get someone to make mi-yuk gook for you (or ask your boyf to get you some.)
haha that’s so cute..yet so sad..
I cant believe some of the shoes you are selling ! they are so amazing. I have a little blog shop as well …
those “kirkwoods” are amazing!! i wish i saw those chloe wedges when they were available! damn..
btw, i linked you Shini! =)
awww feel better!
i love your moccasins and gmarket stuff though :)
haha love it :) ohhhhh those shoes!!!! arghhhh .must. have. shoes.
don’t go into the light! though if you do cark it can i have your studded bag? i doubt the bf will need it…
ooh me like the second pair of heels…but i don’t realllllly need another pair of heels…
I love your shoes, but I hate that your foot is bigger than mine!!!
everyone’s coming down with something! i do hope you get well and that your dvd collection gets restored to its rightful owner.
Ohhh hi wish I had money to buy like 90% of your shoes. Alas, a certain someone introduced me to GMarket and I spent it all on zipper sandals and a jacket there ;)
Anyways, I do have a Secondhand Shop on my blog: http://www.butterknollenblume-secondhand.blogspot.com/
xoxo Rob
pierwsza para butów jest genialna :)) drugie mają świetny obcas :)
you have the best footwear!
I’m so lusting over those heels!! shame I’m a size 4 & it’s already sold out!! lucky whoever bought it :) hope you’re getting ill, how about some vitamin c to boost up your immune system?
ps i’m clearing out my wardrobe next month & will prob start a little shop too. since i graduate this year & will be living at home for the summer, if i took all my stuff back my mum will prob kill me!! lol :)
hope you feel better soon :)…lol at spelling your own name wrong
I love your shoes! Too bad they don’t fit me. Anyway I would appreciate a link up to my blogstore (: its http://flea-tripping.livejournal.com
hi there,
i hope you’re better already. love the shoes at your bazaar but alas they’re not my size. i’m a slave to shoes.
it’s very kind of you to offer to help link your readers to our blogshops. here’s my humble flea stall: http://ttuttlestore.blogspot.com/
thanks vm and here’s wishing you good sales at the bazaar! :)
haha wow your bf is hilarious– aww i hope you feel better shini! Wish I could wear your size in shoes…someone needs to invent a foot shrinker!
hahaha an impromptu will ^-^ how thoughtfull of him haha!
well I do hope you get well soon Shini!
You were right about the threads. I washed the jeans and the threads had babies. Lots of babies.
I will sing at yours and Macku’s wedding if you link my shop. Well, that’s a big LIE but I will lurv you forever. It’s not really a blogshop either so you can disqualify me, I promise I will understand.
Aww feel better! I don’t know if they have this where you live, but I swear by Zicam. It literally cuts your cold in half…or so says the commercial…but it WORKS!
But I loveee those booties! So HOT!
Love the shoes in the first pic!
Hi Shini,
I’ve launched my own blog shop yesterday, so it would be really cool if you added it to your shop blogroll :D
the link is: http://catsanddogs-shop.blogspot.com/
take care,
haha cute :) hope you feel better
aawww…that’s so sweet of him. i think i’m gonna ask a will from my bf too. and the misspelling of your own name was kinda hilarious…. cute…
i thought about getting those amazing Topshop pumps when I was at the store in Manhattan.. still thinking about it now ;)
immense shoes. haha to the slip. hope you feel better soon! xxxc
Awww..I missed out on a couple of your posts! You look so stunning in the outfits below!! I wish I have the money right now to blow on your shoes!! xxxoxoxo
love the topshop shoes!
too bad theyre sold!
your shoes are AWESOME! I wish we’re same size! love love alll.
haha, it’s 팥빙수 (patbingsu) aka MY FAVORITE KOREAN DESSERT EVER mmmm!! and you’re right, it’s topped with green tea, and the ice shavings underneath, and ahhh, definitely a good summer treat~
those moccassins are nuttsss. i hope you feel better!!! hahaha impromptu will, so cute. your boyfriend’s a sharp one!
Shini you are the cutest and ever so witty, as always. Oh and don’t sweat the name faux pas, I once spelt my name wrong on my own C.V- DOH!!
PP x
Those red Chloe’s in your bazaar are so lovely!!
I’d love for you to add my shop to it! nuvonova – http://nuvonova.com
I wish I had the same shoe size as you! Lots of nice shoes for sale there! :)
man! you have A LOT of shoes!!!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE those pumps!
I would love to be added to your blogroll!
My site is ohleolucavintage.com
Thanks! Yeah, I hear ya on the chictopia tip. btw, lowered the price of the dress if it helps :) I paid more than I normally do for that particular piece because I bought it as MY wedding dress! I changed my mind cause the top fit me weird… LOVE YOUR shoe shop…I had no idea! Those gold studded ones you sold are obviously amazing…and the red ones below it look great for everyday (and the studded moccasins). xo OH, I imagine you work on more mega gd projects…but i’m working on some logos for a brewery….they wanted me to illustrate a scottish girl…when I showed them a draft they said, ‘make her boobs bigger and skirt shorter.’ ughhh, Appalling.
I have an etsy shop for vintage clothing and accessories called Hello Ladies Vintage, if you want to link to that!! I sure do love your shoes, though.
I don’t know if you like them or not but I have an award for you, one of my fav. blogs.:)
I do have a blog-shop as well : http://kaamiyevidesondressing.hautetfort.com
Unfortunately, i don’t have enough time to translate it in english, but i ship internationnally !
I sell some second-hand stuff but also some of my own sewing creations such as dresses, skirts and vests. It would be great if you could help me promote it a lil !
Thanks and your blog rules!
get well soon!
those topshop unique heels are def amazing…if only i was your size..
Aaah, they’re a m a z i n g ! I’d get the moccasins if I had smaller feet… Damn.
I adore the new shoes you added.
I’m working on opening my blogshop. It has just ran into a few snags. :( I hope is open soon. http://www.squarectomycloset.blogspot.com
Love. Gracie.
Shini!!! XDD Ahhh oh man I can’t believe I haven’t been able to comment on your posts in ages… >< all your posts have been so awesome though heh i keep checking during my exams (see your blog is evil). Just came back from a trip to Tokyo so am catching up on blog reading now.
I’ve set up a little blogshop of my own too! ;) If it’s alright with you, could you link me up on your blogshop’s linklist? I’ve already done so for yours =) (though am sure most people have already heard of it heh) Thanks!!