I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Cape & Shoes – Zara, Coat – Mum’s Roem, Jeans – Courtesy of Levi’s, Bag – The Bridge, White silk shirt – Make Lemonade

This post is not exactly how I intended to ring in 2011 on this blog, so please work with me while I pretend 2011 is still in the horizon and this blog is that country called Republic of Procrastinica that’s about five and a half globes behind in time.

It looks like I should title my posts with more care as I did end up going into an unintentional 10-day-long Silence, as per the prediction of the previous post title. Sorry to disappoint, but the silence wasn’t induced by a bad footing in the snow and a smashing of my peabrain onto the cobblestones of Warsaw (what an enthralling image), although even if I did in most likelihood the pea would’ve survived. (Survival pea knows no danger) I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before but the curse (and blessing, somewhat) of growing up in international schools means everyone scatters after graduation; 5 years have passed since highschool and now home is basically a clean slate; shucks, sometimes it feels like starting in a new city. What I realised this time though, was that I was starting to draw on that blank page with friends made thanks to this blog. I won’t name them all, but they’ve really become people I can call ma homeys. Thank you all for saving me from perpetual laundry and dish cleaning, and thank you always for a great time.

Write a Comment


  1. stunning pictures. i instantly thought it was prague, but then i read on.
    waht a way with langiage. yours is the best in all the blog world

  2. thanks for another interesting post!
    I sometimes feel that i want to start new in a new place, even though i just moved and started new in a new place..

    Love From Seoul,
    Nostalgic Senses


  3. I love your blog and your pictures they are soo awsome and cute!!

    visit mine sometime!!

    im gonna follow your blog if thats ok, you can follow mine if you want to :D

  4. such amazing photos. love the outfit.
    thanks for sharing this post dear. a new start is almost always good, it can go anywhere. i wish you all the best


  5. If I come to London, will you give me a photography tutorial?

    And Happy New Years to you and yours!

  6. sure, but I usually just wing it.

  7. Amazing photos! happy new year!

  8. Beautiful photographs! And fun to read as well, as always. I love how the plaid pattern in your cape plays off the ground in the last photo. Very very cool.

  9. Don’t be sorry. Just enjoy your time there, dear. And thank your self too. Happy New Year xx

  10. i seriously love these photos, they’re gorgeous. and i like your post as well.. a clean slate is scary but it can be good too. i love the feeling of know that you have no history somewhere… you get a fresh start, a chance to be anyone ;)



  11. Such beautiful photos. I too haven’t yet managed to do my planned posts for the start of 2011, perhaps tommorrow!

  12. Such beautiful photographs. I too have not yet managed to do my planned posts for the start of 2011, perhaps tommorrow. Happy New Year!

  13. The photo with a barmaid looks like a scene from horror ;)

  14. i never knew you went to international schools. did you do the IB as well? i’m in the last year right now and it’s draaaging.


  15. oh! stop it! i miss warsaw so much and you torture me with this amazing pics!!! :P anyway! you look so pretty!!! :D
    Happy New Year!

    xoxo from rome

  16. Wow, beautiful photos, you have such an eye.

  17. Looks so amazing!

    juliet xxx

  18. Ah man I really should visit Warsaw and experience the Polish culture and admire its architectures.

    Thank you for the 1.5 year of friendship (0.5 year for commenting your posts), thank you for the photography tips, thank you for allowing me to tease/bully you and calling you Poo or any insulting/offensive name callings hahaha, erm thank you for trusting me, thank you for being a pain in the butt, thank for everthing. I love you (in a non-lesbo way).

    Kit xxxx

  19. Aww well at least you have friends to stay with whenever you’re traveling! Also if you’re ever in Oxford again and looking to make new friends feel free to contact me!

  20. Leonie

    get your ass here for goodness sake. I like you. x

  21. Beautiful photographs! I live in Warsaw , it;s my home town ;)

  22. Gorgeous pics – the first one in particular is stunning. Love that Zara cape – wish I’d bought it, think it’s sold out now. xx

  23. I won’t be original to sat your photos look very nice – promoting Warsaw in the world is a nice thing to do :) You are one of the few bloggers I always read as your sense od humor really cracks me up. Keep on keeping on! Cheers from Poland!

