I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.


ParknCube_Cleaning-make-up-brushes_03 ParknCube_Cleaning-make-up-brushes_06

From £15.60
Bobbi Brown
Pro make up shop
The Brush Guard
Beauty Blender
Charlotte Tilbury
Labour & Wait
My brushes are from: Bobbi Brown, Inglot, and Laura Mercier.

If you’re anything like me, your make-up brushes are hobos and could do with a good shower. If you’re anything like me, you also suffer from chronic laziness and will wish for a never-dirty brush set , like Legolas’ never-empty quiver. Given that it’s a fresh new year and I’ve decided to be captain cliché (I’ve joined a ‘gym’ too, more on that later), I’ve given all my make-up brushes a good clean, and while I’m at it thought I’d share how I like to go about it. Now, there are many different ways to clean a brush, as Dr. Google will advise, and while I usually opt for the glob of olive oil + glob of antibacterial hand-soap option simply because the two ‘tools’ are readily available, my brushes are nevertheless drunken hobos because both olive oil and hand-soap are routinely called back into to the kitchen. Out of sight, out of mind. My trick, if you want to even call it that, is using the oil cleanser that’s already sitting by the bathroom sink, the one that you trust on your skin type, and use daily. Just one glob of that should take care of three small brushes, or one big brush – the dirt lathers out, while keeping essential oils within the brush hair (another reason I tend to avoid the baby shampoo option). When it comes to calculating cost vs. use, depending on how many brushes you own, it’ll be like washing your face two-ish more times a month. Which, let’s be honest, balances out the number of times you fall asleep in full clothing/make-up clutching a kebab in one hand every month. Or is that just me. Anyway, here’s a few more tips to get you going:

  • A foundation brush/sponge, especially if you use liquid foundation, should be cleaned once a week if not daily, and for brushes used to apply powder make-up, once a month.
  • My personal favourite is the DHC oil cleanser that’s made of olive oil, but that’s not available where you live, Shu Uemura cleansing oil is a great alternative (for face cleansing!) albeit slightly more expensive.
  • Swirl the brush in your palm to let the dirt lather out , then rinse until water runs clear.
  • Use warm water to rinse, never hot as it can ruin the brush hair and loosen the glue that holds the brush together.
  • NEVER dry a wet brush with the hair pointing upwards, the water will leak into the stem and loosen the glue, destroying the brush. Use a brush guard, or a paintbrush holder from an art store and dry upside down.

Happy cleaning!

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  1. Great pics :)

  2. interesting post!!!

    DIY on my blog

  3. Hahahahahahaha “like Legolas’ never empty quiver”. I deplore having to clean my brushes – I feel like I have better things to do (I don’t) – but when I do, I use Johnson’s baby shampoo. Makes my brushes smell like fresh little baby heads in the nicest way possible but now you’ve mentioned about not drying out the brushes, I’ll try the olive oil.

    Jade | JadeFungBlog

  4. great guide !


  5. you’ve been posting so much! I love it :D
    I do the same with olive oil and anti-bacterial handwash or sometimes I use baby shampoo as well, but the brush holder is genious! need to have a look at it.xx

  6. Very handy, will try that out! x


  7. Awesome tips! I just purchased a set of Bobbi Brown brushes for myself. Trying to be a big girl now with valuable pieces and so this is easily going to be bookmarked for future use. Also, must try this oil cleanser! The winter weather invites dry skin so this may be perfect for the season.

  8. I’ve always cleaned my brushes with normal shampoo, this is a great idea!
    Mafalda ❤

  9. […] post Oil painter appeared first on PARK & […]

  10. I’m so bad with my brushes – mine are more like the hobo’s dog.

    great advice :)

  11. That paintbrush holder is so cool! I can’t let myself use my face cleansing oil…I’m too cheap for that haha so I use to use a lavender hand soap now I have a proper brush shampoo from Sephora thanks to my friend :)

    The Artistically Challenged: Beauty, Fashion, Music, Lifestyle Blog

  12. I’ve never used this product to clean my brushes before! I’ve had good luck with the Sephora brand, but I’ll definitely have to give this one a try!


  13. Great tips! Another good way for cleaning brushes is with shampoo and conditioner. It works quite well and smells good. Going to try your way ;)

  14. This post is very useful, the paintbrush holder is a great idea!

  15. I like the brush holder! I sure could use this instead of waving around my brushes to dry like a lunatic..

  16. The paintbrush holder looks so cute!
    Very useful tips :) Jessy x

  17. I didn’t know there was such a thing as a paintbrush holder. Maybe it’s because I don’t renovate my house on a regular basis or because I get my easel out about once a year to pretend I’m an artist but I think makeup brushes are the real reason I’m going to need one now. It’s definitely going to be a lot easier than balancing my makeup brushes on a downward angle on my towel rack.

    The Fashann Monster

  18. This is such an awesome technique. Thanks for sharing! x


  19. This post is also a grim reminder of how unacceptable my brushes are at the moment, but I’m still too lazy to do something about it! -_-

  20. I love/relate to your outlook on life, laziness, and hobo makeup brushes. You are awesome. xx

  21. […] your makeup brushes are in need of a good cleaning, this post will get you motivated to follow […]

  22. I use a combination of evoo and baby shampoo. They works pretty good.


  23. Ahhh! Thank you I got my first proper make-up brush for christmas! This is so good to know!

  24. Wow, this piece of writing iis good, my younger sister iis
    analyzing these things, tuus I am going to convey her.

  25. Make-up brushes is very nice! Thanks for this article!

  26. Never thought of doing that with the DHC Deep Cleansing Oil! And I’ve been using it for ever! I learn something new every day!

  27. Great post! I am interested in this oil. I usually clean my brushes with water and vinegar. I am so glad that I have found your post. I am going to try your method. Best regards!