I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Uniqlooks September: One item, three looks – UU Bulky fleece jacket

Look 1: Bulky fleece Jacket – Uniqlo. Purple shirt – Uniqlo. Pants – ASOS White. Shoes – Alexander Wang via Vestiaire Collective. Bag – JHYoo
Look 2: Bulky fleece Jacket – Uniqlo. Silk top – Partimi. Jeans – James Jeans. Shoes – Isabel Marant. Bag – Kurt Geiger . Watch – Casio
Look 3 Bulky fleece Jacket – Uniqlo. Fleece shirt – Mens’ Uniqlo. Skull-lace skirt – Gmarket. Boots-sies – old season Patrizia Pepe. Clutch – Chanel. Belt – JHYoo

As I was piecing together this month’s Uniqlooks I couldn’t help but notice – 2012 is one year gone with haste – can you believe October is at the doorstep with Winter padding towards the lawn? And here I am, still waiting for that summer to happen (It RSVPed, what was THAT about). I’m going to do the usual description of this month’s Uniqlooks hero item I chose (I purchase these items monthly, just to be clear), and say it’s been my second skin. And this time, believe it or not, the arrow is fluttering closer to ZERO/SOMEWHAT TRUE on the Blogger-Exaggeratometer because ever since LFW ended I’ve been working non-stop and also managed to catch something so basically I’ve lived in this purple fluffy thing while either sipping criminal dose of coffee or later, popping antibiotics like they were skittles. In fact, Look #2 is what I’d choose to wear if I had one out for the rest of my life; too bad I’ve also been near-stationary in a chair for a month eating junk so I will soon out-fat those skinny James Jeans and grow exactly into the shape of the purple jacket. I’m in shape. Round is a shape.

Thank you to hubby & Kit for helping with the various photos.

DIY Scarf-print kaftan dress, a collaboration project with Styleslicker

Head on here to see the complete tutorial

Kaftan dress – Park & Cube x Styleslicker DIY. Nude shoes – Zara. Bag – Bottega Veneta. Watch – GUESS Rose gold

I realised the only time Kit and I join hands to collaborate is when we’re both hunched over her bowl of phô fishing out red meat so I can gobble it up like a bear. We’re also DIY enthusiasts and happen to share the opinion that if you need glue-gun to attach fabric onto fabric then it’s not DIY – it’s pre-school craft, and don’t get us started with stapling shit to shit. She’s a trained pattern cutter with ninja scissor skills, I’m a webdesigner sensitive to misaligned pixel – in a nutshell we’re both just anal and you wouldn’t want us as mothers or wives (sorry hubz). So we decided to team up to do a few DIY projects that might be educating in terms of garment construction and produce end-results that you might actually wear more than once. Remember this H&M panther scarf? Turns out there’s a lot more ways to transform it with just a few tools at home – for this one you don’t even need a sewing machine – check out the tutorial here to make your own scarf-print kaftan dress!

Check back often or tune in for the next one!

Meadham Kirchhoff SS13

Are you perhaps missing out on my chronic instagramania

Meadham Kirchhoff SS13 at LFW Day 5, ticket courtesy of Luisa via Roma; frontal catwalk shots by vogue.com

It’s clear with each collection that the Meadham Kirchhoff duo knows exactly how to bring eyecandy to the catwalk, but this season they left us all on a sugar-high on day 6 of LFW; heck, I felt like a kid on juice watching this show. I mean, would you just look at the details – flowers stuffed under the peplum, stamped-wafer fabric, ribbons atop ribbons, bead-crusted nails… it’s like they stood a cherubim-haired doll on a rotating stool and constructed each look. Another MK specialty, the walk & performance – the music was a sweet tinkling melody of a merry-go-round, which suited the round Topshop catwalk space rather perfectly, but instead of doing a circle, the girls weaved in and out of the decorated partitions picking up bits of flowers and then dropping them halfway down the catwalk. Infuse a bit of personality to the pieces, neeeat.

Many thanks to Luisa Via Roma for taking me along; see more of my shots in the Luisa via Roma Magazine.

