I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Gmarket Guidelines

Here’s a few cool shops you could visit:




Paparazzi Girl


Hepburn Boutique

Write a Comment


  1. AHH
    thank you so much!!

    ive always wanted to buy stuff from gmarket

    but i think they have a already translated site? in english?

    well, anyway, thanks so much!!

  2. Ahmi: Ah yes, they do have an English site, but it sucks basically :P There aren’t even a quarter of sellers in the English version, so I recommend the hard way!

  3. my god this is complicated. maybe one day when I have the time I’ll try to survive the process. It might be worth it justs for everything they have.

  4. michelle

    easier guide: learn korean

  5. wow
    you are a friggin angel
    thank you so much

  6. OMG. THANK YOU. Am heading to bed now but I know what I’ll be doing tomorrow. Hah

  7. i was wondering how you were going to explain the complexity of korean sites but you made it so simple!! wow seriously amazing :D

  8. ooooh sooo excited!!!!!! thank u thank u!

  9. thank you for sharing! :))

  10. THANKSSS!!
    I love the cinderella thing so muchh!

  11. Raine

    Thank You so much for putting a guide on :D
    I tried to register but its not going into the page that u showed :S whats wrong?

    and, do you think u can put up a translated page for the guys clothing?

    Thank you!

  12. Ummm will sure do the guys bit then heheh Are you a guy? I think I have one guy reader that I know about.

  13. Raine

    haha, nope. the bf is interested in teeeess :D haha! but for some reason when i click the register link, it keeps going to another page that is not similar to the one u showed! :S eeks! help? heh.

  14. HUMGUMMssss… are you in the Korean site or the English? If the Korean doesn’t work for you, try registering in the English, it’s the same thing across.

  15. Ahhh this will bankrupt me, but thanks for this guide! I can’t wait to start figuring stuff out…

  16. That’s so sweet of you to tranlate all that & write the instructions!! I had a random wander around the site yesterday & although I clicked “English”, a lot of the stuff were still in korean. so thanks for the guide! :)

    ps, this reminds me i went to school with a guy who lived in korea for like 6,7 years, shame he’s not in my class anymore! lol


  17. Wow, thank you! I haven’t really looked much at their site, but it’s looks like they have lots of nice clothes. Do you mind if I ask how the sizes are? Are they like really tiny, or more general sizing-ish?

  18. Their sizing is quite…accurate, in terms of shoes (although sometimes if the sizing runs bigger/smaller, they’ll note – in Korean. woups), but if it’s a free-size, then they’ll usually fit a UK8/10 EU 36/38 best. Be careful with free-size dresses though, they’re more like EU34/36!

  19. ivy

    hey, u know with the shoes u ordered from cinderella. i dont see the shoes sizes anywhere in that product drop down boxes.and the product pictures are of like.. a few different products, confusing..
    =.=… yes, even when chosen ‘english’, a lot of writings are in korean…
    :) thanks so much for the guide though, very helpful

  20. If there are no shoe-sizes (Korean shoe sizes, they look like 220, 225, 245, 250) then that means they’ve sold out. (I’ve put up a link to a shoe-size conversion in the Guide Post.) They tend to bunch up a few similar things so they can atttract your interest in some other items that you wouldn’t have looked at otherwise!

  21. Thank you so much! your guide to gmarket makes it so much easier to shop there. Love your choices of shops too

  22. ooo yea!!!! more reasons to procrastinate and gotta love the WWW.

  23. Rebekka

    Thank you so much for the guide! I already found loads of great stuff. I do think the shipping is rather expencive though. Will you show us what the stuff you got is like when you get it please? Thanks again!

  24. Yeeesh of course :D The shipping is a bit expensive (almost as expensive as the items sometimes!) but I find that since the items are so cheap, it kinda levels out? With the shipping and all, my 5 items that I bought only came to about how much I would spend for 2-3 items here in a UK highstreet store.

  25. Thank you! This is such a great help. Read several GMarket tutorials before, but none as descriptive and easy to follow as yours.

    Thanks again!

  26. Danika

    Hi! Thank you so much!! Extremely helpful info! Thanks :DD

  27. I love the guide:) I wish I could find shoes bigger than 250 though. :/ Hard to be a tall girl.. ;)

  28. Hard on me too :(

  29. Sammi

    WooW!! U are an absolute angel for translating this!
    Thank you!!

  30. oh my gosh that must have taken you forever, thank you, i think we all appreciate it!! just one question, do you have to pay import tax when your things are delivered to the UK? or is the only added cost the delivry from korea? thanks xxx

  31. Hm import tax, I know this is a bit cheating, but they seem to mark things as gift so that you won’t have to be charged taxes. Considerate, but illegal, I know. I don’t really know how I want to approach this matter though.

