I've moved on...
...to a different domain. Why, what were you thinking? The truth is, I just woke up one day and decided it's time for a change—a metamorphosis, if you will; or, in layman's terms, if Britney can shave her head, then maybe so can I? Nevertheless, it's been a rather handsome 10 years of talking to you, and thank you for putting up with all my moodswings and terrible dad jokes. Fear not! The hormonal imbalance and jokes are more terrible on CUBICLE, see you there.

Hat – Gmarket, Sweater coat & jeans – Zara, Striped top & bag – Topshop, Grey cardigan – Uniqlo, Boots – Dr Martens | Thanks to Emily for taking shots of me!

Congratulations you made it down all the way here, have a Gatorade for your fingers.

I had a fantastic Saturday with new friends I met through the blog, Jackie and Emily, thanks you guys for coming out on a cold day! We ploughed through the market as a trio of cheapasses, gasping and gurgling at £60 necklaces and poking at £30 porcelain finger dolls, photographing like it pooped currency. This one seller actually muttered stupid photographer behind my back so I whipped around with violence and thanked her for calling me a photographer, PEOPLE THINK I’M A PHOTOGRAPHER woohoo! No, I didn’t thank the rude woman, we moved on to get £0.50 bag of Haribos for lunch.

Next time you’re in Portobello be sure to check out the Burrito stand near Portobello Green, donkey-licious! (burrito…obviously does not contain donkey meat)

Jacket – Gmarket, Scarf – 1m cloth from Cloth House, Pants – H&M, Shoes – ZARA, Top – Christopher Kane for Topshop, Bag – Etsy. Photos by Susan Falkenas.

Somehow I’ve managed to spin back into the damned routine that I remember banishing out of my system at the end of my second year, where work of all sorts mutate into triple-eyed beasts that follow me into my dreams and knock down perfectly fine potted plants from my ledge of sanity. This routine that involves taking in webdesign jobs on top of schoolwork and existing unfinished jobs. I line them up perfectly time-wise which is probably why they tumble like dominos when one goes wrong. So I had a breakdown, I confess, but thankfully snapped out of it seeing that the work wasn’t going to do on its own. And here I am, worried about whether my concept for a school project will tickle the tutor’s fancy, yet there are more and more bodies (and survivors! thank God) being pulled out under rubbles in Haiti. Gotta be ashamed of myself. Thank you God for allowing me have a frickin higher education and a job as a candy bonus, and I’m so sorry.

Leather Jacket – ASOS, Pants – ZARA (Gift from Ellen!), Shoes – Emma Cook for Topshop, Bag – Etsy | Thank you Maciek for taking pictures of me!

So it looks like I need to pin a spare Compact Flash also to my panties (alongside phone and oyster card) for situations like today when I ran around town from morning till evening with a camera that weighs as much as a bag of flour and then find the memory card slot empty. I carry my camera everywhere, this should not happen, it’s like putting on your makeup but not having washed your face, WHAT IS THE POINT.
So I bought myself two single use cameras (2-for-1 deal, schweet) from Boots which reminded me of what taking pictures in 1998 was like: 27 precious frames of irreversible light engravements (sometimes 36!), the persistent baffle whether this light setting needs the flash or not…* I do love film photography, but single-use cameras are a whole other species that are like cockroaches that will never go extinct, they’re always there somewhere, lurking with confusing viewfinders and mediocre flash.

*answer: always needs flash unless you’re on the sun, cheap ISO 400 film is an obese fail

Mr. Lamp indeed banished to stairs after unforgivable crime of being too obnoxiously big for my tiny studio flat. Sorry, had to choose between you or stack of shoe boxes. Boxes illuminate too…

You’ll need:
Coloured tights, an array of pearlesque beads in different sizes, Cream/white coloured string, Thin needle (must be able to go through a bead), Household bleach, Sponge, Unused Toothbrush, Rubber gloves, Bathtub or sink, an open window!

Lay flat in tub, wet the tights and then wring out the water. Using rubber gloves, sponge, or toothbrush start sprinkling bleach onto the tights, being careful you don’t sprinkle on your own clothes or body!

Use the toothbrush to make smaller spray dots

Leave the tights for approx. 2hours, checking frequently to check up on progress.

Once successfully bleached to a level you’re satisfied with, throw into washing machine (with other laundry while you’re at it!) and give it a quick spin + tumble.

When dry, put the tights on (I’d suggest wearing another paif of socks under and over the tights to prevent it from getting dirty. Using needle and thread, sew into tights, pull out a length necessary for that section and do a double knot.

Start threading in beads of different sizes, alternating directions while sewing them in. Tip: try not to thread too many beads at one go, they may get quite heavy and snap off.

Start threading in beads of different sizes, alternating directions while sewing them in.

Tip: try not to thread too many beads at one go, they may get quite heavy and snap off. Be creative about the beads, add a bit of coloured beads here and there if you wish, and try organic shapes or even geometric… Repeat for other leg. (Or don’t – I didn’t.) Personally I ended up loving the dyed tights effect so I’m planning a similar fate to all my other coloured opaque tights, they shall suffer an acid shower and reincarnate as a superior sartorial species.

Sweater – H&M, Pants – Zara, Boots – Venezia PL, Scarf – Gmarket, Coat – Black Luna Vintage | Thank you daddy for photos!

I do apologize that over the past few weeks posting has been incredibly sparse and a little forced at times, home is strictly hibernation grounds so to get dressed and arouse a fellow hibernator, which really is just anyone with a finger for the shutter, two legs to stand and a relatively good mood – no photography experience required (just anyone, I beg you, please) – is quite the carb-eater and considered a winter-sport. Do you ski? I don’t, I FashBLOG. Flying back usually does the trick of jolting me awake from hibernation, either the turbulence over the North Sea or a devil baby 3 rows down of some sort, by the time I’m back at my London flat I already have something to share with you all. Well well, happy start to another term.

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