I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.


All from Gmarket.com

Before I say anything, I just went through a bag of iceberg lettuce like it was a bag of crisps – you know, grab as much as you can in a cupped fist and shove it in your mouth type of crazed munching. Yeah…just in case you felt like lifting one eyebrow today.

I guess it’s been quite long since my last shopping post, and sorry that everything’s from Gmarket – I’d be happy to help anyone with shopping there, you just need paypal and it delivers to almost anywhere. All that up there, even including shipping to the UK, is worth maybe 3 items from Topshop.

  1. Slinky white summer dress – Perfect for layering and as a basic summer piece – I don’t own enough dresses and skirts, it appears.
  2. Double pouch bag – Men’s accessories tend to appeal to me more… I just don’t see myself carrying around a girly handbag.
  3. Suede single-sheet Jacket – Yarr, it’s a single-sheet thin, and reversible apparantly. They had these in yellow and orange, might get another to studd the crap out of. I’m sure they won’t mind for £15.
  4. Multi-Strap Flats – Hello Chloé knockoff. Not bad for £4.
  5. Lace bootie heels – Reminded me of Jeffrey Campbells  – missing the ankle wings though. (£16)

I feel like a cheapass.

Oh for those who asked how the quality and fit of these clothes were – When you’re buying, always look at the feedbacks (they’re always in a graph at the bottom) – Koreans are picky people and if the feedback is bad then the item is surely bad. Other than that I wear almost every single item I bought from Gmarket – the shoes fit fine, and the quality is great for such a low price.

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  1. Ahhh that’s such good value, tried to navigate the site, but don’t speak Korean. Is it like ebay? Would be nice to find clothes that are a little different…

  2. layla

    when i tried clicking the shopping cart, this came out:

    햅번의상실] ★무료배송★ 패티코트 스타일의 프린세스 원피스 2종 고품질의 로맨틱 원피스를 만나보세요 상품의 수량을 1개 단위로 입력해주세요.

    babelfish isn’t helping…could you shed some light on this please?

    love the tutorial..thanks alot! : )

  3. Try finalizing the order in Internet Explorer, it should work there! I think there’s a bug in Gmarket for Firefox…

  4. torba, buty i sukienka (czyli generalnie wszystko) bardzo mi się podobają :) a najbardziej torba :))

  5. that bag looks great & very functional!! loving the laced up boots too :)


  6. Abi

    anyway non-koreans like me can shop there? there’s a button for ‘english’ but it doesn;t seem to be working! x

  7. I love the bag a lot!
    woww that site is so messy since I don’t have korean fonts on my computer there are some weird squares everywhere that’s so funny.

  8. you are not alone!!! a lil’ extra to go with the icebergs, dunk it in some hummus then munch em’
    man! its good.

  9. Hey!
    The item number five is lovely!
    Could you tell me how much were they and how can i get them? (I mean the Lace bootie heels, oh, and I’m from Spain, do they deliver to Spain?)
    Thank you very much,
    I have to tell you this, your blog has been a great inspiration since my beggining, I’m so in love with your style! Thanks for the posts, thanks for letting us know you.


  10. I have just spotted your blog, and I am already in love. Love that long tee-dress and the heels:)

  11. the jacket looks like a good deal!
    and i love your photos! very well taken!

  12. Great I can’t wait for your guide to shopping there – I love the stuff you bought!

  13. I love the simple dress, I want one just like that, but can’t actually find it in stores.
    Anyway, I think to shop cheap is very good for our wallets :)

  14. Anxious for your little how-to guide! Not sure I’ve heard of Gmarket before and my broke ass would love another inexpensive place to peruse.

  15. ah love the chloe knock off flats……….. must shop at gmarket… only if their shipping cost wasn’t so damn expensive!!

  16. Whoa. Nice picks. Too bad I don’t *need* anything right now. I’ll just keep repeating that to myself. I’ll even try to not read your guide.

  17. did you eat that whole bag of lettuce just plain? because if that’s the case you are like my new favorite pet bunny. lol. you know meeko also loves lettuce!! whenever I make salads I always break off a few pieces and feed it to him and when he eats it, it makes the most satisfying chomp chomp sound :)

    is it weird I don’t even know what gmarket is o.O

  18. I want that white dress, it makes me want to stay home and spend QT with myself – yes the touching oneself kind…

    MM x

  19. wow, love all your wants! Those flats look so adorable :)

  20. so coool!!! i love cheap good quality things… dont feeel cheap at all!