  32. THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU. I literally did a jig upon finding that you made this.

  33. SO helpful!

    How are the shipping rates to the US?

    Thank you! :) :)

  34. Shipping rates usually vary between the items but you’re probably looking at something like if $12 for pants, let’s say, the shipping will be $8-10. So just keep in mind that every item’s value kinda doubles with shipping. Oh yes, when some of the shipping money is left over, it gets transferred back into your Gmarket account.

  35. Simplyme


    Wonder if you have tried zipia.net? If so, is the quality at zipia.net comparable to gmarket?


  36. Ohh I’ve actually never tried Zipa.net, but I imagine the quality to be a bit better as it looks like they have more refined sellers, those you might see in g.secret or the boutiques. I’m sure the prices are higher too because they have an international audience and not picky Koreans :P
    Always question quality though, they’re masters in taking pictures so that the quality looks great and all!

  37. That’s a pretty good argument! I hope you don’t mind that I used your picture.

  38. Great to hear! I just needed a fresh start with my blog and I wanted it to be something else than a blogspot filled with crappy pictures (describing my old blog). So why not using my HTML-skills right?

    Yes it’s a grey/sand coloured suede legging. I saw a suede one once at Topshop, but it was like 250 euro’s. Only a week from that, I bumped into a cheaper version at Zara (only 12,90 euro’s).

    Anyway, I think your blog is really refreshing too! I love the DIY projects and especially your outfits. And it’s great to see that I’m not the only Graphic Designing student that loves fashion!

  39. hellow congratulations.

    i am a pig princess of Lalaland. you have just one yourself 5000 crates of london’s finest premium pork sausages made with the finest minion meat. please email me with your home address, telephone number, bank account details and birthday, and the hours which you’ll be at home so that we can send you these fiiinnee sausages.

    reply soon! or we’ll have to give them to someone else!

  40. Oh hellow pricess, I would very much like 5000 crates of SOSIJIES! Thank you for the opportunity! How about I tell you my bank account details and how to get into the online banking and credit card details with the security code so that you can send them off to me! I’m also out of the house after 3pm and my keys are usually hidden under the mat and the security code is 1234!

    Thanks again!


  42. You’re a saint! Now I must go practice shopping, lol.

  43. wow. i MUST visit this site!

  44. Wooooow thank you!!!!
    this is a great help! you put so much effort in it =)
    thanks a million!

  45. Huoy

    Hey there, just want to say thanks for your effort! :) love your blog!

  46. amanda

    i fucking love you, you just made my day :D

  47. I <3 U!
    This guide is so much easier than the one on soompi. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

    Oh and if you haven’t heard of it, I’d recommend Storets.com too. It’s a Korean site but it’s all in English and they have really cute clothes and decent shipping.

  48. shini you gots some crazy dedication to put these up for your readers :) soooo thoughtful and considerate of you!!! “cinderalla” looks like they gots some goodies.

  49. You are such an angel!! I’ve always wanted to try those sites but couldn’t because they look so confusing. I really like the boutiquest that you chose! They have some great pieces! Tomorrow, I know how I’m going to spend my time instead of working. lol..xxoxoxoxxo

  50. your tutorial is really impressive! thanks!
    thanks for introducing gmarket. i’ve been shopping at zipia so far!

  51. mellie

    thank you so much for the tutorial! i just signed up for a gmarket account but couldnt figure out how to to navigate it (:
    thank you!

  52. Whoo I love these sites! Too bad I’m not allowed to order online… D:

  53. Ah fantastic. Thanks so much for this. I was coincidentally looking through Gmarket last week and was wishing someone would write a guide and recommend some sellers.

  54. Nikki

    Hi love, just a note though. Mac users can’t use their computers to order they basically stopped me from using it because only IE works for the site ): But loving the clothes!!!

  55. Owh, I’ve had a few mac-users email me after they’d ordered, have you checked other browsers like Safari/FF/Opera/Chrome? I know, lots of hassle, right? I guess it depends on how bad you want something hehe

  56. Nikki

    I used FF and Safari! But no worries thank goodness for my desktop at home :D teehee

  57. I’ve never looked at their site but it looks amazing! Thanks for sharing:)

  58. aaarh, I gave up. I don’t have the patience to try this out.. but I want to, they seem to have a lot of nice things! I’ll try again tomorrow :D that’s so nice of you to translate and make a tutorial!

  59. Just wanted to let you know that all of us at Acrimony love your blog!

    Check out our store and our blog!


  60. Um…. Shini. You are amazing.

  61. Lazury

    Merci, thanks, gracias :)
    Btw I love your blog!
    A french fan

  62. woo! how awesome of you to post these guidelines!

