I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a changeā€”a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.



The latest Chanel ad: Embellishing the arm and pockets of a jacket with pearl beads, chains, ribbons.




  • Swap chains for laces on your heels. (Topshop heels)
  • Embellish shoulderpads, sew onto black tshirt – I’d personally use fabric to cover the shoulder pads just so it doesn’t look like my jacket pooped shoulderpads right on my tshirt.
  • (Pair patterend leggings with patterend tights.)

Chain lining on sweater vest.

All scans from Vogue UK June 2009

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  1. i cant wait to see your diy posts!!! and the shoes in the bottom photo are so kick ass! :)

  2. so exciting! great ideas overall. and PUHLEEZ let me know the brand of the shoes in the last photo. i seriously think my life will not be complete otherwise…

  3. Hahaa I fell in love with it too but they were designer! I forgot which though, I’ll get back to you on that one, I’ve packed the magazine away when I was moving! :P

  4. betina

    They’re Louboutins!

  5. please , do post these DIY projects when you’re finished, I bet yours would turn out as great as these :D

  6. I’ve actually have done these DIY embellishments onto a pair of blazers! One interesting way to charge up a classic.
    This is great


  7. I love the idea of the chain lining. Looking forward to seeing you do a DIY x Sushi

  8. looking forward to your take on it ^^!!

  9. the marc jacobs vest is so beautiful!

  10. I’m looking forward to seeing what yo come up with. I need some DIY inspiration.



  11. I really regret not buying that vogue! Love those leopard print leggings

    It would be mine

  12. halos.of.holly

    oh my gosh! i fell in love the instant i saw that chanel add in US vogue, absolutely adore the jackets.

  13. I’ve been thinking about the shoulder pad idea for a while now but i don’t have time! so It will have to wait a bit

  14. Chanel Paris-Moscou is a beautiful line.Very diy-able!


  15. Great post. I love your DIY posts. I’m a cheap bastard like you, so I’m all about DIY.

    Looking forward to seeing your take on the projects.

  16. I esp. loved the last idea, will try it soon. Great post.

  17. Great inspiration. And oh my – how I adore the shoes in the last picture.

  18. betina

    Also interesting is the Junya Watanabe sweater Michelle Obama is wearing in the G20 article. Gave me ideas of cutting up old sweaters.

  19. I just read through a few entries back and I really love your blog. It is very inspiring and fun!!! Will be linking you!

  20. shiniiiiiiii those are great possible DIYs!! So nice of you to scan for everyone. If it were me I’d probably be like “shieeeeet too lazy ok nvm they’ll probably eventually come across it themselves” har har har. I always have so many things i wanna make but get too lazy or can’t be bothered to search the lands for supplies -.-

  21. I love the first and last one, I’ll definitely have to try them!

  22. I love the last idea of lining chains on a basic sweater !
    By the way, the asian model really has ugly toes… wearing heels all day long lead to ugly feet, it’s sad. :)

  23. i love your DIY’s!
    the last picture…what I really noticed was the shoes! i love them.

  24. awesome editorial. i was just thinking i need me some patterned/textured tights.

  25. Can’t wait to see how urs turn out~ Faboosh editorials!

  26. Wow. Great idea Shini.
    Can’t wait to see your DIY.
    I might want to try the shoulder pads too.

  27. ohhh nice stuff…looking from to more diy posts from you ;)


  28. i LOVE Those boots in the last picture, and i have been dying for another diy

  29. cool, thanks for sharing these cool diy inspirations. i love chains and diy so =perfect!! thank u :)

  30. a while ago its all about studs, but now, the current fever seems to be chains and lots of blings. chains on practically everywhere. and this kinda trend, i do think i love it…

  31. i find the more dash than cash really funny

    What average person can afford the stuff they feature in that hahah


  32. Chains as laces is an awesomeee idea! Definitely one I want to try with heeled oxfords.

  33. If this editorial were a person, I would be compelled to marry it.

  34. can’t wait to see what you come up with!!!

  35. I love DIYs!
    great editorial!