  21. Ohhhh, Gmarket… how I have wasted so much money on you because the clothes were so cute and then really shoddily made. I think this was pre-feedback days. But you gotta love how the Koreans never hold anything back when leaving their two cents.

  22. okay i need a korean translator NOW. i love those chloe knockoffs!! steve madden had them too and i was considering getting them but stevemadden wasnt worth my $60 hard earned cash. i love the bag too, i like big bags too. I always carry around too much stuff wtih me and complain to my boyfriend that my bag is too heavy wahahah but i hate carrying dainty little bags.

  23. YES, please do a tutorial on how to shop Gmarket cuz that thing confuses the heck out of me…and all that Korean boggles my mind. Too much Korean thrown at me at once is really intimidating. haha

  24. ahh, that suede jacket for 14 quid is an awesome deal–actually, it’s all an awesome deal. and i can totally see how beautiful it will be after you stud it. i wish i could understand korean! :( sigh it was so embarrassing last summer when i was in seoul and everyone just looked at me like i was some sort of mute/deaf girl. i’ll have to enlist my friend to do some translating for the site hehe… buty eah, as nina said, if you can post a tutorial like “clicking this means buy”, that would be awesome hehe.

  25. Oh, gosh, I speak AND read Korean, and this site gives me a headache.

    How did you find the Chloe knock-offs? I’ve been typing in every combination of belt buckle trip strap ballerina flat shoe I can possibly come up with.

  26. Haha yeah, I definitely agree with most of the comments already. I don’t think I need to share an embarrassing Korean speaking story, but yeah… haha that guide would be neomu neomu helpful. (my pathetic attempt and korenglish)

  27. omg i tried buying things on gmarket.. but it’s so confusing.. im glad your doing a how to on this!! can’t wait for it to be ready! anyway the things you bought are great esp. the shoes!

  28. Sigh… as much as I love your outfits that make such a great use of high street items don’t you wonder how it’s possible to buy shoes for 4 pounds? Surely they must have been made in a sweatshop.

  29. Fair Shopping Fairy: Actually, Korea is like that, there’s so much competition going within the market that goods get cheaper and cheaper – The flats actually cost £9 but it was on a discount mode. If you could look it up S. Korea’s policy on goods production/sweatshops it’s actually quite strict – and it’s hard to abuse them really, labour is not cheap in S.Korea. Immoral sweatshop labour has never been an issue in Korea, just so you know.
    Unless of course the item was imported from abroad such as China, in which case the seller will clearly note.
    I’m still glad that you’re concerned.

  30. I really like all the pieces but wow, the lace boots are amazing for that price! I will be waiting for the gmarket tutorial! I’m not really a girl bag person either; if I have a choice, I wouldn’t carry anything at all. xxoxoxxoxo

  31. i really love both pairs of shoes, gorgeous!

  32. There’re really a bunch of goodies there, too bad that the English version doesn’t work perfectly well. Can’t wait for the guide!

  33. $4 for those adorable chloe esque flats! what a steal.



  35. Dear AFV:Takes about 2 hours to write those and I’ve been pulling all nighters lately so I apologize, I’ll do it when I have a bit of relaxing time. GARGGH.

  36. want those lace booties too!

    being people who don’t work at all/earn money, we totally understand your substitute-for-quality-diet-decisions as well :)

    does this mean there will be a hiatus on those glorious food porn photos?

    we’re sure your photography skills would make even a stale fig jam sandwich look great.

  37. love love love the flats! and such a steal – i think i’ll have to make a visit.

  38. mmm i haven’t done much internet shopping while i’ve been in korea bc everything’s so available in person but now that i’m about to head back to america i think i should start ordering!

    i love that shipping in korea is so cheap and that things come the day of or the next day! you have great finds~ can you share some of your favorite sellers?

  39. why do men get to have the sexiest bags? i don’t get it. my current dream bag is the cole haan messenger. i wish the skies would open up and one of them would land squarely in my lap. free of charge, of course. thank you, skies!

    omgzies thank you for linking me back. it’s like my birthday or something. except this time with real presents.

  40. i LOVE the bag. kudos!