  63. Amazing!

  64. I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now and was dying to figure out a way to use gmarket! Thanks for posting this!! <3

    Now I don’t have to bug my bf to figure it out for me, although, he’s been helping me with the colour selection process since I can’t read Korean and he can…to some degree hehe

  65. Hey there, sure! The comment just about you was about that btw :P
    This is the link!

  66. ahh so many pretty things, it’s all so distracting!

  67. with the sizing chart, whats the difference between 55 and 66 if not free size?
    can you please translate them? i’m assuming they are measurements of armhole, length, waist etc.. but wouldnt wanna buy it in the wrong size.

    really hard shopping on a foreign language web

  68. the sad thing is that I am too tiny for most blazarr!! only XS fits….

  69. sarah

    You are amazing i have been enjoying your blog for a wee while but this has just sent you way up past my favorite blogger. so far past they are just glimering specks to you! thanks.

  70. OMG thank u so much!!! ur korean is obviously much better than mine.

  71. Jessie

    Yesss…. just like everybody has said… U r just simply AWESOME !!!

    Thanks for doing this for us

    And I love your style … like seriously ;)

  72. Sophia W.

    Thanks for the guidelines. I’ve known of Gmarket since 06 but was never able to understand how to purchase the items!

  73. Anja

    Hey, thanks for the guidelines, all very helpful except now i’m stuck. i’m ordering the same shoes as the chloe knockoffs you got, and i’m not sure where the size is listed.

    here’s a screen shot: http://i41.tinypic.com/nmds1e.jpg

    is 250 the size?

  74. Yes it is! 250 is EU39, here‘s the conversion chart for other sizes :)

  75. Anja

    OK, nevermind, i figured out the size thing, but when i’m about to finalize the order, i get this
    what it means? :(

    sorry for all the questions, btw!

  76. Owwh that means you need to use Internet Explorer to finish the transaction, Gmarket doesn’t like Firefox, it seems!

  77. Jen

    Hii, I have a question about shoe sizing – is 250 generally more like a UK 5.5 or 6 (US 8/8.5)? I think my feet might be too big for all the cute shoes (I wear a US8.5/39 but definitely couldn’t go smaller than 8.5). I guess as long as I stick with sandals I’ll probably be okay? Stupid big feet!

  78. Hey there! Similar dilemma here too, I’m a UK5.5 and I hear that’s around 248, so I always end up hesitating which size to buy… but if you’re a EU39, then I think definitely go for 250. At least according to the international shoe-conversion site EU39 is Korean 251!

  79. jakie

    I’m sort of confused. Are you sure Gmarket ships to the United States? Here http://www.gmarket.co.kr/challenge_eng/neo_help/international_shipping_info.asp it mentions all the other countries but America is not listed? ={

  80. Hey there, Gmarket’s main international audience is actually the US Koreans, so I’m sure they deliver to the US. Try picking an item and going to the check-out option, there should be a dropdown of countries they deliver to. I’m sure I’ve seen USA on that list ;)!

  81. jakie

    oh wait never mind i feel really stupid i didn’t notice the giant USA column!

  82. Hi, this is my 1st visit to ur blog! Thanks for ur guide n links, absolutely love all the collections! R u a korean by any chance? I m currently working on to start a personal blog, can i link u in the future?

  83. I luv ur style ! really

    im moroccan , and im a really FAN !!

    good luck

  84. Regan

    my feet are a UK7. sighs. that prob means i wont be able to fit into any of the shoes.
    since the biggest for the lace up heels you got were a 250.

  85. Amelia

    Hya Thank you so much it’s amazing the stuff they have
    though i tried the Korean and got nowhere (it didn’t look the same as on your help pictures
    so i tried the english but i don’t understand the price is it for all on the items on the page?

  86. Oohh hi Amelia,
    The price is for the main item that you clicked on to get into the page. The rest of the items should a very similar price, (+1000Won to +5000Won) the prices should be clearly written on the item description, or you could see them from the product dropdown at the top of the item listing. Let me know if you need more help :)

  87. Christi

    Hello thanks for the gmarket tut and these shops, ive been a huge fan of gmarket and zipia etc for a long time but never got around to ordering, this makes me wanna order even more.

    But what i wanted to ask was, could you please put up more recommended shops? I really like the ones you put up and would love to see more!

  88. Ah I did one more post with recommended sellers here, I wonder if you’ve seen these already?

  89. Fatin

    Hi! Thanks for the guide, it’s easier for me to browse now! And also congratulations on making it to the featured blog on gmarket =)

    I have one question: If I want to buy plus sizes, is there any way I can separate them with the rest of the clothes? I always browse through ‘plus sizes and seniors’ on the english gmarket, but since you said that gmarket in korean is better, I was wondering how can I do that.