Bestival, Isle of Wight

The glitter bar, where you inhale glitter and sneeze out a tinkerbell

 Wearing: Wax jacket – Barbour. Crop-top – Fairground. DIY Crop-jeans – Zara. Balloon skirt – ASOS. Sneakers – Isabel Marant. Wellies – Barbour. Red cord sweater – Barbour. Bag – Barbour explorer. Water bottle – Sigg. Lace bunny ears – ASOS

When it comes to music I have not put the ‘pop’ into popular for many years now, when my music-to-world synchronization decided to just stop altogether circa 2006 – I think it was exactly when Justin Beaver started talking. Now I put the ‘pop’ in missuz kebab-store hippopotamus and revel at knowing all the words of a TV show theme tune. It seems today that all you see is violence and movies, and sex on TV, but where are those good ol’ fasioned values on which we used to rely? Tha alarm from my Uniqlo ‘Wake Up’ app is my next favourite track. In fact, I should compile some of this into a Spotify playlist – might make you ill, but I promise you’ll feel a whole lot better with your taste in music…and your life, really. So why a music festival? I realised that I must be missing out in something seeing how Bestival is considered one of Britain’s best summer pasttimes, and by going, secretly hoped for a reinfusion of my long lost music appetite. Appetite for burgers and un-Englandy hot weather, I did find, and lots of happy people dressed in giraffes and ant eaters (the theme was Wildlife, alas). If according to a certain mean girl, ‘Halloween is the one night a year when girls can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it’, then Bestival is the one time a year when people can dress like 3rd grade Halloween and everyone will compliment your costume. I personally suited up in what I’d always understood as festival uniform: A pair of Barbour wellies, waxed jacket, snuggly cable-knit arriving at the seaside, but by the time we were leaving I really wanted to buy an elephant mask to show I’ve also been there and that it was actually super fun.

Thank you Barbour for taking us to such appropriate grand finale for summer! Also check out – my What to pack for a Festival guest post for the Barbour blog.

Louis Vuitton x Yayoi Kusama @ Selfridges, London

24 windows based on her poem ‘Love Forever’

Selfridges Wonder Room concept store

After closing hours: the coming together of the Selfridges installation

And your own little Kusama keepsake: Easy-peasy dotty DIY

What you’ll need
Red and White are basically the only two colours you’ll need to rock dotty limbs this but it might be fun to add a bit of LV flair and accent with a yellow, green or black. Otherwise the usual – top & base coat, toothpick or pin, scrap bit of paper to use as palette (best if laminated paper)

Prep nails by filing and buffing to a unified shape. Apply base coat, then paint on colours in any order that tickles you.

Load the brush with adequate amount of polish, then pat the tip of the brush onto the nail. The size & shape of most nail polish brushes should be perfect to make a round-ish mark without too much effort.

Unload a dollop of nail polish onto your scrap paper, then using a toothpick, add in smaller dots.

Many thanks to Anna for the tour around LV x Kusama concept store in Selfridges Wonder Room, and Michelle for helping with photo no 16.

So word on the street was that Louis Vuitton erected a 6-metre-tall Kusama to guard the Selfridges main entrance clock, and seeing that Dr Google wasn’t answering my ‘why am I seeing spots everywhere’ questions (‘It’s just worms in your eyes’ is not helping, dude) I decided to pay Dotty-san a visit. There she was, five whole metres of that red dress (she was born in it, I swear) and a pair of door-sized black loafers casting shadows above my head. It was all too large for a simple Q&A session so I decided to take it up with the

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more adequate version in window #23 of total 24 dotty windows. I enquired about her plans of world domination (starting with Instagram) and she stood solemnly answering with blinks (strict orders not to move during daytime apparently, all very Toy Story) – one blink for YES world domination, two for NO world domination – and just that one blink it was.

Make sure to pay her a visit at the LV x Kusama concept store in the Selfridges Wonder Room before the 19th October.

Some tips with the nail-do:

  • The Kusama polkadot pattern doesn’t actually have a grid-based pattern, the dots are positioned quite randomly in varying sizes. Best if you start with the biggest size and go for a Marc Jacobs-y dot-spacing then fill the surroundings with smaller dots.
  • Red-white is the classic combo, but the LV x Kusama collection features yellow-black, green-black and blue-black. The yellow-black skirt is one of my favourite pieces so I thought I’d put that as an accent (ring finger, right hand).
  • When doing the dots, it’s best to get as little varnish on your brush as possible to avoid having a blob and waiting for it to never dry.

That’s all! Easy peasy, dot butt squeasy!

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