  41. Can’t wait to see the studded version of that jacket.


  42. Oooh, thanks for the hot tip (and for the newest “help” post). I tried to venture through the site a litle while back, and after you mentioned it, but gave up.

    Help much appreciated :)

    And those lace up heels are HOT!

    Have a great weekend

  43. that’s a great jacket!

  44. Alix A.

    I love the stuff but even with the “english” mode it’s impossible for me to navigate. Help!!

  45. i’ve done the same except that it wasn’t iceberg lettuce. in my circumstance it’s more likely to be a candy, chocolate, crunchy salty snack, tacos, etc.

  46. Cathy

    Who is the seller for the multi-strap flats?

  47. Here!

  48. ariss


  49. fierce_tulip

    Firstly, thank you for a tremendous tutorial! However, I am still confused about the sizing, on the item page there is a drop down menu with “55, 77” are these the sizes?

  50. Owh yes, they’re sizes, I’ve put up a link to a clothing sizing-chart in the Gmarket Guideline Post, this is the link.

  51. sonambula

    do you have a link for the seller of the bootie heels? they make me drool..

  52. Ouiz! they’re called ‘Cinderella’ and I’ve linked them on the Gmarket Shopping Guideline post! :D

  53. sonambula


  54. Amalie

    Sorry I know other people has been asking you this, but the bootie heels where are they from? I’m completely in love. I know you found them om Gmarket, but what is the label? Do you think it’s possible to get them?

  55. hi doll!thanks for the hint, didnt know this site yet…
    eszter loves cheap clothes&my boyfriend loves me loving cheap clothes…so everybody is happy at last….life is beautiful and in order again x)

  56. GMarket is amazing and online shopping doesn’t usually intimate me, but wow, this baby did! Thanks for making up the tutorial for navigating it. Is an eur 39-40 womens shoe size considered to be too manly?? I was so disappointed to see a lot of the shoes I wanted not past a size 8-250. Boo!

  57. Shini, you are a bonkers crazy woman! Thank you for the kick ass tutorial. I may tackle it one day…? Ok, maybe as soon as I’m finished with this comment, I will poke around the site.

  58. Shini, all I want are the #4 shoes….
    How do I get to them?
    I can’t read korean :(

  59. Never mind, I found the link and then noticed the english translator…may need help purchasing though :P

  60. Hey hey Lydia, I posted a whole guide on how to shop from Gmarket right after this post!!! :P

  61. walk into work yesterday got talking with korean intern and asked her to show me some korean online stores and naver/gmarket is what she suggested. went on last night couldn’t read colours in korean so didnt order blah blah blah 24 hours later decide that it has been at least a week since ive visited blogland and this is the first place i come to find a whole run of gmarket posts.

    wierd right?? not really? sorry just needed to share that story of how small our wonderful world is :)

  62. mandarine

    hey shini,
    thanks for your tutorial! it helped me a lot…

    I really do need the white dress though. can you post a link? thanks!

  63. Heh you sound desperate! :P Here’s the link!

  64. hey i love the chloe rip off’s but when i try to find the code on the scroll down list, its not there…. please don;t tell me this means their out of stock? : o
    ive been trying to find brown knock offs for ages
    if you could help me out that would be great


    xx dina

  65. Tee

    Oh I have been poring over your blog for hours..I love your clothes and how you have put them together and your shoes.

    I was so thrilled to hear about Gmarket…as my budget will love it and you for the tip.

    ALAS…it is in Korean and the button that says “English” is no help at all …still holding fast to it’s Korean. I guess it’s not in my future to come away with the cute little Strappy Flats (£4. / $6.00 US) or Lace booties (£16. / $24.00 US)

    Also are you sending the links to the other posters to their emails? Because I am not seeing those either. (???).

    Whether I can get my hands on Chloe knockoffs or not…I LOVE your blog!!!

    Love & Light,



  66. ahh, that suede jacket for 14 quid is an awesome deal–actually, it’s all an awesome deal. and i can totally see how beautiful it will be after you stud it. i wish i could understand korean! :( sigh it was so embarrassing last summer when i was in seoul and everyone just looked at me like i was some sort of mute/deaf girl. i’ll have to enlist my friend to do some translating for the site hehe… buty eah, as nina said, if you can post a tutorial like “clicking this means buy”, that would be awesome hehe.