I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Dress – COS, Knee-high socks – Market in Korea gift from mama, Shoes – Office, Belt – Rope, Bag – Market in Vilnius, Sunglasses – 80’s Purple, Watch – Casio through ASOS. Thank you Macku for the photos!

The first generation Barclays Cycle Hire bicycles appeared today all around London at 6am. I had pre-purchased an access key as sort of a dessert after a gruelling main-meal window shopping session at ASOS, and after having experienced the privilege of giving a new city bike its first spin, I must stop and give myself a pat for such a thoughtful pre-arrangement. I can be so smart sometimes! I wish it happened more often. Only signed up members can use the bikes for now, so there were a fair amount of keyless people fawning over the new bicycles – stroking them, sitting on them, serenading them, licking them… a kid came up to me in his own bicycle and asked me how I took one out and I said dood go away, you HAVE a bike. If you have an address and a bank account in London, I suggest you head over and get yourself a key. They’re heavy as hell to ride (felt heavier than the French Vélib) but so worth it when you realize later your damned body is heavier to lug around.

(Oh, some are probably wondering what I did with my own bicycle – I don’t normally ride it into the city [7 miles], so the Cycle Hire scheme is better for short trips within town.)

Top – Courtesy of Your Eyes Lie, Pants & Bag – Gmarket, Shoes – New Look, Cardigan – Massimo Dutti, Watch – Casio

Last week I received a comment that read something like I like your blog and the way you make it approachable for someone like me who’s not really into this type of fashion. The only criticism I’d give is that your layout isn’t necessarily fully accommodating and I think you can find some better looking designs in Blogger or WordPress, you can even make your own templates! at this point I let go of all my muscles and just went WHUuuu? I sat there stumped, not really knowing how to respond – my Web Design-heavy CV proceeded to mentally fold itself into an airplane and kamikaze onto undercharged previous-clients dressed as terrified villagers. Then I heard my boyfriend giggle into his laptop in the corner. Let’s put it this way, I will have to tie his laces from now on because, I HAVE BITTEN OFF ALL HIS FINGERS.

Have you seen the occasional ‘mean’ comment that advises me to buy a new camera because the photography is borderline crap, or one that says that all my shoes are ugly? They’re all from this man named Zbigniew and I soon learnt that that’s when my poor boyfriend wants some attention. He actually uses the opportunity to to ridicule comments I often receive that insinuate that the camera makes the photos. And he dislikes all my heeled shoes because they hurt ma feet, aww. This is a truly truly a 21st Century method of dating.

Clockwise: Vicki, Myself, Jen, MJ, Saskia, Sarah, Sabine, Leia, Adele, Sherin

I’ve done it, gone and joined a cult, my own little Band of Brothers. Take 10 is a group of ten UK bloggers who decided it was high time there was a UK version of the Delightful Dozen, and came together to form a virtual sisterhood, conjoined through the elastic band of skirt. Band of Sisters, or something like that. Lovely Sarah approached the nine and pitched the idea, and we all jumped in, every girl loves that spread in the magazine where one item is worn in several different ways.

Here’s us just saying hello, all 20 hands of ours waving. Role call! MJ from Dreaming Spires and Old Car Tyres, Sherin from HiFashionLeia from Leia’s Delights, Jen from Little Bird Fashion, Vicki from Magpie Girl, Adele from Molto Curiosa, Saskia from Not Just Medical, MOI, Sabine from Psynopsis, and Sarah from We Shop, Therefore We Are. You can also follow us on Facebook Twitter!

Be back soon with one item, 10 different ways of styling it!

Above: Lucy Hutchings SS10, Scarves – Athena Procopiou
Below: Dresses by Obakki SS10, Mesh bag by OROTON, Dress by Tina Kalivas

Above & Left: Shoes by Beau Coops
Below: Stolen Girlfriends Club SS10

Menswear by Omar Kashoura

We Are Handsome Swimwear

Hello lovelies! I may have been Missing In Action but I haven’t been Missing In Adventure, I have a lot up my sleeve and some down my throat, latter non-refundable though – can’t beat power digestion… but brace yourselves, there’s lots to come thisaway! My West London era is slowly coming to a close and I’ve been busy looking for twigs and grass for a new nest up in North London, hopefully the likes of Angel or Dalston, we’ll see where the Big Man takes me next.

Always love visiting Robbers and Pfeffmeister (Robinson Pfeffer) – the showroom is newly stocked with droolworthy SS’11 pieces already, but between you and me, I visit to watch Kyle & Andrea and kick eachother’s legs under the table and make your mom jokes over soy milk teas and Minties. They have this massive sense of humour and easygoingness that generates enough energy to power the entire showroom (and Hussein Chalayan’s studio next door), and there’s no question why the company’s a hit amongst London’s hippest. Other than that I’d like to have them as my older brother and sister – not denying of course that I may end up hanging head down from a tree at some point, but the hand-me-down wardrobe will be le schweeet.

Top – Uniqlo, Pants – Zara, Bag – Vintage, Necklace – H&M, Watch – Casio, Bracelet – COS, Shoes – Bought in Tokyo 2008

Leather bag from Old Town market I fell in love with <3

It even surprises me how much I travel with my family. Apparently at my age I should be doing roadtrips with a horde of friends to the soundtrack of I’m not a girl not yet a woman, regularly taking turns to bully the one wearing the bumbag. Instead, I’m riding  into a golfcourse sunset horizon with my mother, father, brother and golfbag – note, that ¾ of the family can not play golf. The car journey is always the same – my brother and myself wedged in each corner of the back seat, with a mid-point fence made from tennis rackets, jolting awake to dramatic truck overtaking. In fact, my father seems to be rather taken from the thrill, we’d sit at the edge of our seats clutching at something solid, pleading for mercy while he takes over every vehicle in sight. Once he’s tired he switches on the 80s’s acoustic ballad hits and we’d roll over and simultaneously let out a moanthe lyrics are so cheesy that with a bag of Nachos we’d be a Taco Bell delivery car.

Well, Vilnius was beautiful, there were evident traces of a once-wealthy Lithuania that used to own half of Central Europe circa 1450’s. Next time I’m running away on a golf cart for a proper tour of the city, I believe finding a hotel 15km from the city was one of my father’s evil masterplan to teach me golf.

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