    Thank you so much =)

  90. Fatin

    Aah I found it! So sorry, I didn’t realize this before XD

  91. Joie

    Hi, I stumbled on your blog while googling for Gmarket tutorials & I’m really loving your posts. By the way, do you have newer links for the Paparazzi Girl & Hepburn Boutique? Gmarket’s giving me an error whenever I click on them or did the owners close the shops? I hope not since I really love the draping on that white coat from Paparazzi Girl. :9

    And thanks a lot for the tutorial! It was mighty helpful. :)

  92. Hi Joie! I’m glad the guidelines helped a bit! They’ve been improving the English site so you could register and check-out through the English site, that should be easier!
    I’m also a little puzzled by the shop links, but it says they have no more items, which shouldn’t be the case… Try these new links for Hepburn Boutique and Paparazzi Girl!

  93. Mel

    Hi Girls!

    I’m confused about the payment part!

    The part that says “Receiver’s Name” I assume that would be my name.
    The part that says “Sender’s Name” does that mean the seller’s name which usually is in Korean?
    But the part with “Sender’s Email” it automatically loads my email in the space.

    A little help on this matter!!!


  94. Claire

    hi shini,

    do you use credit card for gmarket? :)

  95. I sometimes do! Mostly I use Paypal but if you can’t seem to use credit card on their site, choose ‘Paypal’ and use credit card from there!

  96. Windy

    Hi Shini,
    When I tried to click to the guide line page nothing showed up. It worked perfectly fine for me before you update your blog… Can you please check if anything wrong with that page?

  97. Heya, I actually took it off because their English version is so much better now! But do let me know if you run into any troubles using it, especially on the product pages :)

  98. christie

    Hi Shini,

    Please bring back the korean guidlines please :) thanks :)

  99. Mel

    Hi there please teach me on how do i order in gmarket, every products are in korean i cant see which is which sorry pls pls teach me!

  100. Hiya, there’s an English version of Gmarket if you look at the top of their page. I took off the guideline because they’ve really improved the English site. Let me know if you need any more help when choosing products later on!

  101. Mel

    Wow thanks for the prompt reply! Erm I have problems ordering the products, everythings not in order and in korean.. like in this site http://english.gmarket.co.kr/challenge/neo_goods/goods.asp?goodscode=151276793 i dont know which is which in the drop down box when ordering. And i would like to know that they always say its cheaper when you order in bulk, lets say if i order 30 – 50 items will the shipping cost me a bomb too? Thanks!!

  102. Heya, oo I don’t know where you’re ordering from, Singapore? it might be quite expensive. All the items have weight put in by the seller when they list it – so for example a bag would have 1.5kg even if it weighs 1.3kg… the shipping is calculated based on the predetermined weight, so however much you buy, it can come to quite a lot. Of course they refund you back the difference once it’s shipped, but the money goes into your G-Cash account that you cannot withdraw from (you can only add).
    If you send me an email with the item screenshot/description and the link, then I’ll let you know where on the dropdown you need to click!

  103. Mel

    Hiya yes Im from singapore! Sorry for the late response was working.. :( I want to order quite a couple of items shared among frens, im afraid to trouble you! Haha.. maybe ill email you one url and learn from it subsequently! Thank you so much ure so kind!

  104. kiki

    Hi Shini,

    I am excited to find Gmarket shopping guideline from your website. However, the link is broken. So, Not sure how can I get the guideline from. Would you mind post it again or send it to my email (that’s even better ^^)


  105. el

    i can’t open the web too :(

  106. phoebe

    hi shini!
    i need some help, i hope you will reply this:)
    just today i ordered some stuff from gmarket, and now im so nervous that the items will get lost in the mail. cause that was what happened when i ordered stuff from overseas the last time.
    can you tell me how do they deliver the goods?do they drop it in my mailbox?or will the postman knock on my door? and how long will the stuff take to arrive?(sorry so many questions!haha:P)
    and another thing! i ordered pants from gmarket, and the price quoted was 11900 won. but after i paid with my credit card, when i go to the mygmarket, the price quoted there is 28000 won. so have i apid 28000 won or 11900 won?
    im so confused, pls help!:(

  107. LInhky

    Shini, the link for the guidelines is not found :(

  108. oo, I got rid of it because their English site is so much better now, it doesn’t really need a guideline! Let me know if you come across any troubles using their English website, I’d be happy to help!

  109. Claire

    hi shini,

    is it ok if the stuff i bought be delivered to my friend in korea? :) it will save me the shipping cost :) my friend will go home from korea after 3 months anyway :)

  110. Beatrice

    Hi Shini,

    Thank you for the tutorial!it’s great and helpful~:)
    But..I have encountered a problem in choosing the colour of the clothes..I tried to use Google translator to get the matching Korean words but it seems not.. working very well..The characters are not matching!:(((( May I know how can I solve this problem please…

    Many thanks~

  111. hey hey, there’s no way you can ‘solve’ it really, but feel free to send me an email with the screenshot and product URL and I’ll help you out :)!

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