I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Vivienne Tam & ASOS

Catwalk photo in collage taken from here, thanks!

Attention awesome blogger friends and esteemed readers, I am rather sad to announce that I have been given the honour of being the fifth judge of the Battle of The Bloggers at ASOS because I too want a Vivienne Tam HP netbook, ticket to a stylish city every four weeks (with designated photographer) and own blogging channel at ASOS. I am sad, therefore I will be cranky. I see now why Simon is so mean…

Take the most of this wonderful opportunity, I know so many of you have talent and drive to win this!

All the best!

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  1. Oh, what an awesome competition! Thanks for the info, and I’m sorry you won’t get a chance to win yourself, but I’m sure you’ll be a most excellent judge (not that I’m sucking up or anything)!

  2. How exciting, a blogging competition.

  3. At least being a judge on the panel means you’re already the crème de la crème of the blog-world :)

    -Jane @ Brunch at the Beach

  4. You are a damn LUCKY girl!

    Valentina from Fashion Trotter – 100% italian street style


  5. a blogging competition, how cool is that, i’m sure you ll have a chance to participate next time. have fun judging



  6. It’s great to have you on board, Shini! x

  7. It’s an honor to be a judge! By making you a judge, they’re telling you that it would be unfair if they let you compete, because you are just that good. :)

    I’m not a fashion blogger; but I hope someone great wins it!

  8. Can we swap roles so I can steal the laptop?

  9. Hey, that’s fantastic news! Congrats. I thought about entering but not sure my work would be up for my disappearing off to different cities every 4 weeks! But with you judging I know they’ll find someone absolutely brilliant! x

  10. h wow, congratulations, it sounds like fun!


  11. wow, that sounds really fun! :D xx

  12. I’m so excited about this competition! :)

  13. I wanna that HP laptop..so prettty can’t help..

  14. I DO have the drive! But I’m not from the UK or EU! Boo! :(

  15. Worst is, you’d probably be in the final if you were competing. I don’t read any blogs with as much intelligent humor as you create in your texts. You always make me laugh. :) I’m very proud of you Shini – judge at Asos.com! Not bad at all, and so well deserved.