  24. Oh Shini, you manage to make the cold and dark look romantic and alluring… And isn’t the internet great? We’re not alone! Cape along, dear!

  25. Nice shots! I really like the feel of them and I really adore your shoes x

  26. Such lovely photos !

  27. Beautiful… I just left europe. Siiiighhh!

    PS: I’m giving away a mono-earing! http://www.queenofmayhem.com

  28. the first picture is gorgeous !!

  29. Beautiful pictures. I really like your cape!

  30. looks amazing.

    happy holidays!


  31. I lvoe those photos, and the tea cups are so sweet , they’re pretty elegant.

    alexandra @

  32. Beautiful array of photos!!!

    cheers- Julie

  33. Absolutely love your outfit!!!!!!! xx

  34. no apologies about going into silence… i did the same thing over the holidays (with my blog)… In fact, i’m finding it hard to get back into the swing to things actually…

    On another note… The most important ppl in yr life are enternally connected to you and never really go away.. That’s my take on it so far…

    I wish you a fabulous new year! – Allison

  35. Beautiful as always! x

  36. shini! i love these pictures! beautiful :) and that coat! gimme gimme gimme

    aindrea from RAGS

  37. so lovely! I love the light in the last pic with you. upper half is so bright and the rest more dark. beautiful :)

  38. Wow, GORGEOUS photos. The light, the quality of the light.. you look gorgeous in that last shot, but they’re all.. yeah, magical.

    I’ve been feeling the same way. I just had another school friend (my age) go kind of crazy on me, all the way from NY, via telephone. Putting me up on a pedestal and then knocking me down with a vengeance. I don’t know what happens to women my age, but some of them seem to be going insane. And here it is, friends like you, Kit, Jen, from different cultures, countries, generations, and yet we’re all so damn kind to each other. That’s all I care about these days. That’s my mantra for 2011: I’ve got enough friends, thank you very much, so anyone that wants to be in my world (the Republic of Procrastinica, that is), show me the kindness.

    You are an incredibly good being. This post was well worth waiting for, Shinster. xoxox

  39. the last photo is so charming and Zara cape looks quite interesting;)

  40. Your blog is the best ever!!!

    I have a giveaway on my blog about my fashion illustrations.

    You can choose beetwen a fashion illustration about you or new header to your blog!

  41. Remedios

    it’s so nice to see the streets I visit everyday on your blog :)
    hope you had a great time here, in Warsaw!

    and thank you for another dose of inspiration!

  42. Lovely photos! Don’t be afraid of a clean slate it could turn out to be great! I love your cape.


  43. You look so cozy super chic!…and that sofa/settee is to DIE for!
    Welcome back and Happy New Year’s babe!


    Haute Khuuture Blog

  44. great pictures …..lovely blog ;)

  45. The ist pic is amazing, so romantic and dreamy. I love your plaid pattern cape.

  46. marta

    oh hello, my hometown :) Warsaw looks so glamorous on your photos

  47. love ur look :)amazing photos
    hope u check out my blog
    follow me on:

  48. I’ve been trying so hard to properly coordinate a cape into my wardrobe but failed to do so. It looks so good on you though :)


  49. Stunning shots! Warsaw looks beautiful and you’ve made me want to visit. Especially as you’ve included some of my favourite things-gothic architecture, tea & ornate furnishings ;)
    Hope you have a wonderful 2011 Shini.

  50. Beautiful images as per shini! You’ve made me want visit Warsaw and hang around beautiful hotels drinking tea ;)
    Hope you have a wonderful 2011

  51. lovely photos!



  52. I’m falling in love again and again with your pictures, they are so beautiful. I wish you all the best and lots of inspiration in 2011! :)

  53. <3


  54. love the christmas vibe from the first photo. so glam


  55. I love your cape, so nice in this background. You look great Shini <3

  56. Beautiful pictures, and great blog!
