I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Four London bloggers were invited by ForeverBetter (Sponsored by Miele) as VIP guests to the LondonFashionWeekend opening evening on Wednesday. The four were: Alizé (Blog de Tendances) and Katie from The Fashion Society, Kit of Style Slicker and The Fashion Assistant, and myself from hereabouts.

Break Ice We first met in Café Chino for a crash course on how to act like VIP (step one: have servants carry ends of hair) before heading off for the venue. No. We chatted over coffee about ourselves and blogging just to get to know eachother better – happens that Alize and Katie are from my university, and I’ve been following Kit’s streetstyle blog for months. Meh, tiny world.

Swift Never have I seen so many jealous faces when we were admitted without having to queue, both into tent and catwalk. (Smug face x 4)

Catwalk Divided into four different spring style ‘scenes’: American Idol, Domestic Goddess, African Queen and Etheral Nude. You might be able to notice gorgeous Zanita in the pictures, what a pleasant surprise to see her on the catwalk!










Rose Then we headed off to the event hosted by Miele, where we tossed in a real rose each into a Miele washing machine to see what tough water does to roses OoooOoo. After 30 minutes of we come back to find the roses as firm and alive as before we put them in. The honeycomb drum ever so gently washes so that delicate garments like silk or cashmere don’t come out like ragamuffin-wear. Miele washing machines last as long as 20 years which is how long I’ve been living (give or take 2 or 3 years…). So if I bought one now I’d have to endure its company until I had 3 kids and drove a family van.




Mista Garvida We also had a chance to oogle at two beautiful futuristic dress designs by Jasper Garvida (winner of last year’s Project Catwalk) and later actually talk to him about them. The white sequin-bead dress apparantly took 80 hours to complete, which he claims isn’t that long. Man, 80 hours is 4 days without sleep. Whadduyou mean it’s not long.




The Gang Katie, Alizé and Kit.




Best bit? Free food, obviously.


This and free Bailey’s with chocolate ice cream.

Thank you once again to ForeverBetter and Cherry & Steph for guiding us and organising the meet!


Jacket Vintage Christian Dior Dress Zara Tights H&M Boots Emma Cook Bag Pollini
Photo courtesy of Style Slicker

(Those tights aren’t done yet, DIY tutorial soon)

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  1. shini! your photos are always aammaazing. the event looked like fun! and uhhh your DIY tights look like they are going to be the product of something ridiculously cute.
    hehehe free food is always the best bit of ANYTHING, no? :D

  2. oh and btw i like your new layout, as per usual.

  3. so fun!
    you look stunning.

  4. lucky girl! love all your photos as always!

  5. lucky you! what a cool event. and i seriously love your emma cooks. can you shrink them and send them to me? ;)

    btw, for a sec i thought i was on the wrong blog cuz you changed it up on us, didn’t you? loving the new header…very whimsical.

  6. SHINI!!!!


    *please excuse the caps, i was hyperventilating:)

  7. Those tights are rockin’

    and your new layout is hiphopity cool

  8. cool, new layout :)

    I love how the words under your logo always changes every time you update your layout. You’re so lucky to be able to attend one of these shows.

    Does that black top have a white outline of bra on it ? lol. beautiful photos – They’re always so clear, lighting is perfect.

  9. 1. great photographs!

    2. i love the details on your tights. the jewels complete it.

    3. im envious that you have to peach emma cooks!

    4. i <3 your blog!

  10. you looked really great, and i love your new layout! ;D

  11. woow!! looks amazing. Love the quality of your beautiful pictures & love the outfit with the tights. Can’t wait to see your diy tutorial. :D

  12. Cute outfit! I like how you mixed the peach with navy, and not white. :) And if I spent 80 hours sewing sequins onto a dress, I’d probably go blind and/or crazy. Reminds me of that one woman from Project Runway… the one with red hair.

  13. Beautiful-comical-detailed post Shini!! Very funny!!!

  14. haha so funny, I actually did this internship at Miele in Singapore and so the event looks kind of familiar, the “put a rose in the washing mashine” was huge in Asia I guess:) and we did a fashion show together with La Perla, so your pictures remind me of good times!!:)
    I hope you had lots of fun and you look very good, as always!xx nati

  15. Hey hey you changed your layout again!
    I like it better now! (:

    I understand all jealous faces haha. You are so lucky!
    All your photos are amazing!
    And again about these roses in the washing machine… There’s nothing poetic at all hahaha. I thought It meant something else but nooo. Kind of sucky D:
    I hope you had a great time there! Your Emma Cook boots are fantastic!

  16. Your new layout is amazing!!

    Sounds like so much fun going to this event and meeting other bloggers! Never heard of a washing mashine before that washes the clothes so gently! it kind of impressed me! :)

    Enjoy your weekend!



  17. I´m sooo jelous!! lol

  18. wow, you look fabulous & great photos, glad you had fun! :)

  19. OMG.
    the boots! those are THE boots.
    sounds like fun :]
    i went to london fashion weekend too seasons ago.
    was going to go this season… but after 5 days LFW in a row, i thought that was enough for little old me.

  20. LOL about the smug face.
    and OMG chocolate ice cream with baileys sounds d-i-v-i-n-e.

  21. wow, what an amazing experience!! I love those tights :-)
    Is that a new header? I love it!!

  22. That sounds like so much fun! You look impeccable!

  23. wow! so lucky, it looks like an amazing time, and i’m looking forward to the tights tute

  24. I am LOL!!
    My mom always told me – I have the WRONG voice for someone who curses as much as I do.

  25. Aww you look so pretty! =D Did you DIY those tights!! I was wondering if H&M took a leaf out of Doo.Ri’s collection and came up with those so quickly! haha fantastic. I bet yours could’ve been the most personalized outfit there. Congrats on being invited to FashionWeek! Those photos are great and it seems like you had a totally fun time.
    I’m amazed at the washing machine and how the rose didn’t get whipped apart at all. O_O Trust them to advertise at Fashion Week haha

  26. WOW!!!!! i love at sequined dress. its seriously mind blowing and your so lucky to have seen it in person AND meet the designer
    and you look super fab. can’t wait to see the diy!

  27. lucky you! yeah! zanita looks absolutely gorgeous!